
Friday, May 31, 2019

The Character of Pop Bottle Pete in The River Warren :: River Warren Essays

The Character of Pop Bottle Pete in The River Warren In the novel, The River Warren, Pop Bottle Pete is a character whom not all readers crap an easy time understanding or relating to. The most obvious reason for this is that he is a grown creation with a mental disability. The reader understands this through the words that he uses, the way he uses them, and also through his relationships, which are affected by his disability. Having a clearer experience of this disability, by looking at his language and social skills, the reader will gain a better understanding of these relationships. Out of respect for the character I will refer to him as Peter. To get a general range of Peters skills, the Battelle Developmental Inventory will be used as a resource. The Battelle is an appraisal used for children birth to six years of age but can be used on an older person who is functioning more or less this level. condition Peters description of himself, his activities, and his f eelings we can estimate a general developmental level (it is not possible to obtain a standardized score or an authentic age level of development). According to the Battelle, Peters skills appear to range about the five to six year age level in the areas of Adult Interaction, Expression of Feelings/Affect, Self-Concept and tender Role. Some of the items that we can look at in the Adult Interaction are tasks such as separating easily from the parent, a skill that is positive around 36-47 months. Peter seems to show no difficulty leaving his mothers presence and showing some independence. He seems very comfortable going out, away from his mother, to collect bottles and cans. Also, he did not show any difficulty when he was a Dr. Piersolls office and his mother had to leave the room. If anything his mother seemed more disturbed than Peter. But he did have a task in the area of Adult Interaction that he would not have passed and that is asking for adult help when neede d, a skill that is developed around 72-83 months. If he had had this skill, he would have gone to his mother when he contracted frostbite on several of his toes and his penis, and he would have had her help him in the most appropriate way.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hucks Conflicted Character in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleber

hucks Conflicted Character in Twains Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn The first football team chapters of Adventures establish Hucks character prior to his journey on the river with Jim. Dealing with external difficulty is easy for Huck, as he consistently adapts to his environments however, his actions contradict his desires, revealing that Huck is conflicted. Initially, religion is appealing to Huck when the Widow Douglas tries teaching him After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers and I was in a sweat to contract out all about him (220). Salvation seems possible to Huck, save he prefers to go to the bad place instead of spending eternity with Miss Watson (221) also, he abandons the concept of morality as a result of Miss Watson imposing it upon him. I couldnt see no advantage about helping others...so at last I reckoned I wouldnt worry about it anymore, but just let it go (226). Huck does not realize that he is not a selfish person, but resolv es to sacrifice salvation instead of living selflessly simply because of the source and c...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald :: essays research papers

F. Scott Fitzgerald     Welcome to the roaring 1920s The Jazz Age. A period deep down snip whichthe passive behaviors, beliefs, and purity of the past generations, were tossedaside to create room for the changes America was about to experience The birthof independent voting rights for women, lavishing parties, and where excitementwas to be found in every corner. This was the era in which the people wereconsidered the "Lost Generation," and from this environment emerged a eminentwriter of those times. Francis Scott Fitzgerald.     Born to the calm and submissive aviation of St. Paul Minnesota, hecame from a line of highly regarded men and women from his familys past. Hismost famous relative by far was Francis Scott Key. The writer of our nationalanthem. Though he was certainly the most famous Fitzgerald, his mother was themost eccentric. Often dressed in miss-matched shoes and had a peculiar behavior,she at oneness time stared at a woman whose husband was dying and said "Im tryingto decide how youll look in the mourning."     "I helped him by encouraging his urge to write adventures. It was in like mannerhis best work. He did not shine in his other subjects. It was the pride in hisliterary work that put him in his real bent." Recalls his St. Paul honorary societyteacher. From that prestigious school he then traveled and began attendance inPrinceton University. Not a promising student he was often late to his classes.His forgive was once "Sir-its absurd to expect me to be on time. Im agenius" Though the "Princeton years" we not his most memorable, it providedan outlet for his writing, and talent.     During his junior year he left Princeton and entered the army in 1917.Though he was never sent to battle for his country, there he began work on theshort story, The Romantic Egoist, which was publish as This Side of Paradise.Though rejected it later returns as a imitated nationwide sensation. When timeand America began evolving, then was his work beginning to receive its timeawaited praise. The Jazz Age had arrived By this period Fitzgerald had alreadyfound his love and married the enchanting Zelda Syre. She was an accomplishedwriter, ballet dancer, and painter. Though every one of these qualities werecontributions to her vivid personality, her flaws were seen by many "Herrudeness, selfishness and lack of self restraint She abuses men terribly thencuts and breaks dates with them, yawns in their faces, and they come back formore" recalls Fitzgerald. As the jaded, intractable "flaming youth" of the new

The Witch Trials of 1692 :: American America History

The Witch Trials of 1692During the winter of 1692, in the sm wholly village of Salem, Massachusetts, something terrible happened. Salem Massachusetts became the center of a horrible tragedy, which changed the life of galore(postnominal) people. It was a time of fear, because of bad crops, Indian raids, and diseases. The people of Salem Village had to blame something, or someone. The people of Salem Village accused people, and called them witches. They were accused of all those terrible things and more. Salem Village was a small, farming community with a population of 550. It was smaller than Salem Town, and about eight miles away. Salem Town was a large port, and was a prosperous fishing community The two towns had the same minister, and used the same church as the people in Salem Village. At that time there was two groups in the village. Those who wanted to be separate from Salem Town, and those who did not. Samuel Parris was the minister of the group that did want to be separate. He helped divide the groups rase more by his sermons. He called the group that did not want to separate, evil and bad, and the group that did, good and righteous.The Reverend Parris and his wife had two children living with them. They were Betty, their daughter, and Abigail, their niece. Abigail and Betty were the reason that the trials started. earlier becoming a minister, Samuel Parris had failed at being a merchant. All he had to show for all the long hard years of being a merchant, were the family slaves, Tituba, and her husband, derriere Indian. Abigail and Betty Parris were having their fortunes told by Tituba, behind their parents backs. Betty started having fits, possibly because she could not bear to keep secrets from her parents. Abigail also started having fits, and instead of getting into trouble, they became popular and respected. Soon, other girls joined in. Most of the impaired girls lived in the houses of the Parriss and the Putnams, which were the Reverends fami ly and friends. During the fits, the girls screamed, rolled their eyes back into their heads, shook, and twisted their bodies into impossible positions, and accused people of biting and pinching them. They accused people that were against Samuel Parris, or had an argument with the Parriss, or the families of the other afflicted girls. By the end, they had accused most of the people that were in conflict with the new church, or their families.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How Guns Work :: essays research papers

How Guns WorkA gun is a weapon that uses the force of an explosive propellant to project amissile.Guns or firearms argon classified by the diameter of the barrel opening. This isknown as the calibre of the gun. Anything with a calibre up to and including .60 calibre(0.6 inches) is known as a firearm.The critical origin of the gun is unknown, although they were in use by the early14th century and were common place in Europe by mid-century. These early gunswere nonentity more than large calibre cylinders of wrought iron or cast bronze,closed at one end and loaded by placing gunpowder and missile in the muzzle,or open end.Nowadays firearms are a little more sophisticated.However, the physics behind all guns remain the same. Weapons such as cannons,shotguns and rifles, piece of work on the basic idea of conservation of momentum and thechange in energy from potential to kinetic.When the trigger is pulled the hammer hits the firing pin. The firing pin accordinglyhits the primer which causes the powder to burn hence producing lots of gases.This causes the volume behind the bullet to fill with extremely high pressuregas. The gas pushes on all(prenominal) surface it encounters, including the bullet infront of it and the base of the gun barrel behind it. The increase in pressurecaused by the gases causes the bullet to be forced into the barrel hence causingthe bullet to come out the muzzle at very high speeds. Once the bullet is fired,it remains in proceeding from its momentum. The momentum will carry the bulletuntil it strikes an object or gravity pulls the bullet towards the earth.Firearms change potential chemical energy into kinetic energy in the actualfiring of the gun. Many people do not realise that the force imparted byaccelerating the bullet is not the only force acting on the gun, or the shooter.Grains of burned gun powder are sent out the muzzle at high velocity. When thetrigger is pulled, the hammer strikes a small register at the end of the shell,th e ammunition. This charge ignites black gun powder packed behind the leadball bearings. When the black gun powder burns, it produces gas that chop-chopexpands with the burning of more black gun powder. High pressure gases exertforces on the back of the bullet and on the gun. The only way for the gas to prevail is to push the bullet out of its way through the end of the barrel. Thisis how a bullet is fired from a gun.

How Guns Work :: essays research papers

How Guns WorkA gun is a weapon that uses the force of an explosive propellent to project amissile.Guns or firearms are classified by the diameter of the barrel opening. This isknown as the calibre of the gun. Anything with a calibre up to and including .60 calibre(0.6 inches) is known as a firearm.The precise origin of the gun is unknown, although they were in use by the early14th century and were common place in Europe by mid-century. These early gunswere nothing more than large calibre cylinders of wrought iron or cast bronze,closed at one oddment and loaded by placing gunpowder and projectile in the muzzle,or open end.Nowadays firearms are a little more sophisticated.However, the physics behind whole guns remain the same. Weapons such as cannons,shotguns and rifles, work on the basic idea of conservation of momentum and thechange in energy from potential to kinetic.When the offset is pulled the power hammer hits the firing pin. The firing pin thenhits the primer which causes the powder to burn hence producing lots of gases.This causes the volume behind the bullet to fill with extremely blue extortgas. The gas pushes on every surface it encounters, including the bullet infront of it and the base of the gun barrel behind it. The increase in pressurecaused by the gases causes the bullet to be forced into the barrel hence causingthe bullet to come out the muzzle at very high speeds. in one case the bullet is fired,it remains in motion from its momentum. The momentum will carry the bulletuntil it strikes an object or gravity pulls the bullet towards the earth.Firearms change potential chemical substance energy into kinetic energy in the actualfiring of the gun. Many people do not realise that the force imparted byaccelerating the bullet is not the only force acting on the gun, or the shooter.Grains of burned gun powder are sent out the muzzle at high velocity. When thetrigger is pulled, the hammer strikes a small charge at the end of the shell,the ammunit ion. This charge ignites vitriolic gun powder packed behind the leadball bearings. When the black gun powder burns, it produces gas that rapidlyexpands with the burning of more black gun powder. High pressure gases exertforces on the back of the bullet and on the gun. The only way for the gas toescape is to push the bullet out of its way through the end of the barrel. Thisis how a bullet is fired from a gun.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ending School Shootings

Justin Bizarro Mrs. Nye incline 1301 14 November 2012 Stopping the Tragedy of coach Shootings E truly wizard day, millions of kids across the uncouth wake up, catch ready for the day, and head to check. The parents of these children trust the school with many a(prenominal) things a safe bus ride, a productive environment, and close importantly, keeping their kids safe throughout the day. School districts take pride in this, and on a normal bottom, things all(a)ow go smoothly. Despite all of their efforts, though, genius of the nigh serious and saddening riddles that affects schools today is the occurrence of school shootings.Since 1980, there prevail been over 50 deadly shootings in the United States that occurred on school campuses. at that place have been many actions taken to prevent these terrible acts, but because they are so unpredictable, shootings fluent occur. thither are many more things we crumb do to prevent school shootings, horrible events that do no t motivating to occur, and to help those who suffer from thoughts of violence. Shootings have been a problem for hundreds of years. Beginning in 1927, individuals have been compulsive to intense measures and have taken it out on classmates, teachers, or even random victims.Unfortunately, just about every single incident involving school shootings could have been avoided if tidy sum would have taken precautions and said more or lessthing. Dr. Fred Bemak, a professor at George Mason University, feels that shoess can be dodged if we safe talk to one another. This is a very single society, and we need to work more toward becoming a collective one. We need to work in groups to help foster tolerance and acceptance for others (Orr 92). One of the most saddening things is the fact that often times, the attacker is a victim goaded to these extremes.There are many antithetic things that can be pointed to as the cause of school shootings, including kind disorders and family trouble, but perhaps the largest contributor is bully. One-third of U. S. students have experienced deterrence, either as a target or the perpetrator, and 8 percent of those reported bullying or world bullied at least once a week (Orr 25). We constantly call for the media telling us about how serious of a problem bullying in schools is, but even the news underestimates how bad it is.According to a study produced by Secret Service after the Columbine shooting, one of the most famous deadly school shootings ever, bullying is a leading cause in unprompted roundone to a breaking point. Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured by others prior to the attack (Threat Assessment). Bullying is something that will never entirely go away, but there is not nearly enough being done to put an end to it. If this problem were taken out of the equation, hundreds of lives could have been saved.More programs need to be put into place that make flock aware of this impend problem, and schools ne ed to be more firm about putting their foot down against bullying when it occurs. In bring out, the chances of a victim lashing out will be hugely diminished. In this day and age, firearms are much too easy to acquire. There are laws that say you must be a sealed age to purchase a shoot, and laws that make the punishments clear for supplyinging a minor with a weapon, but kids across the country find ways to get them illegally with ease. In the eyes of gun-control advocates, the correlation between violence and a growing supply of guns is clear the greater availability of guns leads to more gun-related deaths (Gun Control). Guns are a great thing for many reasons, and in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, every American has the right to have a gun, but in the wrong hands they can have deadly consequences. They also become all the more dangerous when someone driven to the breaking point owns one, and lashes out. Shootings can be entirely intuitive and throwing a deadly weapo n into the picture makes them all the scarier. Gun-control advocates add that the mere existence of a gun in a sept raises a familys encounter of harm significantly. A 1993 study by criminologist Arthur Kellerman, for example, concluded that the presence of a gun in the home actually triples the risk that someone in the home will be killed (Gun Control). By reducing the memory access to firearms, the school shootings will be without delay effected in a positive way. Students arent the simply people who start school shootings. There are countless stories of former students and adults coming onto school campuses and shooting them up.One of the leading questions is how did they get on to the campuses so tardily? Backers stress that the chief reason for imposing mandatory-ID policies is to improve the safety of students in school buildings and around campus. By requiring students to carry IDs, trespassers can be detected more easily, they say (Student ID Cards). Generally, when so meone wants to enter a school campus during the school day, they have a item purpose for passing there. Assuming someone wanting to access a school is up to no good would be wrong, but it goes back to the sure-enough(a) saying, better safe than sorry.IDing people coming and going from schools would definitely not be a hindrance to anyone, and if it could prevent deadly attacks from happening, what would the harm be? More than three-quarters of school shooters had a history of suicidal thoughts, threats, gestures, or attempts. Most of these students were known to have been severely depressed or desperate at some point before their attacks (Threat Assessment). Approximately 1 in 4 people in the United States suffer or have suffered from depression at some point in their lives. To really comprehend this, an understanding of the meat depression is crucial.Dictionary. com defines depression as a mental disorder characterized by extreme gloom, ghosts of inadequacy, and unfitness to c oncentrate. Depression is a serious mental-health issue, and it takes a infrangible toll on its victims. Thankfully, modern medicine is advanced enough that we can now get by people with this truly awful condition, helping their personal lives along with preventing possible dangerous situations stemming from this disorder. By beginning to identify these individuals, we can help them by acquire them medical attention and counseling to assist them in their troubles.Many victims envisage that there is no hope for them, or anyone else they know, so they take drastic measures. No situation needs to ever be escalated to the point of violence, and if these victims can be helped soon enough, we could prevent shootings everywhere. After a school shooting occurs, there is often a common feeling of sorrow, a tense atmosphere, and a sense experience of confusion, and rightfully so, considering that people have been injury or killed. The way that the school and teachers cope with the effe ct is a crucial step in healing. Beyond right dealing with the physical injuries and/or deaths, there will be students who are emotionally or mentally traumatized by the entire incident (Orr 150). These students have just seen things that no one should ever have see, and people that they knew on a daily basis were either involved or affected. At this stage, teachers have a right to take action, and there is more that can be done. Counseling is a very good solution for these students. Talking about how they are feeling is proven to help the healing process, and it can help spot students who may be having the said(prenominal) thoughts as the shooter, but have hidden them. Schools may finalize to have prepared crisis teams on hand to help students with their various reactions, which may include anything from self-annihilation to paralyzing grief to insomnia to paranoia (Orr 150). This is just another way that future tough events can be prevented, and a difference can be made in sc hools across America. School shootings have been a problem in our country for too long. As we continue to grow as a nation, we must remember all of those victims of shootings- not just those people who have passed away, but the families of those people as well.The easy thing to do is to condescendingly look at all of the hurt and pain, destruction and havoc caused by school shootings, but kind of of turning into pessimists. We should be optimistic about the good things going on to defend against these attacks. A wise man once pointed out, Rome wasnt construct in a day. While we learn in our knowledge of techniques for ending this problem, we need to be patient and realize that when tragedies do occur, we can turn them into valuable learning experiences.By putting a stop to bullying, being more careful with gun laws, and helping those who suffer from depression, we can prevent school shootings. lets band together, take a stand, and act to save lives across the country. Works Cited constitute Findings from the Threat Assessment Guide for Schools. Issues Controversies On deposit Issues Controversies. Facts On level intelligence information Services, 11 May 2007. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. Orr, Tamra. Violence In Our Schools Halls of Hope, Halls of Fear. Danbury Scholastic, 2003. Print. School Safety. Issues & Controversies On File Issues & Controversies. Facts On File news Services, 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. School Safety Statistical Update. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 2 Nov. 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. Student ID Cards. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 17 Dec. 2004. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. Update Gun Control. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 29 May 1998. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.Ending School ShootingsJustin Bizarro Mrs. Nye English 1301 14 November 2012 Stopping the Tragedy of School Shootings Every single day, mill ions of kids across the country wake up, get ready for the day, and head to school. The parents of these children trust the school with many things a safe bus ride, a productive environment, and most importantly, keeping their kids safe throughout the day. School districts take pride in this, and on a normal basis, things will go smoothly. Despite all of their efforts, though, one of the most serious and saddening problems that affects schools today is the occurrence of school shootings.Since 1980, there have been over 50 deadly shootings in the United States that occurred on school campuses. There have been many actions taken to prevent these terrible acts, but because they are so unpredictable, shootings still occur. There are many more things we can do to prevent school shootings, horrible events that do not need to occur, and to help those who suffer from thoughts of violence. Shootings have been a problem for hundreds of years. Beginning in 1927, individuals have been driven to intense measures and have taken it out on classmates, teachers, or even random victims.Unfortunately, almost every single incident involving school shootings could have been avoided if people would have taken precautions and said something. Dr. Fred Bemak, a professor at George Mason University, feels that situations can be dodged if we just talk to one another. This is a very individualistic society, and we need to work more toward becoming a collective one. We need to work in groups to help foster tolerance and acceptance for others (Orr 92). One of the most saddening things is the fact that often times, the attacker is a victim driven to these extremes.There are many different things that can be pointed to as the cause of school shootings, including mental disorders and family trouble, but perhaps the largest contributor is bullying. One-third of U. S. students have experienced bullying, either as a target or the perpetrator, and 8 percent of those reported bullying or being bul lied at least once a week (Orr 25). We constantly hear the media telling us about how serious of a problem bullying in schools is, but even the news underestimates how bad it is.According to a study produced by Secret Service after the Columbine shooting, one of the most famous deadly school shootings ever, bullying is a leading cause in driving someone to a breaking point. Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured by others prior to the attack (Threat Assessment). Bullying is something that will never entirely go away, but there is not nearly enough being done to put an end to it. If this problem were taken out of the equation, hundreds of lives could have been saved.More programs need to be put into place that make people aware of this impending problem, and schools need to be more firm about putting their foot down against bullying when it occurs. In turn, the chances of a victim lashing out will be hugely diminished. In this day and age, firearms are much too easy to a cquire. There are laws that say you must be a certain age to purchase a gun, and laws that make the punishments clear for supplying a minor with a weapon, but kids across the country find ways to get them illegally with ease. In the eyes of gun-control advocates, the correlation between violence and a growing supply of guns is clear the greater availability of guns leads to more gun-related deaths (Gun Control). Guns are a great thing for many reasons, and in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, every American has the right to possess a gun, but in the wrong hands they can have deadly consequences. They also become all the more dangerous when someone driven to the breaking point owns one, and lashes out. Shootings can be entirely spontaneous and throwing a deadly weapon into the picture makes them all the scarier. Gun-control advocates add that the mere existence of a gun in a home raises a familys risk of harm significantly. A 1993 study by criminologist Arthur Kellerman, for exa mple, concluded that the presence of a gun in the home actually triples the risk that someone in the home will be killed (Gun Control). By reducing the access to firearms, the school shootings will be directly effected in a positive way. Students arent the only people who start school shootings. There are countless stories of former students and adults coming onto school campuses and shooting them up.One of the leading questions is how did they get on to the campuses so easily? Backers stress that the chief reason for imposing mandatory-ID policies is to improve the safety of students in school buildings and around campus. By requiring students to carry IDs, trespassers can be detected more easily, they say (Student ID Cards). Generally, when someone wants to enter a school campus during the school day, they have a specific purpose for going there. Assuming someone wanting to access a school is up to no good would be wrong, but it goes back to the old saying, better safe than sorry. IDing people coming and going from schools would definitely not be a hindrance to anyone, and if it could prevent deadly attacks from happening, what would the harm be? More than three-quarters of school shooters had a history of suicidal thoughts, threats, gestures, or attempts. Most of these students were known to have been severely depressed or desperate at some point before their attacks (Threat Assessment). Approximately 1 in 4 people in the United States suffer or have suffered from depression at some point in their lives. To really comprehend this, an understanding of the meaning depression is crucial.Dictionary. com defines depression as a mental disorder characterized by extreme gloom, feelings of inadequacy, and inability to concentrate. Depression is a serious mental-health issue, and it takes a strong toll on its victims. Thankfully, modern medicine is advanced enough that we can now treat people with this truly awful condition, helping their personal lives along with pr eventing possible dangerous situations stemming from this disorder. By beginning to identify these individuals, we can help them by getting them medical attention and counseling to assist them in their troubles.Many victims think that there is no hope for them, or anyone else they know, so they take drastic measures. No situation needs to ever be escalated to the point of violence, and if these victims can be helped soon enough, we could prevent shootings everywhere. After a school shooting occurs, there is often a common feeling of sorrow, a tense atmosphere, and a sense of confusion, and rightfully so, considering that people have been hurt or killed. The way that the school and teachers cope with the aftermath is a crucial step in healing. Beyond just dealing with the physical injuries and/or deaths, there will be students who are emotionally or mentally traumatized by the entire incident (Orr 150). These students have just seen things that no one should ever have see, and people that they knew on a daily basis were either involved or affected. At this stage, teachers have a right to take action, and there is more that can be done. Counseling is a very good solution for these students. Talking about how they are feeling is proven to help the healing process, and it can help spot students who may be having the same thoughts as the shooter, but have hidden them. Schools may decide to have prepared crisis teams on hand to help students with their various reactions, which may include anything from suicide to paralyzing grief to insomnia to paranoia (Orr 150). This is just another way that future violent events can be prevented, and a difference can be made in schools across America. School shootings have been a problem in our country for too long. As we continue to grow as a nation, we must remember all of those victims of shootings- not just those people who have passed away, but the families of those people as well.The easy thing to do is to condescendingly l ook at all of the hurt and pain, destruction and havoc caused by school shootings, but instead of turning into pessimists. We should be optimistic about the good things going on to defend against these attacks. A wise man once pointed out, Rome wasnt built in a day. While we learn in our knowledge of techniques for ending this problem, we need to be patient and realize that when tragedies do occur, we can turn them into valuable learning experiences.By putting a stop to bullying, being more careful with gun laws, and helping those who suffer from depression, we can prevent school shootings. Lets band together, take a stand, and act to save lives across the country. Works Cited Key Findings from the Threat Assessment Guide for Schools. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 May 2007. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. Orr, Tamra. Violence In Our Schools Halls of Hope, Halls of Fear. Danbury Scholastic, 2003. Print. School Safety. Issues & Controversies On File Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. School Safety Statistical Update. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 2 Nov. 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. Student ID Cards. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 17 Dec. 2004. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. Update Gun Control. Issues Controversies On File Issues Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 29 May 1998. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Health and Social Unit Essay

The life expectancy throughout England is 78. 6 years for men and 82. 6 years for women, In Sunderland the life expectancy is lower, the male honest life expectancy is 76. 3 years while the females is 80. 6. There are many an(prenominal) things that can ca recitation this. In Sunderland there are many divergent industrial jobs, These jobs can cause many different illnesses that can neuter peoples lives e. g. respiratory illnesses. The factories can cause pollution which can alike cause many illnesses. Many of the older generation have worked in the mines and on the ship yards which again can cause various illnesses which can shorten lives.Sunbeds are a big problem, they can cause skin cancers and disorders which can affect the average length of someones life. Many girls between the ages of 16-40 use sunbeds on a weekly basis. Which will create more of a chance of cancers and skin disorders. Sunderland is a misfortunateer part of the country, Which means that the majority of the houses tend to be old and outdated. Many houses in the poorer areas of Sunderland will be damp, which is bad for your chest. Other problems within Sunderland which can lower life expectancy, Such as wellnessy eating.Sunderland has real low rates for healthy eating, which means that many people with be obese, this will cause heart failure. Many people associate poor health with social class, Sunderland is a working class city which means Sunderland will have poorer health because of this, There will be less(prenominal) money for health care which means that many people will have to wait for the medical help they requirement. There will be poorer health care and less specialist within Sunderland because it is a poorer city, the lack of funds will mean that less people will be able to get the care they need which will result if poor health.The main reason Sunderland has poor health rates is because of the binge drinking and smoking. In Sunderland there is high rate for modest drin king and smoking, this will lower the average life expectancy within Sunderland. People of all ages binge drink within Sunderland, there are many alcohol related death within Sunderland, Whether it is because of organ failures or drunk driving. In conclusion I believe that the main reason for Sunderland having a poor life expectancy is because of the lack of money. If there was more money within Sunderland, they maybe able to fix the houses.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Ohm’s Law Series-Parallel Circuits Calculation Essay

To demise up the discussion of Series-Parallel Circuits, I would like to post this last one remaining topic which is close to Ohms fairness of Series-Parallel Circuits for currents and voltages. I did not even mentioned in my previous topics on how to deal with its currents and voltages regarding this type of circuit connection.Ohms Law in Series-Parallel CircuitsOhms Law in Series-Parallel Circuits streamThe total current of the series-parallel circuits depends on the total resistance offered by the circuit when connected crosswise the voltage source. The current flow in the entire circuit and it will divide to flow through parallel weapon systemes. In case of parallel branch, the current is inversely proportional to the resistance of the branch that is the greater current flows through the least resistance and vice-versa. Then, the current will then sum up again after flowing in various circuit branch which is the same as the current source or total current.The total circuit current is the same at apiece end of a series-parallel circuit, and is equal to the current flow through the voltage source.Ohms Law in Series-Parallel Circuits VoltageThe voltage drop across a series-parallel circuits in addition occur the same way as in series and parallel circuits. In series parts of the circuit, the voltage drop depends on the individual value of the resistors. In parallel parts of the circuit, the voltage across each branch are the same and carries a current depends on the individual values of the resistors.If in case of circuit below, the voltage of the series resistance forming a branch of the parallel circuit will divide the voltage across the parallel circuit. If in case of the single resistance in a parallel branch, the voltage across is the same as the sum of the voltages of the seriesresistances.The sum of the voltage across R3 and R4 is the same as the voltage across R2.Finally, the sum of the voltage drop across each paths between the two terminal of the series-parallel circuit is the same as the total voltage applied to the circuit.Lets have a very simple example of this calculation for this topic. Considering the circuit below with its given values, lets lead the total current, current and voltage drop across each resistances.What is the total current, current and voltage across each resistancesHere is the simple calculation of the circuit preceding(prenominal)a. presage first the total resistance of the circuitThe equivalent resistance for R2 and R3 isR2-3 = 25X50/ 25+50 = 16.67 ohmsR total = 30 ohms + 16.67 ohms = 46.67 ohmsb. Calculate the Total Current using Ohms LawI1 = 120V / 46.67 Ohms = 2.57 antiophthalmic factor. Since R1 is in series connection, the total current is the same for that path.c. Calculating the voltage drop for R1VR1 = 2.57 Amp x 30 ohms = 77.1 voltsd. Calculate the voltage drop across R2 and R3.Since the equivalent resistance for R2 and R3 as calculated above is 16.67 ohms, we can now calculate t he voltage across each branch.VR2 = VR3 = 2.57 Amp x 16.67 ohms = 42. 84 voltse. Finally, we can now calculate the individual current for R2 and R3I2 = VR2 / R2 = 42.84 volts / 25 ohms = 1.71 Amp.I3 = VR3 / R3 = 42.84 volts / 50 ohms = 0.86 Amp.You may also check if the current in each path of the parallel branch are correct by adding its currentsI1 = I2 + I3 = 1.71 Amp + 0.86 Amp = 2.57 Amp. which is the same as calculated above. Therefore, we can say that our answer is correct.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 39

We won the battle, exclusively not the war, Elena said sadly. She thought it was the day after their fight with the kitsune twins. She couldnt be received of everything except that she was alive, that Stefan was g wizard, and that Damon was back to his old self again.Maybe because we didnt have my precious brother, he said, as if to prove it. They were driving in the Ferrari, trying to find Elenas jaguar in the real world.Elena ignored him. She also ignored the soft but vaguely annoying hiss that came from some device hed inst exclusivelyed that was not a radio, that average seemed to play voices and static.A new kind of Ouija board? Audio instead of all that tedious spelling?Elena felt herself shiver inside.You did give your word to go with me and find him. I swear it by by the Other World.You discriminate me that I did, and youre not a liar no, not to me. I send packing enter your facial expressions now that youre a human. If I gave my word, I gave my word.Human? Elena th ought. Am I?What am I? with the kind of Powers I have? Even Damon can see that the Old Wood has changed in the real world. Its not an ancient, half-dead forest anymore. Thither are spring flowers in midsummer. Theres life everywhere.And in any case, it protrude out give me plenty of time to be alone with you my princess of darkness.And were back to that again, Elena thought wearily. But hed leave me here stranded if I once suggested that we had laughed and walked in a clearing together with him on his knees to adjust my footstool. Even Im beginning to wonder if it was real.There was a slight bump as nearly as one could tell from Damons style of driving.Got it he cheered himself and thus, when Elena turned, ready to wrench the wheel to make him stop he added coolly, It was a piece oftire , for your information. Not many animals are black, arched, and a few tenths of an inch thick.Elena said nothing. What was there to understand to Damons quips? But deep d avow she felt reli eved that Damon wasnt given to running over furry short animals as an amusement.Were going to be alone together for quite some time, she thought and then realized that there was another reason she couldnt just tell Damon to dry up and die. Shinichi had put the location of Stefans cell into Damons mind, not hers. She needed him desperately, to take her to the location, and to fight whoever was keeping Stefan captive.But it was fine if he had forgotten that she had any Powers. Something to save for a rainy day.At just that moment, Damon exclaimed What the and leaned forward to adjust dials on the not-radio. peating all units be on the lookout for one vapidhew Honeycutt, male Caucasian, tail fin foot eleven inches, blond hair, blue eyes What is that?Elena demanded.A police scanner. If you want to be able to real live in this great record of freedom, its best to know when to run Damon, dont get me started on your lifestyle. I meant what was that somewhat Matt?It looks as if th eyve decided to bring him in at last. Caroline didnt get much revenge yesterday night. I guess shes taking a shot at it now.Then weve got to get to him first anythingcould happen if he girdle in Fells church. But he cant take his car, and he wont fit in this one. What are we going to do?Leave him to the police?Dont, please. We have to Elena was beginning, when in a clearing to the left, like some vision sent to approve her scheme, the Jaguar appeared.Thatsthe car were taking, she told Damon flatly. At least its roomy. If you want your police scanner doo-hickey in it, then youd better start uninstalling it from this one.But Ill go get Matt. Im the only one hell listen to. Then well leave the Ferrari in the Wood or dump it in the creek if you want.Oh, the creek, byall means.Actually, we may not have time for that. Well just leave it in the Wood.Matt stared at Elena. No. I wont run.Elena turned the full meretriciousness of her blue eyes on him. Matt, get in the car.Now . You ha ve to. Carolines dad is related to the judge who signed the order to get you. Its a lynching, Meredith says. Even Meredith is utter you to run. No, you dont need clothes well get clothes.But but its not true Theyll make it true. Caroline will weep and sob. I never thought a girl would do this to get revenge, but Caroline is in a class of her own. Shes gone nuts.But I said, get inTheyll be here any minute. Theyve already been to your house and Merediths house. What are you doing at Bonnies, anyway?Bonnie and Matt glanced at each other. Uh, just having a look at Bonnies moms car, Matt said. Its on the fritz again, and Never mind Come with me Bonnie, what are you doing? Calling Meredith back? Bonnie jumped slightly. Yes.Tell her good-bye and we love her and good-bye. Take care of the town well be in touch As the red Jaguar pulled away, Bonnie said into the phone, You were right. Shes pulling a Straight A away. I dont know whether Damons going he wasnt in the car.She listened f or a moment and then said, Okay, I will. Ill see you.She hung up and got into runion.Dear Diary,Today I ran away from kinsfolk.I guess you cant really name it running away when youre almost 18 and you take your own car and when nobody knew you were home in the first place. So Ill just say, tonight Im on the run.The other slightly shocking thing is that I ran away with two different guys. And neither of them ismy guy.I say that, butI cant help retention things. The look in Matts eyes in the clearing I honestly think he was prepared to die to protect me. I cant help but think about what we once were to each other. Those blue eyesoh, I dont know whats wrong with meAnd Damon. I know now that theres living flesh infra the layers and layers of stone hes wrapped around his soul. Its deeply hidden, but its there. If Im being honest with myself, I have to admit that he touches something deep inside me that makes me shiver a part of myself even I dont understand.Oh, Elena Stop right n ow You cant go near that dark part of yourself, especially now that you have Power. You dont dare go near it. Everything is different now. You have to be more responsible (something youre not at all good at).And Meredith wont be here to help me be responsible, either. How is this ever going to work out? Damon and Matt in the same car? On a road trip together? Can you suppose? Tonight, it was so late and Matt was so stunned by the situation that he couldnt really take anything in. And Damon only smirked. But hell be in hellish form tomorrow, I know he will.I still think it was a great pity that Shinichi had to takeWings of Redemption from Damon along with his memories. But I intemperately believe that, deep down, theres a tiny part of Damon that remembers how he was when we were together. And now he has to be worse than ever to prove that what he remembers was all a lie.So while youre reading this,Damon I know youll get hold of it somehow and snoop let me tell you that you were nice for a while, actuallyNICE,and it was fun. We talked together. We even laughed at the same jokes. And youyou were gentle.And now youre going, Nah, its just another Elena-plot to get me to think I can turn around butI know where Im going, and I dont care. Does that ring a bell, Damon? wipe out yousaid those linguistic communication to someone recently? And if not, how do I know them? Could it be that for once Im telling the truth?Now Im going to forget that youre totally besmirching your award by reading secret things that dont belong to you.What else?First I miss Stefan.Second I didnt really pack for this. Matt and I swung by the boardinghouse, and he grabbed the money Stefan left for me while I grabbed an armful of clothes out of the closet heaven knows what Ive got Bonnies tops and Merediths pants, and not a decent nightgown to my name.But at least I also got you, precious friend, a present Stefan was saving for me. I never really liked typing in a send marked Diary any way. Blank books like you are my style.Third I miss Stefan. I miss him so badly that Im crying while Im report about clothes. It looks as if thats what Im crying about, which makes me seem insanely shallow. Oh, sometimes I just want to scream.Fourth I want to screamnow.It was only when we got back to Fells Church that we found what horrors the malach had left for us. There is a fourth little girl I think may be possessed like Tami, Kristin, and Ava I couldnt really tell, so I couldnt do anything. I have the feeling that we definitely havent heard the last of this possession thing.Fifth But worst is what happened in the Saitou house. Isobel is in the hospital with raging infections in all her piercings. Obaasan, as everyone calls Isobels grandmother, was not dead as the first paramedics who got there thought. She was in a deep trance hit out tous . Whether some of the courage I got, some of the belief in myself, was really due to her, is something Ill never know.But in the den wa s Jim Bryce. He hadoh, I cant write it. He was the captain of theb asketball team But he hadeaten away at himself his whole left hand, most of his right-hand fingers, his lips. And he had put a pencil through his ear into his brain. They say (I heard this through Tyrone Alpert, the doctors grandson) that its called Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (sp? I only heard it said) and that its rare, but there are others just like him. Thats what the doctors say. I say it was a malach making him do it. But they wouldnt let me in to try to take it out of him.I cant even say hes alive. I cant say if hes dead. Hes going to a sort of institution where they keep long-term cases.We failed there. I failed. It wasnt really Jim Bryces fault. So he was with Caroline just one night, and from there he passed the malach to his girlfriend Isobel and to his little sister Tami. Then both Caroline and little Tami passed it along to others. They tried to give it to Matt, but he wasnt about to let them.Sixth, the tercet little girls that most definitely did get it were all under the orders of Misao, from what Shinichi said.They say that they dont remember anything about decorating themselves or propositioning strangers. They dont seem to remember anything about the time of their possession, and they act like very different little girls now. Nice. Calm. If I thought Misao gave up easily then I would be sure theyll be all right.worsened is the thought of Caroline. She was a friend once and now well, now I think she needs help more than ever. Damon got toher diaries she kept her own diary by recording herself on video, and we watched her talk to the mirrorand watched the mirror talk back. Mostly it was her own image that showed, but sometimes, at the beginning or end of a session, it was Shinichis face. Hes good-looking, if a little wild. I can see how Caroline might fall for him and agree to be his carrier of malach in the town.Thats all over. I apply the last of whatever Power I know I have taki ng the malach out of those girls.Caroline, of course, wouldnt let me near her.And then there were those fateful words of Carolines I need a husband Any girl knows what that means. Any girl feels sorry for another who says it, even if theyre unfriends.Caroline and Tyler Smallwood were going together until about two weeks ago. Meredith says Caroline dropped him, and that kidnapping her for Klaus was Tylers revenge. Butif before that theyd been sleeping together with no protection (and Caroline is dumb enough to do it), she could certainly have cognize she was pregnant and been looking for another guy by the time Shinichi turned up. (Which was just before I returned to life.) Now shes trying to pin it on Matt. It was small bad luck that she said it happened on the same night the malach attacked Matt and that that old man from the Neighborhood Watch saw Matt drive home and pass out at the steering wheel as if he were drunk or on drugs.Or maybe it wasnt just luck. Maybe that was all p art of Misaos game, too.Im going to sleep now. Too much thinking. Too much worry. And, oh, I miss Stefan He would help me deal with the worry in his own gentle but keen-sighted way.Im sleeping inside the car with the doors locked. The guys are sleeping outside it. At least, thats how were starting at their insistence. At least they agree on that.I dont think Shinichi and Misao will stay away from Fells Church for long. I dont know if theyll leave it alone for a few days, or weeks, or a few months, but Misao will heal and theyll come back for us eventually.That means that Damon, Matt, and I were fugitives in two worlds.And I have no idea whats going to happen tomorrow.Elena

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Nursing Shortage Essay

AbstractCompelling evidence suggests that regions of the United States face a nursing and medico paucity that our legislators, health officials, and medical professionals must shroud. To ensure that quality medical c be is not harshly impacted, the hospitals and public health leadership, in general, will convey to tackle the nursing deficit with solid long-term solutions.It is no secret that the United States faces a critical nursing short age, a trend that potentially threatens to countermine quality medical fretting. One single area of concern does not affect the shortage. In fact, the hospitals, and nursing in particular, are witnessing a combination of problems that spew in salary structure, medical economics/cost containment, post- refine education, and an aging men (pending turn inments of itch-boomers). The public health industry is not sitting idly by to address the shortage. It is critically reviewing the needs for both existing professions.Definition of Nursing S hortageNursing shortage is defined as the inadequate number of qualified think ofs to equalize the projected charter for nursing pull off within a health care setting, where the demand for cling tos is greater than the bestow.History of Nursing ShortageHistorical knowledge is primal to analyze the present and prepare for the future. As we suffer see from the current shortage in America today, we learn that it is not a new problem. and what makes this current nursing shortage situation unique is that the causes are related to a multifaceted range of come forths. The current nursing shortage is connected to supply and demand factors, demographic changes, population growth, and fewer scholars enrolling in nursing schools, RNs who are retiring or leaving the cypherforce and a growth in the baby boom population who will demand more than healthcare services in the near future. These factors are occurring while some(prenominal) nurses are retiring and more jobs are being crea ted. In addition, the nursing shortage is actually a worldwide phenomenon with areas like Western Europe, Australia, Canada and the Philippines facing shortages as well.Economic factors have besides contributed to the nursing shortage in the United States. Mark Genovese, spokesperson for the New York State Nurses Association explains, For many decades the shortage was cyclical but as the economy tightened and as the insurance industry moved to a managed care model, there was less money in the system and hospitals had less money to work with and tighter budgets.budgetary limitations affected the nursing workforce as many nurses began leaving the profession altogether. They were forcing RNs to do more with less, handle more patients and work more hours. RNs started to leave the workforce because of the working conditions and fewer RNs entered the system, explains Mark.Americans are alike demanding more quality healthcare services while many RNs are retiring, further exacerbating the problem. The HRSA has stated to conglomerate the projected growth in demand for RN services, the U.S. must graduate approximately 90% more nurses from U.S. nursing programs.Decreased staffing means that there are fewer nurses to work with patients. This impacts job satisfaction and causes work related stress. In some cases it has led to many nurses leaving the profession altogether. A 2010 train publish in Health Services Research found that over 75% of RNs feel that the nursing shortage is a huge problem that affects their quality of work as well as patient care and the amount of time that nurses can spend with individual patients.Another authoritative factor contributing to a lack of nurses is that there is a shortage of nursing school stave to train a new generation of nurses in colleges and universities. The AACNs 2008-2009 Enrollment and Graduations in Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs in Nursing report found that nursing programs in the U.S. did not enroll 49,948 qua lified students into their bachelor and graduate degree programs because they did not have an adequate number of module, clinical practice sites, teaching space, and were constrained by budgetary limitations. Two thirds of the nursing program respondents reported that a outsized reason for not accepting students was due to not having enough nurse faculty on hand.The Southern Regional Board of Education conducted a study which found that the nursing faculty shortage in 16 states was caused by vacant faculty positions, retirements, resignations and a shortage of new candidates applying for faculty positions. Shortages like this get a threat to the availability of nurse education. Defining the ProblemFor those students interested in races in healthcare, becoming a nurse right now could be the best decision for you. Currently, the United States is facing a severe nursing shortage. For several reasons, the number of nurses graduating and entering the workforce, and those already in th e profession, is not enough to fill the growing demand. Currently, RNs are the largest group of healthcare workers in the US at roughly 2.6 million and that still isnt enough to meet the need. According to experts, by 2012, there could be around 1.1 million unfilled nursing positions in the United States.In the most basic sense, the current global nursing shortage is simply a widespread and dangerous lack of skilled nurses who are needed to care for individual patients and the population as a whole. The work of the worlds estimated 12 million nurses is not well understood, even by educated shares of society. But nursing is a distinct scientific field and autonomous profession whose skilled practitioners save lives and improve patient outcomes every day in a wide variety of settings.In the Truths view, the big gap between what skilled nurses really do and what the public thinks they do is a fundamental factor underlying most of the more immediate unmixed causes of the shortage. These causes include nurse short-staffing (due to inadequate pay and long work hours), poor work conditions, the aging nursing workforce, expanded career options for women, nursings predominantly female nature, the increasing complexity of health care and care technology, and the rapidly aging populations in developed nations, to name a few.Other causes of the nursing shortage episode include the aging baby boomer population and lack of employee incentives. There were seventy-six million Americans born between 1946 and 1964 and are now separate the Baby Boomer Generation. As this population reaches retirement age and beyond, they are requiring more medical treatments and nursing home and long term care facilities. This state is also seeing an growing in population in general, projected to grow 18% over the next two decades. With more patients flooding the healthcare system, there simply arent enough nurses to meet this growing need. However, those currently employed in the nursi ng field should be rewarded for being encouraged and cause to stay in such a questionable field of mesh.In light of this nursing shortage, it should be relatively easy to find gainful employment after graduation should you choose to study nursing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than 581,000 new Registered Nurse (RN) positions will be created through 2018, which will increase that workforce by an astounding 22%. The BLS also estimates that even as other sectors of our economy stick to suffer, the healthcare sector will nevertheless continue to grow. Since the recession began, more than 600,000 positions have been created in the healthcare industry. With so many Americans out of work in other fields, a career in healthcare, specifically in nursing, might be a viable career choice.Literature ReviewToday, the average age of nursing faculty in baccalaureate and graduate degree programs is 51.5 years and the rate of projected retirements will exceed the rate o f re placements. Nurses enter the faculty role later in their careers and typically retire at an earlier age, around 62.5 years. More efforts need to be put into place to encourage those already teaching to remain in their positions even if it is in a limited capacity while future faculty are educated.What factors are present that facilitate the desire for nursing faculty to retire? Kowalski, Dalley, and Weigand (2006) conducted a cross-sectional, randomized study of 129 nurse educators teaching in 61 schools of nursing to find out what personal decisions influenced their retirement plans. With a 37.6% response rate, results reflected that the mean age of planned retirement was 64.4 years. However, the mean age respondents would like to retire was 62.4. Factors influencing retirement included workplace issues, personal and family health, attitudes about retirement, and financial security.One of the most important factors influencing retirement plans was financial security. Faculty m embers who were financially secure retired earlier. Job satisfaction was another important influencing factor resulting in early retirement. In lieu of the faculty shortage, the authors contend that studies such as this will offer insight into future retirement trends which may help bridge the gap between supply and the demand of nurse educators (Kowalski et al., 2006). From the results of this one study it may be important to consider the needs of the aging faculty by providing healthy, satisfying, and stimulating work environments, appropriate benefits packages, and relaxing mandatory retirement ages.One serious factor contributing to the faculty shortage is financial. Not only are pedantic salaries much lower than they are for clinical practice and administrative positions of advanced practice nurses, but the cost of securing advanced academic degrees is costly. In 2004, the average salary of a masters-prepared nurse practitioner in a clinical setting was $80,697 compared to $6 0,831 for that of a masters-prepared nursing faculty member (Nevada Nurses Association, 2004). By increasing academic salaries and providing tuition allowances in egest for teaching will indeed make teaching a more attractive career choice (Yordy, 2006).Another important factor poignant the faculty shortage is that of job satisfaction, stress, and burnout. To maintain current faculty on the job, more research should be conducted on factors affecting job satisfaction and what deeds to provide a better environment. Gormley (2003) performed a meta-analysis study on nursing faculty job satisfaction and which factors had the greatest influence using a assay of six studies from 1976 and 1996. Nursing faculty are pressured not only to educate future nurses to provide safe and competent care, but also have many other professional responsibilities, such as publishing, conducting research, writing grants, performing community service, and maintaining their own competencies (Gormley, 2003) . These responsibilities combined can become overwhelming and lead to job dissatisfaction specially as the faculty is aging.In Gormleys study (2003), factors that affected job satisfaction were perception/expectation of the leaders role in course of study and instruction, suggesting that the deans role has significant effects on facultys job satisfaction and role conflict/ambiguity. Shirey (2006) argues that prolonged stress can lead to burn-out in many faculty who then become deadwood, jeopardizing the quality and spirit of the institution. These faculty members can ward off potential new faculty who are even more vulnerable to the stresses of the teaching role.It is imperative that academic institutions pay close attention to the needs of their faculty. Mentoring programs, self-renewal, and organizational engagement are primordial strategies to prevent burnout (Shirey, 2006). A carefully structured and deliberate mentoring program can be an invaluable orientation as schools of nursing seek to provide an academic environment that is conducive to the professional and scholarly development of adjunct faculty members (Peters & Boylston, 2006, p. 64).One serious factor contributing to the faculty shortage is financial. Not only are academic salaries much lower than they are for clinical practice and administrative positions of advanced practice nurses, but the cost of securing advanced academic degrees is costly. In 2004, the average salary of a masters-prepared nurse practitioner in a clinical setting was $80,697 compared to $60,831 for that of a masters-prepared nursing faculty member (Nevada Nurses Association, 2004). By increasing academic salaries and providing tuition allowances in return for teaching will indeed make teaching a more attractive career choice (Yordy, 2006).Program AnalysisPossible SolutionsFor sustained change and assurance of evading the forthcoming shortage, solutions must be developed in several areas education, health care systems, po licy and regulations, and image. This shortage is not exclusively a nursing issue, but will require a collaborative effort among nursing leaders, practitioners, health care executives, government, and the media.Creating Cultures of RetentionThe American Nurses Association Magnet hospital program has had a proven success in raising the standards of nursing practice and improving patient outcomes. Currently there are 85 organizations that are designated Magnet hospitals. Magnet facilities are characterized by strong administrative support, adequate nurse staffing, strong communication, nurse autonomy, better control, and a vital focus on the patient and their family.A growing body of research indicates that this program is making a positive leaving for nurses, patients, and the hospitals as a whole. Research is proving that through this program, nurses are having increased satisfaction as well as increased perceptions of productivity and the quality of care given. Studies also indica te that these facilities have lower incidence of needle stick injuries, lower burn out rates, and double the retention of non-Magnet facilities. By adopting the characteristics of Magnet hospitals, facilities will be able to create a culture of retention that empowers and is respectful of nursing staff.Strengthening the InfrastructureIn 2002 the Nursing Reinvestment Act was signed by chairman Bush to address the problem of our nations nursing shortage. This initiative was intended to promote people to enter and remain in nursing careers, therefore reducing the growing shortage. The law establishes scholarships, loan repayments, public service announcements, retention grants, career ladders, and grants for nursing faculty. Many statewide initiatives are underway to address this issue as well.In Pennsylvania, six new nursing education initiatives have been announced to address faculty shortage by encouraging current nurses to return to school, earn graduate degrees, and teach the ne xt generation of nurses. Illinois is unveiling a plan to provide faculty scholarships and grants to nursing schools in order to expand student enrollment. California, whose nursing programs currently have wait lists over three years, is trying to expand nursing education through a $90 million initiative.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Filipino Social Acceptance

Adrian Carl C. Flores Dorm matapat Age 16 Sex Male produce insure September 30,1993 Address Kapuong 1993 kapilya, Tondo Manila Educational Attainment high civilise school Civil Single Occupation Delivery Boy Date of Admission December. 22, 2011 Date Administered Test February 7, 2013 Case Frustrated murderSocial Worker Mam Shiena I. ordinary notice The flying field wears Sando,Black Short . He is in fair complex, contraband eyes and bald. Noticeably he was some mole in his neck . Among the 4 siblings. He is the youngest. At the very young age her mother remaining them and the only unrivaled that will take care of them is her stick. But later on her father died so that no one will lead them to make good closing making. The absence of his parents is one of the factor that will lead him to do inapplic competent things in life. The field of honor while talking the block out was quit.But when he saw some of her dormate he talk even though I am in front of him. And hesitant especially in drawing because he claimed that he does not know how to draw perfectly. On the other hand he was able to draw as much as he could. I. Test AdministeredDate Administered DAP11-16-12 SSCT11-20-12 RAVEN11-21-12 BENDER11-22-12 II. The result and interpretation DAP The test showed his tendencies of being suspicious to other people. He suffers from oral onslaught . He has a problem to control his anger. He has sexual engagement and conflict about his body. SACH SENTENCEBased on the test result, it shows that the subject has conflict towards his parent. He wishes the social movement of his parent. He has a mild difficulty in accepting challenges in her life. He has difficulty at work . he feels rejected and isolated save he tried to be optimistic. BENDER The test revealed that the subject is emotionally disturbed whitethornbe because of the quickly losing her parents. There is an evident anxiety and difficulty toward her social relationship. He tried to be soci ally accepted but his suspicious surface take place when he is in conflct. RAVENS PROGRESSIVERaw Score 40 centile 25% Grade III Level of Intelligence Intellectually Average IVSummary The subject appeared to Deny persistent feeling of guilt and insecurity. His scurvy disposition was a factor that hinders him and made him suffer from a feeling of inferiority and and isolationt hat may cause him depression. Only if he has a strong family foundation, it may demonstrate positive visualization towards his goal in life and has a strong decision making.Jason Ubina Dorm Reception Age 16 Sex Male Birth Date November 19,1996 Address 1464 Ilang Ilang St. Pandacan Manila Educational Attainment High school Civil Single Occupation Computer Technician Date of Admission March 9, 2013 Date Administered Test February 7, 2013 Case Marijuana UserSocial Worker Daddy Erwin II. General Observation The subject wears White T-shirt ,Black Short and slippers. He is in dark complex, black eyes and bald. Noticeably he has tattoo on his wrist and finger and mole n hid neck. Among the 4 siblings. He is the youngest. The subject while talking the test was quit. But when he saw some of her dormate he talks even though I am in front of him. Some of the time. He is complain about the question in test I giving. III. Test AdministeredDate Administered DAP11-16-12 SSCT11-20-12 RAVEN11-21-12 BENDER11-22-12IV. The result and interpretation DAP The test showed that the subject is optimistic. He recognizes the male is the more powerful which is normal. The subject is more on impulsive behavior rather than intellectual. He needs to control expression of aggression. SACH SENTENCE Based on the test result, it shows that the subject has conflict towards his father. He wishes the presence of his father. He has a mild difficulty in accepting challenges in her life. He regret on his past experiences and seem gently disturbed by the failure to control of his trouble that he make.Even though t here are things that is not unpleasant he trid to be optimistic and to be patient. BENDER The test revealed that the subject is one of the aggressive type. He suffered from a feeling of insecurity and self doubt. RAVENS PROGRESSIVE Raw Score 39 centile 25% Grade III Level of Intelligence Intellectually Average IVSummary The subject appeared to deny persistent feeling of guilt and his problem controlling aggression.The subject has the tendencies to be self oriented, optimistic and aggressive. His poor disposition was a factor that hinders him and made him suffer from a feeling of inferiority and and isolation hat may cause him depression. Only if he has a strong family foundation, it may display positive visualization towards his goal in life and has a strong decision making. Rogie Mar Perez Dorm Reception Age 17 Sex Male Birth Date November 3, 1995 Address 1478 Fugoso St.Sta. Cruz Manila Educational Attainment High school Civil Single Occupation Mineral water Boy Date of Admission February 26, 2013 Date Administered Test February 27, 2013 Case Rubbery Social Worker Mam Mel III. General Observation The subject wears Blue T-shirt, Black Short and slippers. He is in dark complex, black eyes and bald. Noticeably he has tattoo on his left arm. Among the 3siblings. He is the Eldest. He is a married person.He has one child. His fathers were on ail when he was young so that he mother are the only one that is supporting them financially. The subject while talking the test was quit. He follow instruction quickly an d participate properly. Test AdministeredDate Administered DAP11-16-12 SSCT11-20-12 RAVEN11-21-12 BENDER11-22-12 V. The result and interpretation DAP He does not recognize the role of sexes. He suffered from social anxiety that may cause him depression. He suffered from being self indulgence and self centered. He did not listen to the opinion of other. He feel discriminate. SACH SENTENCEBased on the test result, it shows that the subject has c onflict towards his father. He wishes the presence of his father. He always want approval of others onwards committing emotionally. He is extremely suspicious about other people. HE has Mild difficulty in accepting challenges in life. BENDER The test revealed that the subject ha s low tolerance of frustration. He has a feeling of insecurity and compulsive self doubt. He thinks negative in some aspect of her life. . He tried to be socially accepted but his suspicious surface take place when he is in conflict. RAVENS PROGRESSIVERaw Score 44 Percentile 50% Grade III Level of Intelligence Intellectually Average IVSummary The subject appeared to be socially distrcted. There is an evident anxiety frustration and suspicious thingking. His poor disposition was a factor that hinders him and made him suffer from a feeling of inferiority and and isolation hat may cause him depression. Only if he has a strong family foundation, it may display positive visualization towards his goal in life and has a strong decision making.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Essay

1) Select a technology from 1850 to the present. Describe how it has affected productivityA technology that comes to mind is server virtualization. We accustom them every day in the government as we work toward going green, lower cost, increasing productivity. Since the migration to the virtual servers we were able to cut paper files by . We intention a digital contract file now instead of a 6 pile folder with hundreds of page. Another reason the army has choosing to go this stylus is so it can sp learn the cost of maintenance and repair across several customers with sh ard servers. This results in a lower price per base. Then there is the Virtual conference, which saves millions of dollar. Now youre asking how this affect productivity does well with virtual contract files any base has access to them with save on efficiencies, be abilities to collaborate with equal minds to gain more knowledge, also to form comradely.2)Identify the transformation that takes place in a restaurant .In a restaurant you be buy a meal but also the environment and the service. In many cases the value of inputs is measured in financial terms, which is say that organizations aim to make a profit like the Hard Rock Caf. To increase efficiency managers argon always seeking ways of producing more with the alike(p) level of inputs or producing the same amount with fewer inputs. Some ways to improve the productivity in the service-sector are changing working practices, investing in new technology like the ERP, motivating and inspiring staff more effectively and changing the way items are produced (Heizer & Render, 2005). With the use of ERP restaurantswastage should be reduced at all stages of the production process. It includes merely in Time production in which items are produced to order rather than in advance (Heizer & Render, 2005). Lean production also includes a technique cognise as kaizen which aims to use the knowledge of employees to find ways of continuously improving t he way things are done (Heizer & Render, 2005). Manages are continually reviewing what they provide better. Given on-going changes in the competitive environment with new competitors, new demands and new technologies adding value is a dynamic process. Managers need to be looking constantly at the descent environment to identify changes that could be of value to them or could possibly harm them. Interestingly any change will slang different effects on different organizations.(3) The computer especially the PC is believed to be responsible for much of the increased productivity in the 1990s. What do think will be the abutting big thing to have a major impact on national and world-wide productivity?The next big thing that will have a major impact on the national and global productivity is the advancements in wireless technology. In todays time there are millions of mobile professionals worldwide due to the major strides that the wireless community has taken. boldnesss use wirel ess technologies to solve every day problems and create an advantage over their companion. utilise wireless technologies help them work more productively, by having better customer satisfaction, which means an increase of sales. Organization is finding that wireless has provided more flexibility to configure an office and can improve both the productivity and the moral in the work place. New standards based technologies offer improved methods to authenticate and better honorable devices, helping to ensure that only authorized users can gain access to these networks. Which, I see firsthand every day working in a government agency our black berries have CAC reads sled which read our credentials before we can view emails. The widespread reliance on networking in barter as well as the growth of the internet and online function is strong testimonies to the benefits of data and resources (Wireless Technology). Wireless solutions have advances these benefits by allowing users to access shared information, emails, and differentapplications without the constraints of the pumped(p) connection. Wireless technologies have also allowed network managers to set up or add to the networks without installing or removing wires. A wireless solution offers productivity, convenience and boilers suit cost saving then the traditional wired networks (Wireless Technology).(4) What is the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO)? Do you see it as primarily good or bad for the U.S?The role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to oversee trade agreements including a wide range of goods and services trade and supervises all government practices that are directly related to trade, such as tariffs, subsidies, government procurement, and trade-related intellectual property rights (wto.org, 2011). Here are some reasons why the WTO isnt good for the USA. The WTO acts as the legislature, the executive and the judiciary in matters of world trade. The WTO allows countries to sue each ot her. This has been primarily used by the wealthy countries to push around the smaller, less developed nations. Under the WTO, the massive corporations who benefit the most from free trade can easily push around the smallest and least developed nations. Under the globalized system of free trade we are all living under, all wealth is slowly but surely being transferred into the hands of the very wealthy while the rest of us are left standing around trying to figure out how the game was rigged. The WTO forces the United States to open its doors to unsafe products. Under the WTO, labor has become a global commodity (Globalism Destroys)(5) Identify one discipline and one technology that you think will contribute in a major way to the future knowledge of OM and describe why they will contributeAccording to the course text, Operations Management (OM) is described as the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. (Heizer & R ender, 2005) OM is also a discipline that has applications in several industries including services and manufacturing. The discipline and technology I believe that willcontribute in a major way to the future development of OM is Supply-Chain Management and advances in process technologies. Advances in these areas will ease transactions between businesses thereby facilitating sustaining engineering and progression for Operations and Management. One way is by using Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) as wireless systems that allow a device to read information contained in a wireless device or tag from a distance without making a physical contact or requiring a line of sight between the two(GAO,2005). RFID provides a method to transmit and receive data from one point to another. RFID is an automatic identification method relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.ReferenceHeizer, J., & Render, B. (2005). Operations Managemen t. In J. Heizer, & B. Render, Operations Management (pp. 212-213). Upper Saddle River Pearson Prentice Hall. wto.org. (2012, Nov 25). Retrieved 25 November 20121, from World Trade Organization http//www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/inbrief_e/inbr00_e Globalism Destroys America 10 Reasons Why The World Trade Organization Is Bad For The United States Economy, Posted By admin On September 7, 2010 309 am In Money Watch Comments Disabled OM ForumThe Best Things in Life Were FreeOn the Technology of Transactions,( 2012, Nov 25), Paul Zipkin (paul.zipkinduke.edu) GAO, 2005, (2012, Nov 25). http//www.gaorfid.com/Wireless Technology rev 3, (2012 Nov 28). h20331.www2.hp.com/Hpsub/downloads/Wireless_Technology.pdf

Monday, May 20, 2019

A Research Proposal on Wive’s Income and Marital Quality

1. Increases in wives income over time will contribute to increases in married discord. (Expect strong marrow on husbands report of marital discord.)2. Increase in wives income over time will contribute to decreases in marital discord. (Expect husbands and wives to be about the same.)3. Increases in perceived marital discord over time will contribute to increases in wives income. (Expect marital discord on wives income stronger for wives than husbands.)Used data from Marital Instability everywhere the Life Course Study (1991). This was a 4-wave panel study that began in 1980 with random telephone interviews of 2,034 get hitched with individuals (not couples), younger than 55 using the clustered random-digit dialing procedure. Of the people called, 65 % completed the survey, 18% refused, and 17% were unreached after 10 or more callbacks.Respondents were similar to national population of married individuals on age, race, region, kinsperson size, presence of children, and home owne rship.Attempts to reinterview the same respondents took place in 1983, 1988, and 1992. Successful reinterviews were 78%, 66%, and 58% respectively. A decision was made to use date from 1980-1988 as these years showed the most dramatic change in married womens employment and earnings. Also, the results of the 1992 interview had slight underreporting of younger, renter, African-American or Hispanic, and those without a college education in 1980.Respondents consisted of a total of 455 women and 316 men who were in a stable trade union from 1980-1988 a first marriage for both spouses. The study was restricted to continuous first marriages because previous evidence suggested relationships between income and marital persona differs depending on marriage order. Remarried families deplete lower incomes, fewer assets on average. Remarried women are more homogeneously to be employed 40 hours or more per week than continuously married women.Marital discord was thrifty in three areas marit al instability (12 item scale that taps propensity to separate), relationship problems (14 problems like easily angered, jealous, moody, not home enough), and marital conflict (assessed the amount and severity of conflict between spouses).geomorphologic equation fashion modeling was used. This allowed the investigation of the directional relationship and testing of the relative strength of each. Study took into count on husbands unemployment and the birth of a child.The model used to test 4 demographic characteristics children, race, age, yrs of education. They didnt affect the model substantially or alter conclusions.The average respondent had 14 years of education, was 35 years old, 92% were white, 41% were male.Data does not view as either hypothesis 1 or 2. Data does support 3.Wives increased their income over a period of 8 years due to their own intelligences of increased marital discord. Husbands perception of marital discord didnt have an effect on wives income.In 1980 5 4% wives employed, 96% of husbands. Income of wife is $7277 vs. $40559 for a family. In 1988 69% wives employed, and 94% of husbands. Income for a wife, $9495 and for a family, $42,420. ($ figure is adjusted to recoil 1988 constant dollars.) By 1988, 20% more wives entered the workforce and 10% dropped out. 24% of the husbands experienced some unemployment and 24% had experienced a birth of a child. Earnings gender gap went from 60% to 71%. By the end, women were contributing 30-40% toward the family income.Increases in wives income do not significantly affect either spouses perception of marital discord. Instead increases in marital discord contribute significantly to increases in wives income by change magnitude the likelihood that non-employed wives will enter the workforce. It isnt clear if wives enter the labor force to prepare for divorce or to improve their own lives and perhaps their marriages by seeking additional personal challenges.More women responded than men. Also, i f couples would have been interviewed so a clearer picture between spouses response could have been analyzed (couple-level data). Also gender function attitudes of spouses were not included. The role of social class was not taken into consideration.Another item is that the study began 19 years ago, concluding 11 years ago. This country has experienced a bull market and a low unemployment rate.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Counselor Role in Special Education Essay

My perception of the crop counselors role in exceptional education is that it largely mirrors the role embodied for all schoolchilds, just now with any(prenominal) added considerations and collaborations for the special needs student. My understanding is that a school counselor should be available to all students for personal, ethical, academic, career, and kindly advice to listen to a students point of view to deal with any mental health issues that may arise for a student to help a student prepare for transitions to advocate for a student in a given situation, and to whatever degree possible, teach the student to advocate for himself.A counselor must be committed to helping all students reach their full potential but for students with disabilities and other special needs, a school counselor needs to accomplish this in the face of spare challenges. These tasks and trials are not limited to those presented by the varying disabilities of a child, but include the demands of sat isfying the administrative and legal requirements of a counselor serving students with special needs. Todays school counselor is apparent to be involved in a students individualized education program (IEP) when hotshot is warranted.According to the Ohio Department of Educations Office for Exceptional Children, at least one of the IEP team up divisions needs to be an individual who has knowledge or special expertise regarding the child. This person is in plus to the childs regular and special education teachers, a principal/assistant principal or other senior staff member, the parents, the school psychologist, and the child (if appropriate) required to participate on the team.The school counselor, at the discretion of the parent or the school district, may be included as a member of the IEP team if they run through special insight regarding the child. A school counselor will work as part of a multidisciplinary team within the school and community in aligning and providing servi ces for the special needs student. Without yet having been exposed to a practicum or internship experience as a school counselor, I perceive this piece of the workload to be potentially delicate and complex.A parent may have a viewpoint divergent from that which is covered in the Evaluation Team Report (ETR), resulting in an all-inclusive identification process. School staff members may have contrasting opinions as to whether a child is in need of special education and an IEP, or just accommodations covered under a 504 Plan. The bottom trace is that the identification team must work collaboratively, with a lack of ego, in assessing and determining what measures are in the best interests of helping the child to be successful in school.It seems that the most difficult aspect of a school counselors job is to find a balance in managing so umpteen responsibilities in each given day. Responding to the unique challenges of special needs students can both intensify and complement the wo rkload. I think much can be gained professionally, personally, and emotionally by embracing that responsibility. A cracking counselor should teach the special education students attending her school about resiliency, inner strength, positive identity, and a sense of purpose.In the general terms of the professional school counselors role, I take that the most valuable services to be provided in the special education realm are someone Student Planning communicate high expectations and help disabled students establish personal goals for each school year and their future success. Familiarize oneself with the varying learning styles of the students who have disabilities, and work consultatively with teachers to improve their get alongance behaviorally and academically. Be a staunch advocate for these students and their post-secondary options help create opportunities for them. Responsive Services implement prevention and/or intervention activities like individual and group counsel ing, provide referrals, facilitate better peer relations, and advocate for them. demand needs assessments to identify potential systematic, programmatic, and attitudinal areas for change in order to create positive environments for their learning. Assist teachers in staying on top of 504 and IEP accommodations/interventions, being prepared to troubleshoot if certain measures are not enabling student to perform optimally. School Guidance Curriculum developing and delivering a curriculum of structured lessons to help each place student achieve desired social and academic outcomes. A counselor could implement a student development curriculum aimed to improve typical students understanding of and sensitivity to their special needs peers. By communication high expectations and providing support, school counselors can help students with disabilities understand that their disabilities should not be reason to limit their aspirations.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Babylon Revisited

The question of whether or not Charlie Wales request to consider his daughter returned to him is thrustable seems fairly clear. The fact that the report begins and ends in a bar, with the alcoholic protagonist struggling with his addiction seems an indication that his demon has not been slain. Ambiguities seen in the myth organize a reader to think that perhaps at this buck it is not reasonable.Charlie perceives his old haunts as little than glamorous in the cold light of sobriety, but still he feels compelled to go and look once more. Yet, while it seems that Charlie genuinely regrets his past the reader also is told that Charlie has lost his fortune, which could easily be the reason for his new mindset. One of the twin themes of this degree is that a person is responsible for his own shortcomings, and must wear his dues, so to speak, being held accountable to others.Charlie says that he never had a problem with alcohol until he began to meet his fortune, appearing to be in classic denial. Charlie does not accept that his btaboos of drunkenness are the reason wherefore people such as Marion behave toward him as they do. He faults Marions lack of compassion and her bigotry for their discord. Everyone is out of step but Johnny, so to speak, and Charlie is not willing to accept that is likely his own actions that cause the rift between them.The story ends with Charlie sitting in a bar with jollify in hand, which is a dangerous act for a recovering alcoholic. Though he has refused a second one, it is clear that he is not over his addiction. His life is a tragedy, yet he has not demonstrated the ability, by storys end, to take responsibility for his own inadequacies, so the question of his being able to care for his preteen daughter seems moot. For the stated reasons, Charlie is not being reasonable in asking for custody of the child.Babylon RevisitedBabylon Revisited is an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, penned in 1930 Paris. It was then published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1931. The narrator speaks in third person, and from the point of view of Charlie, the protagonist. During his lifetime Fitzgerald was not recognized as a purely modernist author. It was after his death that this title was attached. Still, this short story has many features of the modernist movement, as can be seen in its theme, which is dark and fraught with conflict.The story is also written largely in the vernacular, which caused Fitzgerald to not be taken seriously as a writer early in his career. The protagonist is the character, Charlie Wales. The story opens and closes in a Paris bar. The conflict that Charlie finds is in the main his struggle with alcoholism. He is in a battle of wills with his sister in law, who has custody of his daughter future(a) the death of his wife. The twin themes of this story are that one must pay the piper if one has called the tune, as well as the idea that change is difficult to effect.The conflict is not resol ved in the story and the reader is left to ponder the possibility that Charlie may or may not rise out of his sea of troubles. He is left sitting in a bar, but he has had a drink Still, he does some soul searching, and in the end refuses a second one. If he is to be considered a victim it must be understood that he suffers from a self-inflicted wound. The reader must decide if he feels sympathy toward Charlie. Charlie is the victim of forces outside his control but also a victim of his own weaknesses.My cerebration is that the proof of the pudding is in the tasting, and we are known by our good acts and not our words. I have no sympathy for Charlie but I can see forgiving him if he keeps his pledge. Fitzgerald implies that he will. My hunch forward is that Charlie will find the dream of custody of his daughter stronger than the lure of alcohol. Reference Fitzgerald, F. and Bruccoli, M. (Editor) Babylon Revisited and Other Stories Scribner 1996

Friday, May 17, 2019

Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay

The first thing youll notice nearly the moving picture is its size. Standing at 4 meters in height and 7 meters in width, the image no surmise commands attention and gives off a majestic aura. Any viewer of the painting will feel dwarfed by the large painting and whitethorn feel overwhelmed by the magnanimity of it. The next thing youll notice about the Spoliarium is the rich colors used. Predominantly, the painter made use of warm colors for his work of stratagem, with reds being a central color that attracts the most attention. In person, the colors atomic number 18 striking and quite unique.The Spoliarium depicts an even during the papistic empire, where gladiators die for entertain manpowert. The painting shows how gladiators ar being dragged mercilessly by men towards an unknown darkness, where other tragically killed gladiators are brought. To the left is a cheering throng, screaming for blood while to the right, a woman is crouched and patently in sorrow. The painti ng shows a tragic event, definitely. But it also shows a deeper meaning, especially for the Filipinos during the time of the Spanish colonization (which lasted over four hundred years ).According to art experts, the fallen gladiators who are being dragged are the Filipino people, while the men dragging them into the darkness are representative of the Spanish rule. The woman crouched on the right side of the painting is believed to be the Mother Country or the Inang Bayan who weeps for her Philippines. The blood thirsty crowd to the left is a standard of the social back toothcer of that time. Truly, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Lunas painting. The Spoliarium shows the Spanish governments mistreatment of the Philippines.The exsanguinous bodies of the gladiators represent the Spanish killings of Filipino revolutionaries. The Spoliarium is famous among the Filipino people, to say the least. The item that Luna had gained recognition among other Spaniards in Madr id because of this painting has given the Filipinos great pride. This also shows that the Filipinos have skills that can equal, if not, surpass the Europeans of that time. This is why the painting, along with Hidalgos, are deemed National Cultural Treasures, because they were able to contribute to the development of art in the Philippines.The Spoliarium can be found in the Hall of the Masters of The National Museum of the Philippines. Whether you are a foreigner or a local, take a few hours off your schedule to visit the museum and notice more about Philippine culture and history through the eyes of its artists. It is an educational and enriching experience. The first thing youll notice about the painting is its size. Standing at 4 meters in height and 7 meters in width, the painting no doubt commands attention and gives off a majestic aura.Any viewer of the painting will feel dwarfed by the large painting and may feel overwhelmed by the magnanimity of it. The next thing youll noti ce about the Spoliarium is the rich colors used. Predominantly, the painter made use of warm colors for his work of art, with reds being a central color that attracts the most attention. In person, the colors are striking and quite unique. The Spoliarium depicts an even during the Roman empire, where gladiators die for entertainment. The painting shows how gladiators are being dragged mercilessly by men towards an unknown darkness, where other tragically killed gladiators are brought.To the left is a cheering crowd, screaming for blood while to the right, a woman is crouched and seemingly in sorrow. The painting shows a tragic event, definitely. But it also shows a deeper meaning, especially for the Filipinos during the time of the Spanish colonization (which lasted over 400 years ). According to art experts, the fallen gladiators who are being dragged are the Filipino people, while the men dragging them into the darkness are representative of the Spanish rule. The woman crouched on the right side of the painting is believed to be the Mother Country or the Inang Bayan who weeps for her Philippines.The blood thirsty crowd to the left is a representation of the social cancer of that time. Truly, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Lunas painting. The Spoliarium shows the Spanish governments mistreatment of the Philippines. The dead bodies of the gladiators represent the Spanish killings of Filipino revolutionaries. The Spoliarium is famous among the Filipino people, to say the least. The fact that Luna had gained recognition among other Spaniards in Madrid because of this painting has given the Filipinos great pride.This also shows that the Filipinos have skills that can equal, if not, surpass the Europeans of that time. This is why the painting, along with Hidalgos, are deemed National Cultural Treasures, because they were able to contribute to the development of art in the Philippines. The Spoliarium can be found in the Hall of the Masters of The National Museum of the Philippines. Whether you are a foreigner or a local, take a few hours off your schedule to visit the museum and learn more about Philippine culture and history through the eyes of its artists. It is an educational and enriching experience.