Thursday, January 30, 2020
Nightmare Cover Art Essay Example for Free
Nightmare Cover Art Essay Avenged Sevenfold is an American heavy metal band from Huntington Beach, California. The band was formed in 1999. Presently, they consist of Matt Shadows(Vocalist), Johnny Christ(Bassist), Zacky Vengeance(Rhythm Guitarist) and Synyster Gates(Lead guitarist). Matt Sanders(M. Shadows); the lead singer of the band is one of the original founding members. He came up with the band name on being inspired by the fourth chapter in the Book of Genesis. It involves God asking Cain where his brother, Abel was. Cain answered that he didnt know, when in fact, he had killed Abel. †¦ whoever kills you will suffer seven times the vengeance. (Genesis 4:15, International Standard Version). Jonathan Seward(Johnny Christ) is the fourth bassist, and joined the band while he was still in High School in the year 2003. He is the youngest and shortest in the band. Zack Baker(Zacky Vengeance) is the band’s left-handed rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist. Zacky was a self-taught guitarist and would play his dad’s right-handed guitar upside-down by watching his favourite bands play and other people he knew that played, and practised as much as he could. Brian Haner Jr.(Synyster Gates) plays the lead guitar, and does backup vocals for the band. His father is Brian Haner. He also plays in some Avenged Sevenfold tracks. He mostly plays acoustic guitar solos that duel back and forth with Synysters electric guitar and also helped his son write So Far Away, a track on the band’s latest album that Brian had finished writing in memory of his late best friend and band-mate, Jimmy The Rev Sullivan. The Rev was known to the world as one of the greatest drummers of all time. He passed away on 28th December 2009, due to an accidental overdose of prescription drugs. Avenged Sevenfold kicked off with a metalcore sound on their first album ‘Sounding the Seventh Trumpet’, which included a lot of screaming vocals and heavy-metal guitar riffs. They then changed their style on their third release, ‘City of Evil’, which featured more of a mainstream hard rock style. They have still retained their heavy metal feel by using blazing guitar solos and blistering double-bass drumming patterns, while keeping their musical aggression at a minimum level compared to their earlier work which makes their music all the more appealing to the larger crowd. â€Å"The Rev ‘Seized the Day’ to conquer the ‘City of Evil’ in ‘Bat Country’, and forced the ‘Beast and the Harlot’ to ‘Scream’ their ‘Unholy Confessions’. He left them ‘Trashed and Scattered’ and ‘Blinded In Chains’ with the ‘Strength of the World’. He found it ‘Almost Easy’ and became a ‘Sidewinder’ and slithered to ‘A Little Piece of Heaven’ in his ‘Afterlife’, now he is ‘M.I.A.’ and his ‘Nightmare’ has come to pass. RIP Jimmy The Rev Sullivan, youre gone but NEVER forgotten!†Sevenfold, A. (n.d.). Quote by Avenged Sevenfold. Retrieved December 10th, 2012 from This meaningful quote is a tribute to the late legend and also uses quite a few of Avenged Sevenfold’s track names as characteristics of the quote to convey a very important message about The Rev’s personality. Avenged Sevenfold has released five studio albums, fifteen singles, and one live album/compilation. The album artwork of their latest album ‘Nightmare’ deeply reflects on the music and the band’s life without their beloved friend, The Rev. The musicality has advanced since their emergence and this is their most technically advance album yet. At first glance, it’s no doubt that the band is Avenged Sevenfold. Not just because of the text stating the obvious, but because of their signature symbol that they have made known all over the world as the Deathbat. It was originally designed by their high school friend named Micah Montague. The Deathbat is the key element in almost any Avenged Sevenfold image or poster and has also appeared on every album cover, many of which were done by Cameron Rackam, a close acquaintance of the band. Another key element in this album’s artwork is the noticeable highlighting of the alphabets ‘REV’ in the word ‘Forever’ on the tombstone. There is a pretty deep connection through which emotions pla y a major role as to how the overall message is being conveyed, which in this case is the fact that The Rev; who was by no doubt a great person and who was loved by the whole world; has moved on into his afterlife and that his memories will be treasured in everyone’s hearts and minds ‘foREVer’. With regard to color theory, it’s safe to say that Nightmare’s album art is analogous in nature. Ranging from the green(dark; leaves) end to the blue end of the color spectrum wheel. In terms of temperature, this artwork has been designed to incline more towards the cooler half of the spectrum as it can be easily inferred because of its blue sky, especially at the point where the smoke is lighter in colour, in turn providing a chilled and cold effect. The girl’s pale skin is also a sign of fear which is a marvellous combination of taking the word ‘cold’ both, literally as well as metaphorically. The fonts used are pretty spooky too. The frequent uneven thickness in certain parts of different letters in ‘Avenged Sevenfold’ makes it the most noticeable component of the art. Also, as it is white in colour, it stands out from the rest of the contrasting colours. The red ‘Nightmare’ is the only warm colour used in the entire cover. It must be so because the artist was trying to convey feelings of passion and love towards their late friend. But also since the font has more edgy feel to it, it could have slight traces of anger and anxiety too. The deathbat here is no longer just a floating skull with small wings. The symbolism used here shows that the band has grown in maturity as well as musically; hence the large deathbat with a cloak covering its presently unknown body. The album is titled ‘Nightmare’ as it is a dark word that sends shivers down one’s spine. They’ve used a good combination of the cold environment in the picture along with the hot portrayal of the album-name(red in colour). It is called so because on the day they completed writing the record’s lyrics, The Rev admitted that he was totally excited and eager to record this album. But sadly, he passed away three days after that. This came as a shock to everyone and was a nightmare to the band. Hence they dedicated this album to him. Every time I look at the cover while listening to any of this album’s songs, it feels as though a story is being told. Every song is a reminder of The Rev and that was another reason why this album topped the billboard charts, standing at #1 in the first week itself. This album really connected to all Avenged Sevenfold fans.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Mind, Body, Media Essay -- Science Religion Papers
Mind, Body, Media It seems as though organized religion, specifically Christianity, has always reacted with hostility towards scientific advancements. Examples of the church’s animosity towards scientific discoveries that threatened their power, influence, and credibility plague the history books. During the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution many scientists were ostracized from the church for their theories and discoveries. For example, Giordono Bruno, a follower of the Hermetic tradition and an outspoken supporter of the Copernican theory, was summoned by the church to appear before an Inquisition whereby he was found guilty of blasphemy and condemned to death. He was burned at the stake in 1600 (Perry, 70). Galilei Galileo and Johannes Kepler suffered less severe punishments in that they were only excommunicated from the church. Presently, research and scientific discovery are more collective and tend to be funded by corporations thus making it more difficult to pinpoint individual offens es, but the church continues to criticize and condemn science in areas such as cloning and stem cell research, to name but a few. Before examing the topic of A.I. and religion, it is important to understand why the chasm between the two institutions exists. I will briefly analyze the church’s position on the subject of the Internet, which clarifies their stance on A.I. Many scholars, historians, and church leaders are skeptical about the possibility of a harmonious relationship developing between the church and science. Because the church and its doctrines are based upon ethereal claims and science is rooted in empiricism and veritable evidence, notions of truth are the points at which their differences seem to culminate and their dia... ... clear set guidelines that make living with each other generally safe and when executed correctly, harmonious. There are many questions that have not been answered in this treatise and many wishful outcomes that depend on certain circumstances in order to be fulfilled, however, if A.I., religion, and society were to embrace each other and allow the nature of each discipline and being to flourish, then I believe that finally, there will be a compatible working relationship formed between science and religion. Works Cited Cootsona, Gregory S. Questions Regarding A.I., The Internet, and The Church. New York. 25 Jul. 2001. Hook, Sidney. Marx and the Marxists. Van Nostrand Punblishing Company, 1955. Page, Benjamin B. Marxism and Spirituality. Bergin and Garvey, 1993. Russell, Keith. "Believing in God and Science." Insight on the News 20 (1998) : 12-13.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Future of Oil
TIME Magazine, titled †The Future of Oil†by author Bryan Walsh which is a senior writer for TIME magazine, covering energy, environment and diseases infers and appraises the future of oil in the aspect of economy, value, scarcity and finding its alternatives. The author reveals and reviews the importance of oils to global economy as well as the urgency on finding another replacement for oil in order to flee the world from over-relying on this non-renewable natural resources.This facts have agonized the world and people starts concerning nice decades ago when people found that the oil is not renewable and not reusable. SUMMARY In the first part of the article, the author reviews the discovery of new plentiful oil sources in the Atlantic Ocean 180 miles east of ROI De Jeanine could producers,OHO barrels of crude a day, yet it is still disproportional to the demand all around the world.Nevertheless, the latest advanced technologies applied on automobiles and recession of e conomy in US have temporary shed the demand oil, the rapid growth in other countries like China, India and certain developing countries have equalize gain the demand and supply graph back to the extreme level. These bring a phenomena that plentiful but expensive oil in the market. The price of oil will still be hardly to drop. Moreover, there is still no other substitute available for oil, it is prone to be big booms and deep busts, taking the global economy along with it.When the global economy heats up, demand for oil rises, boosting the price and encouraging producers to pump more. Inevitably those high prices eat into economic growth and reduce demand Just as suppliers are overproducing. Prices crash, and the cycle starts all over again. However, the environmental issues and costs have to be brought to be concerned. The catastrophic oil spill accident happened in the Gulf of Mexico had brought huge impact to the environment and it needs decades to recover.Yet, the demand of oil is never stop, supply of oil must be ideally inexhaustible to the world. People are facing the more challenging and dangerous tasks while getting the unconventional oil to satisfy the demand of oil. Hence, the best solution is still to develop other kind of energy alternative to break temporally of oil for environmental, economy and future. Analysis of the Presentation The first element of the article â€Å"The Future of Oil†written by Bryan Walls in April 2012 that is going to be discusses will be the author's purpose of intent.From the article, the author's purpose is to inform the audience about the current amount of available crude left and the number of production of barrels of oil per day which to fulfill the unlimited demand from the international market, and to predict that the oil which supports our daily transportation will be getting expensive in the future and it will be much more polluting in order to process the oil as the process is destructive to the environm ent. The second element to be discusses will be the author's point of view.As what have written before, since the author have stated that the price of oil becomes expensive (Bryan Walls, 2012). Thus the author suggests that it will be important to hold as more researches and developments of carbon-free alternatives such as wind power, solar power, nuclear power and befouls as possible now in order to reach better technology in fuel-efficiency which is believed potential to reduce the burden of the high price of oil in our daily life later. Next, the author's tone in writing the article will be another element to be discusses where a tone fleets the author's feeling and attitude towards the subject.Audience can feel the author's tone was excited when he describe on the size of the floating oil-production platform deck in Atlantic, Brazil which he wrote †The platform deck is so big you could play the Super Bowl on it, if not for the nest for the interlocking pipes and valves th at circulate oil, methane and steam throughout the ship. †(Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 2 line 5-7). The author shows the feeling of regret too from his word â€Å"A combination of recession, conservation and improved auto efficiency has eloped the U.S. Shed demand impressively. But demand in China, India and other developing nations have replaced it. Result: plentiful but expensive oil that translate into painfully high gas prices. †(Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 5 line 3-5). Other than that, the author's worry can be found from the written â€Å"The new supplies are for the most part more expensive than traditional oil from places like the Middle Each, sometimes significantly so. They are often dirtier, with higher risks of accidents. (Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 8 line 2-4). The author also wows the feeling of sarcastic and contradiction when he wrote muff may not like Exxon because of the pump price or its oversize profits, but how much love do you have for autocratic poetasters like Iran or Russia? Oxen's growth trickles down; the oil-and-gas industry created 9% of all new Jobs last year, according to a report by the World Economic Forum, even as oil companies booked multimillion-dollar profits. †(Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 15 line 5-9).The author used the tone sarcastic once again later in his word â€Å"Low oil prices in the sass lulled U. S. Auto companies into disastrous complacency; they had dew efficient models available when oil turned expensive. †(Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 18 line 5-6). Other than all of the above, the author used the tone of exaggerate when he describing the amount of available extreme oil, â€Å"Extreme oil meaner there will still be enough?more than 1 trillion barrels by one estimate?to keep cooking the planet if we decide to burn it all. (Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 25 line 7-8). In addition, the author used some fact information instead of opinion sentences teen the paragraphs in the article; which a fact is the statement that can be proven right or wrong, and an opinion is the statement of feeling that cannot be proven right or wrong (Dahlia, Critique Essay). The author stated that since there is increase in crude collecting activities which requires drilling technology now thus â€Å"Tight oil has helped revivalist the American drilling industry. (Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 11 line 1). Besides that, the author also stated that U. S. ‘s import of liquid fuels have decreased from 60% in year 2005 to 45% in last year, if domestic oil production continues to rise, U. S could move toward to energy independence (Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 12). Other than that, he also included fact information in his article, written that â€Å"There is no substitute for economy along with it. (Bryan Walsh, The Future of Oil, paragraph 17). Last of all, the author have ref erred to other's speeches and opinions such as from President Obama, energy expert–Michael Clare, state geologist of Text–Scott Tinker, and chief economist at EIA?Afterbirth, which he have written into his article â€Å"The Future of Oil†but yet he do not enclose the links and quote them to the references or origins which e have used as materials, thus his scholarly is considered as unclear.RESPONSE TO THE PRESENTATION In the article â€Å"The Future of Oil†, author Bryan Walsh has used many statistics and data to strengthen the persuasiveness of his view to audience, but he fails to indicate the exact sources of certain data. Maybe some of these data are very common to local people, example the average price of oil last year in US, â€Å"Last year the average cost for a gallon of unleaded was $3. 51, the highest on record, up from $2. 90 a year before. On March 26 the national average was$3. 90†³(Bryan, 2012), but that was uncommon to reader from other area.He actually should include the sources of those data in order to make his article to be more convincing. The same problem occurs on the information on the production of crude barrels daily by Petrol's in Atlantic Ocean. The author stated the amount of crude produced, but he did not mention where he got the data from. Instead, these might bring some doubts and seems exaggerating to the audience. Nevertheless, in this article, Bryan Walsh focuses more on the impact of oil to US economy,but hectically provides sufficient facts while explaining the influence of oil to the global future economy.He states and redirects US might be able to achieve energy independence as more sophisticated hydraulic fracturing and horizontal trinitrotoluene's applied to open up reserves of oil which previously considered unobtainable, but he does agree also that more production of oil in US does not really help to calm the increasing global oil demand. He states â€Å"Energy security is fine, bu t it doesn't have that much meaning in a globalizes economy,†says Guy Caruso, a former head of the EIA (Bryan, 2012).This is very true that no matter how much new and unconventional oils are being discovered, the world will never satisfy from the supplies. Nonetheless, Bryan Walsh, in his article, besides economy issues, he does talk about the impact of producing oil to the environment, the true cost to the environment which he intends to warn people the consequences and the future challenge of producing oil. He does provide some facts and sayings of certain representative to attract reader's attention on this serious issue.Example†elf you think cleaning up an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was tough, try doing it in the remote, forbidding Arctic. But even greater than the immediate environmental danger posed by unconventional oil is the larger risk to the climate. â€Å"(Bryan, 2012). However, he fails to picture out how destructive the consequences and negative effe ct to the environmental. Instead, he provides saying like â€Å"There's enough carbon there to create a totally different planet,†says James Hansen, a NASA climatologist and activist (Bryan, 2012) without explaining how different planet would it be.At the last part of the article, author Bryan Walsh has clarified his view on the future of oil. He denotes that new coming sources and unconventional oil does not really help to solve the fundamental problem. He does need of oil. He includes some facts to show the effort of people to increase the efficiency in order to waste the energy sources. â€Å"Beam's push to increase corporate average fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles to 55 m. P. G. By 2025 is vital†(Bryan, 2012).
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay - 1317 Words
â€Å"Sic Semper tyrannis†or â€Å"Thus always I bring death to tyrants†were the famous words of Confederate actor John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a tragic event that will be forever remembered in the hearts of all American citizens. On April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado, Booth’s words would make a comeback during another American tragedy; Columbine high school was the setting for arguably one of the most notorious school shootings in the history of America. Two average American boys, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris would make Columbine high school one of the most famous in the world by taking aim at their peers and teachers, yet few people know that the notorious shooting was originally planned to be a massive bombing. One of the boys wore a t-shirt under his trench coat with the infamous words blazen on the front to guarantee that their message was understood-- they were see king what they considered as justice when they were setting off bombs in their high school. The school shooting was not the original plan for the two seniors, Harris and Klebold had planned to blow their high school to smithereens. Firearms were suppose to play only a small part in what the boys called â€Å"Judgement Day.†Jefferson County Police Department, the local department that handled the case, has recently released the journals of the two shooters; the journals include detailed itineraries for the attack and all of the trialsShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln861 Words  | 4 PagesAppomattox Courthouse, one of America s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was shot and killed by a man named John Wilkes Booth. Specifically, John Wilkes Booth was an American play actor and a big sympathiser for the Confederacy. Booth was well known for his hatred towards the President and his crazy ideas and motives, which lead to the killing of Lincoln. Many conspiracies and theories today believed the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was handled by John Wilkes alone, but other conspiracies believedRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1064 Words  | 5 PagesColin Shafer Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination President Abraham Lincoln was the first United States president ever to be assassinated while in office. He was president during the Civil War and had many people that did not like him. John Wilkes Booth did not like Abraham Lincoln and was responsible for the President’s death. Abraham Lincoln was born in Harden County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1818, his mother died while he was just nine yearsRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1535 Words  | 7 PagesMichael Cardenas Ritmann History 2B October 16, 2015 The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln On April 14, 1865 at twelve o’ clock midnight John Wilkes Booth lay in his bed at the National Hotel. Three days earlier he had attended a speech given by President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. The civil war had commenced just two days earlier and the crowd was jubilant. When Lincoln concluded his speech with the the acknowledgment of black suffrage, Booth became incensed and declared that â€Å"Now byRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln511 Words  | 2 PagesThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln occurred on April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C. Lincoln was watching the play â€Å"Our American Cousin†at Ford’s Theatre located in Washington D.C. John Wilkes Booth entered the theatre during the play and shot and killed President Lincoln. This tragic event changed history. President Lincoln was the President of the United States during the time of slavery. He was also the president during the Civil War. Lincoln wantedRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay1342 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Sic Semper Tyrannis†or â€Å"Thus always I bring death to tyrants†were the famous words of Confederate actor John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a devastating event that will be forever remembered in the hearts of all American citizens. On April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado, Booth’s words became a part of another American tragedy; Columbine high school was the setting for arguably one of the most infamous school shootingsRead MoreThe Assassination Of President Abraham Lincoln Essay983 Words  | 4 PagesOne of the most tragic moments throughout all American history in my opinion is the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. With no surprise I am writing about certain event that occurred leading up to, during, and after this unfortunate event. This historical event is clouded with conspiracy but I will try to avoid specifics of that particular view. Abraham Lincoln was born in a little town located within Hardin Country, Kentucky on February 12, 1809 ( HeRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Essay913 Words  | 4 PagesAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He was elected into presidency on November 6, 1860. Many of the southern states were unsupportive of Lincoln becoming president because he had run on an anti-slavery platform. Lincoln being elected into presidency caused states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas to split from the Union. In his inaugural address Lincoln proclaimed it was his duty to maintain the Union; a month laterRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagesorphaned child-to do all which may be achieved and cherished a just and a lasting peace among ourselves, and with all other nations†-Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address (Great Documen ts of America 19). Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States and perhaps one of the most hated presidents that ever served, this hatred for president Lincoln came from his options and actions regarding the nation’s conflict at the time; the Civil War, this came after the succession of fourteenRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1456 Words  | 6 Pagesbe the same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illness. John Wilkes Booth, a master assassinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murderRead MoreAbraham Lincoln s Assassination Of President1176 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln’s Assassination President Abraham Lincoln was the first United States president ever to be assassinated while in office. He was president during the Civil War and had many people that did not like him. John Wilkes Booth was one of those people and was the man responsible for the Presidents death. The following is about Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Booth’s plan for Lincoln, the President’s assassination, Booth’s capture and how it affected history. Abraham Lincoln was born
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