Thursday, November 28, 2019
Teenage Prgnancy and Moral Panic Essay Example
Teenage Prgnancy and Moral Panic Paper Background, context and history of moral panic and teenage pregnancy. Teenagers have been seen as the cause of the problem and the victims for numerous moral panics including rave culture, mods and rockers and in more recent years hoodies and a number of violent related problems such as knife and gun crime. My focus is on the long running issue of teenage pregnancy and how in todays society the teen mother is seen as a folk devil and a stereotypical character. Jock Young first coined the term, moral panic whilst talking bout the social reaction of drug takers in Notting Hill. Stanley Cohen then explored the concept further. Moral panic has been defined as the intensity of feeling expressed by a large number of people about a specific group of people who appear to threaten the social order at a given time. (1972, Pg 9) Cohen Also stated that a moral panic has begun when a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests. (972, Pg 9) Those who start a panic do so when they fear a threat to prevailing social or cultural values, are known by researchers as moral entrepreneurs, while the people who supposedly threaten the social order are known as a folk devil. We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Prgnancy and Moral Panic specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Prgnancy and Moral Panic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Prgnancy and Moral Panic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The moral panic of teenage mothers came in to existence in the late 1970s and peeked in the 1980s and early 1990s with the new right and underclass theories of the conservative government led by Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher suggested that teenage and single mothers as the problem of the United Kingdom, thus creating mass panic and the demonisation on young and single mothers. Are the representations appropriate proportionate to the issue? Statistics for the national office of statistics reveal that since 1971 teenage pregnancy figures have either stayed roughly the same or have been decreasing slightly until 1999. There was a slight increase in younger teenagers getting pregnant in the 1990s. But quite a substantial decrease in the over 16s becoming parents. AS time went on there was a noticeable increase in the number of abortions for both under 16s and over 16s age groups. The media can be held responsible for amplification and exaggeration of the issue, which takes place through the medias work such as news papers and magazines being the most influential to the general public. Head lines and photos evoke the most social reaction, usually one of surprise and disbelief. This then creates more wide spread panic and concern resulting in a higher level of moral panic. Which serves to appeal to the public so that they concur with ready-made opinions about the course of action to be taken, and these opinions have been found from the members of what Cohen refers to as the moral barricade, i. e. bishops, politicians and editors. Combined with the opinions of the experts who are wheeled out to give their diagnosis, they reach an agreement about how to cope with the situation in hand, and the problem either disappears or at least deteriorates. In this case it was proposed that there should be more sex education with in schools, and for younger teenagers and older children. Just some of the headlines about teenage pregnancy from The Sun The Guardian and The Daily Mail. * Under-14 abortions soar 20% Girls as young as 13 to get contraceptive jabs in a bid to tackle pregnancy hot spots Relentless rise in teenage pregnancies Mothers despair over pregnant teen The girl of 18 who has had SIX abortions. These photos have been taken from the internet; the images evoke strong social reaction and concern as all three of the girls featured look very young and are dressed as children. The reason why so many people see teenage pregnancy as a problem is that, society as a whole paints a picture that childhood and its innocents should be protected against violence and sexual behaviour, getting pregnant during a girls teenage years forces them to grow up very quickly and deal with the adult responsibilities of bring up a child, cutting their own childhood short. What is seen as the cause of the problem? The cause of the problem was first thought to be lack of sex education for teenagers in schools and within the home. Parents felt embarrassed talking to their children about sex and intimate relationships. Although sex education became compulsory in schools the problem failed to get better and the figures remained the same. It was not ignorance that led to high numbers of teenage pregnancy; Teenagers know what precautions to take against getting pregnant but chose not to use them. Another reason is explored but the social exclusion unit, One reason why the UK has such high teenage pregnancy rates is that there are more young people who see no prospect of a job and fear they will end up on benefits one way or the other. Put simply, they see no reason not to get pregnant. (SEU, 1999a, p. 7) Many people blame the media for allowing young people to have access to content seen as explicit and of an adult nature, television shows are constantly making reference to sex despite there having a watershed from 9pm until 5. 30 am the next day, Programs still contain enough reference to make children aware of sexual activity. Hudson and Ineichen state that Movies, music, radio and TV tell them (Teenage girls) that sex is romantic, exciting, titillating; pre marital sex and cohabitation are visible ways of life among the adults they see and hear about; their own parents or their parents friends are divorced or separated but involved in sexual relationships. Yet at the same time they gat the impression that good girls say no. Almost nothing they see or hear informs them about contraception or the importance of protecting pregnancy. (1991 Pg 18) Magazines have been under scrutiny in most recent years teenage material such as Sugar Bliss and More aimed at young girls between the ages of 12 16 were available from any news agents or supermarket. These magazines made casual references to sexual behavior, using quizzes, polls, problem pages and sex and relationship tips. The content available to teenagers through the use of the internet has become an increased concern for parents, with the development of chat rooms, instant messaging and networking websites they could in theory be told anything by anyone, no matter how unsuitable for their ages as many of the chat rooms remain unmonitored. What has been suggested as a response or remedy? Education Has to be given to young teenagers, and older children in the right way, make them aware not just of the biological aspects of sex but the emotional side too. Social attitude of teenager sexual behaviour Generally the social views about teenagers having sex, are bad ones, parents on the whole try and stop their children from having sex, which doesnt work teenagers will be having sex no matter what adults say, Concentrating o Lack of embarrassment is needed from peers and especially parents, so that teenagers can talk openly about sex and their experiences, also lack of embarrassment would encourage young people to go to family planning clinics and buy contraception over the counter. More contraception easily available The social exclusion unit states that teenage mothers are 4 xs more likely to live in social housing, and are more likely to be from deprived areas, the government should therefore target these areas with more facilities, first for prevention of teen pregnancy, with family planning clinics and relationships advice. Careers advice centres in more deprived areas, to show young girls that there can be more to life than having a baby so young, and that a career maybe rewarding both financially and emotionally. Bibliography Brooks Gunn, J and Furstenberg, F and S, P Morgan.(1990) Adolescent Mothers: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Campion, M, J. (1995): Whos Fit To Be A Parent? London: Routledge Cohen, S. (1972): Folk Devils and Moral Panics: London: MacGibbon and Kee F, Hudson, and B, Ineichen (1991): Taking It Lying Down: London: Macmillan Press Jones, M, and E. Jones. (1999) Mass Media. London: Macmillan Press V, Hey, New Labour, social exclusion and educational risk management the case of gymslip mums British educational research journal 26 (4) (2000) J, Musick (1993): Young, Poor and Pregnant: London: Yale University Press.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
We Decide if Rejection Fits
We Decide if Rejection Fits When we are rejected, whether Yea, yea, youve heard all that, and its easier said than done. You know, the standing back up stuff. After all, arent we just getting shot, then standing back up to be shot again? Maybe. But sooner or later, those people run out of ammo. I had a real pity party this week. Hey, didnt I have one of those not too long ago? Yes, but there are all sorts of ways to be rejected, you know. And about the time you toughen up to one form of it, another slaps you from behind. This time, I actually sat down with a cup of coffee and asked myself some pertinent questions because I didnt like how this situation made me think. I was not chosen for a speaking engagement that Id spoken at before. And its laughable now, but I caught myself seeking ways to criticize the event and the players involved rather than looking in the mirror. Childish. Then I asked myself: Do you feel like a lesser person because you didnt make the cut? Is that the problem? Did they make you question yourself, make you think you were on the wrong track? Then I asked: Is there anything in this situation that would make you change who you are and what you do? Are these gatekeepers important enough to alter your path? We dont like to think of ourselves as substandard. But sometimes its as simple as we dont have the right connection. Sometimes the person in front of us made the cut and filled the slot. Sometimes who and what we are isnt the who and what someone else needs for the job. Was I ready to change something major as a result of that particular rejection? Sometimes a rejection is a sign we arent our best, but not this time. My husband tried to tell me how they didnt merit me, which was sweet. Who doesnt love a good cheerleader? But instead I took my coffee cup back to the computer and kept on working. I could think its their loss or theyre stupid or they dont deserve me, but that makes me a type of person I dont want to be. I was a square peg for their not-so-square hole. Better to spend my energy seeking square holes.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analyse an existing food and wine festival in Australia. 2750 Words Essay
Analyse an existing food and wine festival in Australia. 2750 Words - Essay Example â€Å"The festival celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 2007. With the theme Celebrate the Blend the festival showcases the rich diversity of the Barossa region and celebrates the food, the wine and the people. Today, the Barossa is South Australias leading wine tourism asset along with the Barossa Vintage Fest.†(Barossa valley events 2000). Variety of wine products is available in the festival, some of them rare. The ‘Rare and Distinguished wine auction is a peculiar event in the festival. We can meet the manufacturers of the wine through the â€Å"legends behind the barrel†program. Many types of family programs and entertainment activities are arranged in the event. The event commencing from Easter Saturday lasts over nine days. All of the Barossa community take part in the event. More than 100 stage events are presented by many groups of the community. Along with food and wine, arts, crafts, music an historical events are also staged. The vintage festival encompasses all the aspects of the Barossa community such as businesses, civic groups, churches and individuals. They all participate by engaging in different activities and this is the major factor for success of the event. (Barossa vintage festival n.d.). In this report the potential tourism development opportunities related to the Barossa Vintage Festival are discussed. The report first discusses the potential opportunities of the destination as a food and wine and event tourism location in connection with the festival. Vision, Planning, SWOT analysis, marketing and sponsorship, legal and risk management and evaluation relating to the event are analyzed in order to find out its current marketing position for providing appropriate recommendations for improvement. Tourism is an important sector of the economy of Australia. There are many special events conducted in the country as part of their tourism development activities.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mod 3 Pre-trial and trial procedures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mod 3 Pre-trial and trial procedures - Assignment Example In December 7 1993, Colin Ferguson from Jamaica started shooting passengers on a commuter train at random killing six and injuries 16 people; after he stopped to reload, the passengers restrained him. When appearing in court, he self-represented himself but the eyewitnesses and the prosecutor managed to convince the magistrate to sentence him to more than 200 jail terms in New York Attica Prison. The critics of this case argue that he was not in his sane mind to stand trial hence the court was wrong to convict and sentence him (People v Ferguson248, N.Y App 1998). In the Poucell v Alabama, 287 U.S case, fourteen African youths were unfairly charged by the court for reportedly raping two white women, the case which was popularly known as the ‘Scottsboro case’ where within two weeks of arrest, they were convicted, tried and sentenced to death; the Supreme Court reversed this conviction. In Indiana a defendant was found competent to self-represent but the trial court did not allow him to, even though he was competent. An attorney was appointed to represent him, but he was sentenced, following a Foreta, a similar case wherein it was held by the Supreme Court that the accused was competent to self-represent. The disposal of petty offenses; these cases guarantee that either a fine or a short jail term is imposed. Cases such as common traffic laws and breaking of local regulations fall into this category. The Preliminary hearing is where the magistrate hears the state’s case and determines if it can appear before the grand jury or not. The functions of grand jury include: preventing baseless, discriminatory and overzealous charges by examining hearings and evidence presented before it. The grand jury also has power to order the witnesses to appear before it, issue immunity or hold the individuals in contempt. The jurisdiction and venue: before a court hears a case and rules, it
Monday, November 18, 2019
Why states act through formal International Organizations Essay
Why states act through formal International Organizations - Essay Example The paper tells that in the earlier centuries, humans spread out to new geographical territories for various purposes. These territories with the passage of time evolved into civilizations, kingdoms and eventually into states or countries. However, this ‘evolution’ part was not a smooth affair, as certain territories wanting to annex more territories and also to dominate others, indulged in wars and other aggressive actions. These aggressive actions led to major wars including two World Wars. On the positive side, from the last few centuries, especially from the second half of the 20th century, states have become more ‘civilized’ and are acting in a more controlled manner. This happened and is happening due to various factors and one of the key factors is the formation of formal International Organizations (IO) by the states themselves. States wanted to develop omnipresent overseeing organization or organizations, which can handle a state’s ‘int eraction’ with other countries in sensitive issues, pre-empt any detrimental actions carried out by one state against others, warn and act against states and their governments, when they act against their own people and also to manage social welfare issues like health, education, refugee issues, science, etc. This formation of IOs have actualized a positive environment throughout the world, with the countries acting with self-discipline, minimizing aggressive overtures, and at the same time indulging in welfare activities. However, this is not the scenario all the time, because certain countries without following the tenets of the IOs continue to act aggressively and unilaterally. Even amidst these dishonouring of the IOs, countries tend to obey and act through IOs for certain valid reasons. Historical Background The earliest precursor or the historical prototype of the present day International Organizations is the Delian League. According to Zweifel (2006, pg.31) Delian Lea gue was started around 4th century AD as an association among the Greek city-states, dominated by Athens, with the main â€Å"purpose of facilitating military cooperation against their common enemies†. Although, other regional groupings were formed by the territories to oversee and manage the relations among themselves throughout the last few centuries, nothing materialized on a large geographical scale. One of the main reasons why that did not actualize is because of the absence of sovereign states all over the world particularly in Europe. The evolution of territories and kingdoms into states or modern-day nations did not start till 17th century, with the complete evolution taking place mainly in the second half of the 20th century. According to Archer (2007, pg.4) the key turning points for the formation of IOs were the Peace of Westphalia, 1648, which ended the Thirty Years War and the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Before that, the concept of European unification based on Ch ristianity dominated the political circles of various European territories. However, when that did happen, it facilitated the formation of sovereign state system in Europe, and later throughout the world. Thus evolved states also understood the need to actualize a natural law or entity that can guide and manage the relations between them, and in that direction created bilateral, trilateral and even quadrilateral agreements. However, those agreements among states and did not enlarge maximally. However in the next few centuries, nothing concrete evolved due to various historical reasons including conflicts among the various states, imperialism, etc, etc. Although, international cooperation in terms of collective action happened with the Concert of Europe (1815-1914), Geneva Convention in 1864 and even Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1889, it was not until after the First World War, that the work for the development of International organizations got started. Because of the unpreced ented suffering caused by the First World W
Friday, November 15, 2019
Communication †sending and receiving verbal information
Communication – sending and receiving verbal information Communication is the complex process of sending and receiving verbal information. The communication process plays a very important role in the profession of nursing. Daily the nurses have to deal with a huge number of patients of diverse background. Some belong to educated background and understands thing very well but some are not educated, and for them understanding and communicating with the medical staff is very difficult so it is the responsibility of the nurses to improve their skills to such an extent that communicating with people of all sorts become possible for them. The communication could be verbal or nonverbal like by the use of expressions or jesters etc. The discussion among the nurses and the patients is conducted usually in a very hectic atmosphere; both the patients and nurses are in an urgency as a result of which unwanted issues may arise. The directions are often delivered to the patients on the phones rather than face to face. In the cases of emergency the commu nication skills gain very high importance as the decision about the procedure has to be made immediately but sometimes the patient nurse interaction is delayed too much as a result of which serious consequences could be faced. In order to avoid the problems in communication some strategies have been discussed in this paper. One technique to attain this objective is by the use of strategies which are being used by other industries and have been very effective like team resource management. It is a training course which has been designed by the aviation business. It emphasizes on combined decision making and team oriented approaches. The most excellent patient care can be provided when the nurses are accessible at all times. By the use of equipments like background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), it is guaranteed that the delivered messages are very clear and not ambiguous in any kind of stressful situation (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004). U-nursing is also very effective in imp roving the patient nurse communication. The SWOT analysis is also given in the proposal. The above mentioned plans could be implemented easily. Some are not time consuming like changing the behavior and attitude of the nurses however some of them needs time like installation of wireless equipments. If the nurses lack the skills for good communication the above mentioned tasks becomes really difficult to handle. In order to deal with patients who have diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and having different levels of knowledge, communication becomes a big challenge to the health care providers. Health care providers especially the nurses have always been very keen to advance the communication skills so that they can progress to better patients care services. In nursing, a heavy amount of information has to be provided and received in a narrow time period. In order to do this perfectly and smoothly the communication settings, history experiences and individual opinion of the people must be considered very deeply. So the communication enhancements mentioned above will prove to be very successful. From this study we have come to know that when you move toward alteration with a patient-centered attitude, the finest decisions are obvious. Table of Contents Introduction Communication means relocation of the information amongst the people. The nursing job involves continuous communication between the patients, their relatives and the nurses. The chances of miscommunication in this profession are very high which can lead to serious consequences. For nurses it is really important that they should be aware of key communicating process and the height to risks and problems that they can come across as a result of miss-communication. It is important to have clear communication with patients especially for those nurses who are involved in collection of patient history. They should be aware of the art of educating the patients giving them the needed emotional help (Munhill, 2007, p.452). According to a report at Institute of Medicine, it has now been an established fact that secure and trustworthy relationship between a patient and the health care provider (especially nurse) depends upon healthy and good communication (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004; Viney et al., 2006). Usually the goal of the health care providers is to achieve more in a smaller amount time as a result of which their relations with patients suffer. In this proposal we are going to discuss about how communications between the patients and the nurses can be improved in order to have a healthy and fruitful relationship. Analysis of change needed Efficient communication between the patients and health care providers especially nurses is a very important area in the hospital management but it is hampered by different problems. The discussion with the patients is conducted usually in a very busy environment; both the patients and nurses are in a hurry as a result of which undesirable issues are raised. Communication with the patients is mostly carried out through answering machines instead of having a direct interaction. According to the leadership theory as presented by Fred Fiedler suggests that effective group performance depended upon the proper match between a leaders style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which situation allowed the leader to control and influence (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p. 493). It is often argued that in a hospital setting, in-charge nurse is often lacking required competencies in relation to communicating with patients that represent a barrier in efficient leadership. One of the prime reasons being their promotion from the clinical nurse thus they are apt at dealing with medical issues but ill equipped to be regarded as a good communicator with patients (Connelly et al., 2003, p.298). Their relationship should be relationship oriented instead of focusing solely on routine tasks. Similarly path-goal theory as devised by Robert House also favours leader role to be more supportive, providing direction to relevant others (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p.498). A study conducted in United States of America concluded that 90% of the faults in patient analysis result from poor communication between the patients and the health care providers. Different sort of parameters like lack of sleep or proper rest, long duty hours, other part time jobs, personal issues or family concerns may have serious effects on the ability of nurses to interact with the patients. Therefore the present challenge is to develop an environment which is comfortable for nurses so that they can easily perform their job. One method to achieve this goal is by applying the strategies which have been adapted by industries working beyond provision of medical aid. Team resource management as constructed by aviation department could also bring desired outcomes. The strategy helps to direct all efforts towards equal participation in decision making, leading a team focused behavioral approach. The best patient care can be provided when the nurses are can be easily contacted in case of any issue during patients stay at the hospital. By using different electronic gadgets like situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), such methods help to convey lucid messages between both nurses and patients to overcome the challenging situation (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004). It is stated that many nurses save around 20 to 40 minutes every day if they have immediate contact with the specialists. Most of the hospitals of the Unites States still use the old weird telephone systems which not only waste time but also may lead to miscommunication. A new communication technology like that of Dalcon Alertcan provide a solution to this problem. It is a wireless technology and by the use of it the patients, nurses, staff and the physicians can stay in contact with each other all the time, while even on move. A study showed that 70 to 80 percent of time could be saved each day by th e use of this technology. The technology also provides direct alerts to the nurses on their devices (Kohn, Corrigan Donaldson, 2000). Another method is to employ the U-Nursing technique. By U Nursing we mean that the nurses are available to all the organizations and institutes at all the time by using the facilities from information technology. The SWOT analysis about this nursing technique is given below (Murray, 2007, p.32). SWOT Analysis: Strengths: User friendly and Less time consuming Expert advice avail all the time Infrastructure is very safe and secure International quality standards maintained Enhance the communication between the patients and the nurses Weaknesses: The setup costs are very high Nurses are not yet very much trained to use this system Lack of support and backup infrastructure Opportunities: Research studies will be facilitated Technology development in nursing profession If goes successful , could be applied to all the hospitals and has just one time setup costs Holistic and Humanized Threats: System breakdowns by attack of viruses leading to data loss High dependency on the information technology Intellectual proprietary issues Be short of leadership in nursing Misuse of personal information of patients and loss of privacy Ignorant patients may be misguided Plan of Action The plan of action for the above mentioned analysis is as follows: First the working hours of the nurses would be discussed and adjusted accordingly so that they can work attentively and efficiently and this will be done immediately. The salary structure would be revised so that there would be no need for part time jobs. Recognize any hindrances which may hamper the communication like can the patient converse in English easily or not? If not the nurse should arrange for an interpreter. If the hearing ability of the patient is not well, hearing aid should be provided. Training courses for the nurses would be arranged regarding communication skills so that they can improve their communication with the patients and the physicians. Infrastructure for the U-Nursing plan would be arranged. For this purpose letters would be written to higher authorities at the hospital or even the government level if required so that the funds could be provided. Once the approval is received for such plan then nurses would be trained for the use of such facilities. In hospital equipment would be updated like the use of wireless technologies to be implemented so that the wastage of time could be prevented. The patients would be able to communicate with the nurses through wireless gadgets at all the times so that emergency situations can be dealt with ease and efficiency. Evaluation strategy The real time monitoring strategies about these new things will be applied. The amendment trials are fruitful when they are structured keeping in view the present situation and are visible with healthy results. They are made on the existing method of doing things, are visible and have positive outcomes (Greenhalgh et al., 2004; Rye Kimberly, 2007). The study would be evaluated by noticing the change in the general attitude of nurses, their change in appearance and social dealings. The qualitative and quantitative data will be used. For the qualitative data general observations will be done on the communication changes between nurses and the patients and for the qualitative data questionnaires will be given to the patients and they will be asked about the improvement in the communication skills of the nurses. They will be asked about the benefits or demerits of the use of wireless technology implemented in the hospital. If the patients provide us with the positive feedback this wi ll mean the change is a success. Conclusion The immediate problem and challenge in the health care industry is to manage and develop an environment which provides effective and transparent communication system between the patients and the health care workers especially nurses as they are the most frequent ones to come across with the patients. It is anticipated that the above mentioned changes will bring a positive and healthy change in the hospital environment and the communication skills of the nurses will be improved. Especially when the nurses will be trained accordingly the patients would definitely feel a positive change in the hospitals. It is wisely said that half of the illness of the patient is cleared out immediately when he is treated nicely by the health care provider.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Desire Under The Elms Essay examples -- essays research papers
â€Å"Desire Under the Elms†     In â€Å"Desire Under the Elms†, by Eugene O’Neill, many uses of both biblical and mythological allusions can be seen. These allusions help add depth to the plot of the play by linking the play to other similar, well-known stories. Three of the best allusions are seen in Cabot’s talk about how God is a strong god, his talk about God being in the stones, and his telling Eben that he is blind as a mole.      Cabot’s talk about God being a strong god is important to the story. He tells about how hard he had to work to make the farm a good place to live. â€Å"When yew kin make corn sprout out o’ stones, God’s livin’ in yew.†This quote is an allusion to how if you work hard and believe in God you can do whatever you want. The quote is important to the story because it helps develop the character of Cabot and it tells the reader what kind of man Cabot is. It shows that he is strong, tough, and has a strong belief in God.      Another important allusion can be seen when in the same part of the story as the previous one. Now, he is talking about how the farm is his and how he worked so hard to make it what it is. He then gives an allusion to the story of Peter building his church on the rock in the Bible. He says â€Å"God’s hard, not easy! God’s in the stones! Build my church on a rock – out o’ stones an’ I’ll be in them! That’s what he meant t’ Peter.†This quote refers to Peter’s story in ...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Reading is to the mind like exercise t the body Essay
Long before the invention of printing people valued books as treasure troves of the human knowledge and experience. Hand-written manuscripts took months of writing and were collected and kept in monasteries with all utmost care. Why are they so precious? To my mind, a book is one of the greatest wonders in the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to the books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Books are the surest way to bring nations together. They give us an insight not only into the past but also into the future. A book is a faithful friend. Books stir my imagination, expand the boundaries of the familiar world. Some books teach us to live, form our moral values, some entertain us and give pleasure, some are very helpful in difficult situations. Even in the modern age of rapidly developing information technology I still feel the greatest and most efficient way of expending our knowledge is by reading. Reading is like doing exercises. It’s very important for people to have some regular exercises. This is very good for the posture, which I believe greatly affects the general health of the body and makes you stronger, and makes you feel good. After doing some strenuous exercise followed by a shower, you can really feel that your life is renewed and you have a fresh vigor with which to face the day. It seems to me that the more you exercise, the more you want to exercise. When you want and when you are able to use your body, you don’t feel so much like sitting around being lazy. The same can be said about reading. It develops a person’s logical and analytical thinking, it enriches a person’s vocabulary and gives a lot of life experience. It helps to understand other people, teaches how to behave in difficult situations, helps to avoid problems. Books serve the purpose of learning, teaching and instructing. They influence our emotions and form our moral values. After reading an interesting book I can really feel to my life is renewed and I have a fresh vigor with which to face the day. The more I read, the more I want to read. I feel thirst for new information, emotional effect and good piece of advice which can be obtained through reading. There are different kind of books, such as historical novels which show people’s life in old times; adventure stories which tell us about brave and clever people and their adventures; popular science fiction books which create imaginary worlds; detective stories which show crime, criminals and clever detectives; romantic novels which tell us about happy and unhappy love, people’s feelings; psychological dramas which show how people behave in different situations; and fairy-tales with imaginary heroes who fight for the good against the evil. I have always had a lot of books to read. But it’s difficult for me to choose my favorite writer out of a range of talented authors. Frankly speaking, I’m not keen on reading women’s novels, one-day fiction and tabloids. I am interested in real literature, the books that are to be â€Å"chewed and digested†. In my view, a good writer must have an ability to portray life truthfully, to describe nature with love and understanding. A good writer can always make people laugh or cry. He has a sense of humor, great lyrical power rich imagination.
Friday, November 8, 2019
wetland essays
wetland essays There are many reasons why the preservation and construction of wetlands should be promoted. I however believe that three of the strongest reasons include, (1) saving wetlands for their water purification purposes (2) Maintaining wetlands for activities such as sport fishing, hunting, and trapping finally (3) Preserving wetlands for flood control. Wetlands provide an invaluable resource to lakes and streams everywhere, Water Purification. Not only can we rely on natural wetlands to purify lakes and streams, but we can also create wetlands to purify our municipal wastewater. Wetlands provide a place for suspended solids to settle. They also help to remove organic material. Wetland plants can uptake up to 150 kilograms of Phosphorous per year and up to 2500 kilograms of Nitrogen per year. Not only do these plants uptake nutrients that can eutrophicate lakes, but they reduce wind velocity which avoids the resuspension of materials. Wetlands provide that perfect habitat for many species of wildlife. Especially game species such as fish, ducks, and furbearers. Wetlands are important fisheries and they provide ideal feeding and breeding grounds for many species of fish. Many millions of dollars each year are spent of fishing equipment and tackle, and permits, so not only does the preservation of wetlands mean an increased catch, but it also means, that the money spent helps go toward habitat acquisition. Hunting, another recreational activity, which is enjoyed by many Americans, also generates millions of dollars. It allows many people to get out and enjoy what nature has to offer, and also allows them to put a meal on the table at the same time. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Concentric Circles of Concern Essays
Concentric Circles of Concern Essays Concentric Circles of Concern Paper Concentric Circles of Concern Paper Essay Topic: The Lord Of the Rings the Fellowship Of the Ring What may have been a death sentence o some, was seen as a new ministry door to him. Dry. Thompson enjoyed a fruitful minister as a pastoral consultant to the Cancer Counseling and Research Foundation; and pastoral consultant and board member of the Trinity Valley Hospice Association, Inc. Thompson died of cancer in 1980, leaving behind his wife Carolyn and daughter Dammars. In his final years were primarily spent ministering to those who were terminally ill. Dry. Claude V. King, editor for Concentric Circles of Concern. Though no biographical information was found readily available, Kind deserves at least this minimal bal line. His editorial works Include numerous popular authors, books and studies Including, Henry T Blacks Experiencing God series, T. W. Hunts Mind of Christ and In Gods Presence and Break Down the Walls by Raleigh Washington and Glen Kernel. It should be noted that King has contributed to numerous projects that have greatly impacted the Christian World. Content Summary In Concentric Circles of Concern, Dry Thompson maintains; The most important word in the human language, apart from proper nouns, is relationship (p. 8). He contends that relationships are the most important aspect of the human life, tracing the root cause of all problems facing humankind to ruptured relationships (p. 10). The premise of this book Is to understand that evangelism can only be real and effective when It flows out of a proper vertical connection with God and through a proper horizontal connection to others. Certainly one has to agree with this statement as the original fall of man, resulted in and continues to flow through a broken relationship D e teen a Adam. Nile It Is Volta as consultants to note Tanat ten atonement AT the second Adam, Christ has forever made reconciliation possible. It remains mans responsibility to respond to Gods invitation to be reconciled. Further, this reconciliation, provides the basis for a fresh vertical flow of the Holy Spirit, thus connecting an to Gods overall plan. Man then is empowered to become a minister of reconciliation to others. The Holy Spirit can freely flow through and to other s in our relational circle. This flow has the potential to demonstrate unconditional love and forgiveness to all it comes in contact with. However, If there are ruptured relationships between you and those in your concentric circles, there is going to be a rupture on the flow of the Holy Spirit through your life (24). The primary purpose of his book then, is to help direct the reader through a methodical assessment of ones personal or concentric relationships for the purpose of correcting and connecting people in a kingdom way. Dry. Thompson passion for reconciliation permeates his writings and seems to have deeply effected thousands of students over the years. At the core of his instruction, a diagram is utilized to define the Concentric Circles of Concern as well as the steps to ensure proper relationship. This reader, particularly appreciated the fact that this diagram and process was birthed out of months (perhaps years) of personal prayer ND study of the New Testament. The treasure Dry. Thompson sought was not another sermon or seminar, but rather a pattern of evangelism that might be in keeping with New Testament patterns and prove culturally relevant regardless of time of ethos. In my opinion, Dry. Thompson indeed struck gold, and we who benefit from his discoveries, owe him a deep debt of gratitude for the insight and his courage in pioneering change. Given the proper investment of time and effort, this book will assist any believer in both repairing their interpersonal relationships as well as assisting in the eternal redemption of others. Thompson once convinced of the validity of this patter, both re-thought and re-taught everything he was doing in the field of evangelism. The pattern consists of seven concentric circles that represent seven different levels of relationships. Beginning with ones self moving progressively outward through family, relatives, friends, neighbors and associates, acquaintances to person X (that unexpected kingdom connection). The author then leads the reader through a seven step process that helps insure that each relationship is whole and accessible to the Holy Spirits uninterrupted flow. That process begins with getting right. This encompasses the clearing of past offenses, getting right with God, yourself and others as mentioned in Matthew 5:23-24. The readers is then led to precede to survey existing relationships. This helps to determine those previously overlooked opportunities to share Christ love. Thirdly, we are to assume a posture of prayer, allowing Gods Holy Spirit to work in and through us in intercession and reconciliation. The fourth step in the process is the building of relational bridges into the lives of those God has revealed to us. These bridges are reinforced by step vive, the showing of Gods love and compassion. The act of showing love to others is often best communicated by the meeting of felt needs. Christ certainly used this method to build bridges into the hearts of a lost world. I John states that Jesus went about doing good and undoing the works of the devil. As this love becomes real to our Antennae recipients, teeny will Decode open to our message AT reconciliation anon respond by receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. That leads to the sixth step of making disciples. Dry. Thompson was very clear that decisions are only the first step toward splices. As our new eternal relationships develop, the reader is encouraged to utilize the same seven step process to assist the new convert in getting right with God and others and then moving on toward disciple multiplication. Evaluation In my opinion, Dry Thompson does indeed achieve his goal of developing and presenting a reproducible (New Testament) pattern for making disciples (p. 16). The seven stage strategy laid out from page 23 to 199 clearly defines biblical patterns of fulfilling the great commission of Christ. Furthermore his entire theses is built on the Renville of Jesus teaching regarding the most important commands found in Matthew 22:37-39; Love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your heart and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. In fulfilling these two commands one can be assured of not only living a life that is divinely connected to God, but a life that is over flowing with the Holy Spirit. Dry Thompson rightly, deduces that the root cause of every problem facing mankind today is the rupture of relationships. This would include marital issues such as divorce. Family issues such as rebel lious children or generational gaps. One can easily see this played out in business issues and world wars. Relationships that have eroded due to inappropriate behavior give way to a ruptured communication and fellowship lines. This rupture then impedes not only the flow of communication and mutual love and concern. It will also disrupt the potential of the Holy Spirit in and through the life of a believer. Jesus highlighted this in Matthew 5:23-26 regarding the responsibility of every worshipper to ensure his legislations are whole prior to making his offering to God. Dry Thompson not only provides a well thought out and logical approach to repairing relationship, but he also provides a step by step strategy to share Christ and bring others to faith. He rightly concludes that the best relationships should be those which are closest to the believer. If believers are incapable of having proper relationships at home, then evangelism outside of the home is greatly hindered. Christians must be willing to forgive as Christ does?without conditions (p. 91). Once the believers relationship tit God and others are right, then the individual is ready to reach the world with the Gospel. What I found most interesting and potentially helpful was the seven stage strategy for reproducing Christ followers. As previously stated, every first step begins with ones personal relationship with Christ. Am I right with God? If so, am I right with those closest to me? Onward this question goes as I survey the state of my relationship to God and others. Once I know that I have done all I can do to establish a clear flow of kingdom compassion, I am then able to begin working through the six manning steps of surveying, praying, bridge building, loving and making disciples. Those that come to Christ through our personal relationship will certainly desire to continue this process in their own lives, so now true discipleship multiplication can begin. Nile some may Tina Dry I monsoons approach steeped In Baptist Jargon, (en 010 rater all teach evangelism at Southwestern Seminary) it in no way hindered his message or tainted his conclusions. Again, one can surmise that he hails from thoroughly evangelical and Calvinist underpinnings. Yet, his message is not contingent upon NY one thought, but a series of clearly displayed biblical principles. The overall message of this book rings loud and c lear that relationships are the most important gift we have to steward. God in fact instituted relationships from the earliest moments in the Garden in Eden when HE established an ongoing friendship with Adam. This was further underscored when God stated, It is not good for man to be alone (Gene 2:18). We can also surmise from this book as well as scripture that relationships are the only treasure from this life that we are allowed to enjoy in heaven. Relationship are eternal! There are a couple of ideas that I did not fully agree with. First the Dry Thompson strategy seems a bit too neat and systematic. One is left with the impression (at least) that if every step is followed, then the outcome is secured. That seems to border on a works based evangelism. Secondly, it is suggested that if we meet the felt needs of people they WILL come to Christ. While the book never states this idea outright, it makes certain allusions to the power of meeting a felt need. It is true, that Christ Himself demonstrated compassion daily, however, He did not heal or minister to every person that had needs. The caution that I have regarding the book and this point is that some may tend toward a man/ works centered evangelism. That being said, it is in no way insinuated by the author that anyone can come to Christ apart from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Yet, some who lack a more than a social conversion may misinterpret his words in light of a social gospel. Certainly the power to do good, both satisfies and improves the lives of others. However, no one is put back in to right standing with God with out true Holy Ghost conviction, heart level repentance, and faith oriented confession of Jesus as Lord. This particular weakness, while present should not be deemed enough to short change the potential of this literary work. This book would be a great resource for any Christian individual or group that cares for humanity. The concepts are clear and concise enough as to provide the necessary tools for ages 12 and up. The reading and discussion of this material, coupled with the use of the extensive exercises at the end of each chapter will make this both timeless and effective for any would be soul winner. This would be a great small groups or new believers class material. The concept of clear and clean relationships should be the Joy and aim of very believer. The material covered within this book, gave me great insight into my own life and relationships. The simple and clear processes in which it led me through gave me a real understanding of how simple and important clear relationships are. Overall, this would be a great book for any church or Christian group to utilize in formulating a fresh new approach to reaching the lost. The personal and group activities suggested at the end of each chapter will help each reader to internalize every principal as well as implement an action plan for restoring relationships and advancing Gods kingdom.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Boston Tea Party Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Boston Tea Party - Research Paper Example This one single act is still quite clear in the minds of many Americans and is continuously taught in the educational institutes. This single event was regarded as the Boston Tea Party and is recognized as one of the main events that finally led to American Revolution that took place during the period of 1775 (Ayers, 2009). The event of Boston Tea Party can be said to be one of the responses to the war that took place during 1754 to 1763 and the war occurred between the French and the Indians. Several wars had taken place between the nation of France and England, but the war between the French and the Indians was the most expensive of all (Allison, 2007). The English government was of the idea that since they were at war to safeguard the colonists of America from their Native as well as Canadian French friends, the colonists should reimburse the expenses. They even believed that more money will be spent in order to protect the Western frontier and they planned to pay all these expenses by heavily taxing the colonists. But the colonists believed that it was a waste to pay for all these expenses. Since the English government wanted the natives to pay for the cost of protecting the frontier and to relieve themselves from the national debt, they passed several acts and levied several taxes on the colonists during the era of 1760s (Volvo, 2012). These acts included the Stamp Act that was passed during 1765 and as a result of this act taxes were levied on any form of paper that was used by the natives (Volvo, 2012). These taxes were never accepted by the colonists and to stop the government from obtaining these taxes, they started threatening those who collected taxes and even held various protests with huge amount of people. These protests and acts to make the British government stop taxing the colonists were quite well organized and constant pursuit provided them fruitful results as the English government had to back away. Due to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Poetry Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Poetry Questions - Essay Example d as something whose beauty is cherished from afar as long as the gap of distance made by the heights where the object of interest resides is not closed. So that this initial part of the poem proceeds with â€Å"Provided it do hopeless – hang -- / That – â€Å"Heaven†is – to Me!†The creation of â€Å"Heaven†– is what I cannot reach! May be recognized with unusual use of punctuations. Dickinson richly fills in her composition with dashes all throughout the poem, locating them where appropriate. This reflects a particular attitude with the manner the speaker ought to connect words so that they generate interjections somewhere and evoke how much ‘heaven’ means to her. She further engages in enumerating scenes that are evidently beyond her reach, stating with keen sentiment â€Å"The Color, on the Cruising Cloud -- / The interdicted Land --†. Heaven, for the joyful speaker, must be a sight of paradise as she continues to express â€Å"Behind the Hill – the House behind -- / There – Paradise – is found!†To this extent, a critical reader may be inclined to observe that the poet desires to render the main character to possess a playful imagination of hovering at a spot from the distant Hill where all she could possibly have at that moment is a treasure in mind or that ‘House’ at the other side of the ‘Hill’. Dickinson can be felt to draw an allusion whereby the idea of being brought to her setting of heaven depends on whether or not a huge barrier can be crossed since the ‘Hill’ in the second stanza occurs to divide the onlooker and the dream ‘House’. Apparently, Dickinson’s heaven is found within the realm of this planet and need not be that which is conventionally associated with the cosmic bodies or the spiritual world. As long as there exists a great distance to be covered, either by longitude or latitude, between a dreamer and the dream, then this situation gives birth to the notion of heaven. Besides this, nevertheless, the
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