Wednesday, October 30, 2019
IMF (International Monetary Fund) from 2007 to present using Research Paper - 1
IMF (International Monetary Fund) from 2007 to present using international business perspective - Research Paper Example But, with changing world scenario, various European countries, Japan as well as emerging economies like India, China, Korea, etc. have reduced the dominance of USA as they are following the same footprint (Hill, 2010). For example, share of FDI of the companies of developing world have increased from less than 1 percent in 1980 to as high as 15 percent in 2008, while the share of USA based companies have declined from near 40 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 2008(approximately) (Hill, 2010). The political scenario has also changed in this changed economic situation. The political dominance of US is no under great threat in this increasing market economy. Many European countries that were Communist earlier and Some Asian countries have undertaken democratic politics and stressed on building free market economies. Hence, international businesses are getting more and more opportunities to enter these economies that have in turn strengthen these economies. (Hill, 2010) In this globalized world, importance of global institutions has increased significantly in maintaining order in various economical and political fields. IMF is one of such institutes which hold an important position in this changing economic and political environment. In fact, it is helping this process of change by its policies. IMF is responsible for maintaining order and stability in the international monetary system. The performance of international businesses to a large extent depends on the operation of international monetary system. If this system operates properly, then, the risks associated with international business operation reduce significantly. This paper will place its focus on some important issues relating to IMF policies and its scandals since 2007 as IMF activities is closely related to the performance of international businesses. (Hill, 2010) Since 2007, a number of issues relating to IMF activities is worth mentioning
Monday, October 28, 2019
I am Legend Essay Example for Free
I am Legend Essay Traditionally, bookstores categorize various books based on their respective contents horror, fiction, literature, or science fiction. Horror texts invoke feelings of fear in readers due to their bizarre or macabre content. Science fiction or fiction books describe imaginary concepts of either scientific or general nature respectively. Conversely, literature books comprise of texts that are neither fictional nor horror-based. Matheson’s I am Legend novel thus belongs to the category of horror owing to the ghoulish events described therein. For example, the vampirism that is evident in the novel instills fear among readers, thus rendering the work a horror literature. Although ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are purely subjective terms, people sometime use these terms to describe different texts. Such categorization relies heavily on persons’ subjective judgment, for example, regarding the emotions that such texts invoke in readers. To illustrate, horror, mystery, or romance books may be termed as ‘bad’. Conversely, science fiction books are labeled as ‘good’. Since such classification is very subjective and unstable owing to persons’ varied preferences and views, there is essentially no entire class of books that can be categorically termed as either ‘bad’ or ‘good’. After studying Matheson’s I am Legend novel, I cannot help but view it as a subjectively ‘bad’ book based on the ghastly scenes that the author describes. For example, Robert Neville – the novel’s main character is consistently described as being engaged in a futile rush to beat some seemingly insurmountable bigger forces. The character is thus clearly destined for death as is evident through his obviously futile attempts to fight against a vampire curse on earth. Eventually, Neville dies a sad and regretful death after spending a great deal of his time trying to outdo the evil that lurks on the earth. Through the somewhat unnecessary and martyr-like death of Neville, the author makes the book appear as a ‘bad’ one because a character is unjustly punished by death.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Environmental Ethics Essay -- Environment Global Warming Climate Chang
Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human’s moral relationships on the environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth’s natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the ethical application in the decision making process on solving environmental concerns. Environmental Concerns The environment has been under attack since the dawn of man. Without the environment, man could not exist. Herein lies the dilemma, man takes from the earth what he needs to survive, food, water, shelter, and the very air he breathes. However, the ever-rising population of man demands more of these essentials at a rapid rate, therefore, more is being taken than the earth can replenish. The human populous and concentrations of pesticides in food crops, started to be seen as an environmental crisis in the 1960’s, which acted as the stepping-stone for environmental awareness. In 1967, historian Lynn White published an essay on the historical roots of the environmental crisis. Whites essay created many academic debates over the Judeo-Christian mode of thinking, which encouraged the exploitation of nature for human consumption. The ethical dilemma arises from the concern of whether or not it was mor... sources of greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise due to the growing populous, this growth may be reduced by Bush’s plans to increase efforts to use newer, cleaner technologies and measures. These plans will only be effective if everyone, not just in the United States, but the entire world, participates and becomes aware of the ethical dilemmas challenging our very existence. The environment is a part of us and we of it. We cannot survive without each other. Since the dawn of time, it has nurtured and provided for us. Now it is our turn to nurture and preserve the environment. The future in uncertain, but if the entire human species can adapt a more reasonable lifestyle, there is hope for the environment and every living thing in it. Time is of the essence, therefore, immediate actions and ethical decisions are necessary for survival of the planet.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dr. King
In 1963, after a protest in Birmingham calling attention to the need for equal rights for African Americans, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an open letter to the coalition of Christian ministers in the American South. Dr. King found himself the subject of extreme criticism from his fellow clergymen for his protest, specifically the illegality of the protest. In his essay, Dr. King attempts to appeal to the ethical, emotional and logical sides of countrymen to show them that the laws that he was breaking were unfair and unjust in and of themselves. This paper will critically examine the appeals that Dr. King made and the effectiveness of those appeals.Dr. King begins his argument in favor of his actions with an appeal to the ethical considerations of his audience. â€Å"Since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms,â € (King 1963).  He begins by telling his audience that he respects their motives and hopes that they will respect his.This is an important part of the ethical argument in that King wants immediately to establish that this was not a rash action and that he is not defending himself lightly. Next, he seeks to establish his own credentials and his right to be in Birmingham. King mentions that people in Birmingham have complained of his coming in as an outsider and he immediately wants to clarify that he was invited in.â€Å"I have the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. Frequently we share staff, educational and financial resources with our affiliates.Several months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary. We readily consented, and when the hour came we lived up to our promise. So I, along with several members of my staff, am here because I was invited here. I am here because I have organizational ties here†(King 1963)By first establishing that his organization has ties in Birmingham and that he was invited, King dismisses the idea that he is just an outside rebel rouser. After establishing his right to be there, king establishes the authority under which his ethical decisions will be made. â€Å"Just as the prophets of the eighth century B.C. left their villages and carried their â€Å"thus saith the Lord†far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town,†(King 1963) . King calls to mind the ethical standard by which he wants to be judged: the Bible and his faith. Finally, King argues why his action is ethically justified.â€Å"Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,†(King 1963). With this argument he points out the ethical concern that most directly led to the Birmingham protest, injustice.King also appeals to the emotions of his audience. â€Å"Then, last September, came the opportunity to talk with leaders of Birmingham's economic community. In the course of the negotiations, certain promises were made by the merchants–for example, to remove the stores' humiliating racial signs.†(King 1963). He begins by gently reminding them of the racial humiliation that was an integral part of the South at the time. Next, he moves onto the violence that th e average African American in the South had witness or heard. And finally, he moves on to the emotional appeal of children, before turning the emotionally-charged words filled with hatred and familiar to all Southern â€Å"Negroes†.â€Å"But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled policemen curse, kick and even kill your black brothers and sisters†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky, and see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people; when you have to c oncoct an answer for a five year old son who is asking: â€Å"Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?†; †¦when your first name becomes â€Å"nigger,†your middle name becomes â€Å"boy†(however old you are) and your last name becomes â€Å"John,†and your wife and mother are never given the respected title â€Å"Mrs.†; (King 1963)Throughout the essay, king also appeals to the logic of his audience. First, he points out that Southern blacks had attempted to sue the system, but that the system excluded them from it and therefore they could not change the system from within. Then, King begins to use statistics to back up his arguments, beginning first with the sheer lack of black voters in the South. â€Å"An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority com pels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal. Let me give another explanation.A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had no part in enacting or devising the law. Who can say that the legislature of Alabama which set up that state's segregation laws was democratically elected? Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which, even though Negroes constitute a majority of the population, not a single Negro is registered.†(King 1963). King also argues that unjust laws or just laws which are unjustly enforced must be changed and that people should take whatever action is reasonable to change them. By providing specific examples, he makes it hard for any logical person to disagree.Though King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech is more famous than his â€Å"Letter F rom a Birmingham Jail†, it is in this essay that he sets the tone for the entire civil rights movement. In his use of emotional appeal, he moves beyond sheer anger to the disappointment and pain caused by segregation. His logical arguments are made soundly so that opponents cannot argue that he is simply hot-headed or breaking the law for the sake of personal gain. However, perhaps the most important and effective of his arguments come in his ethical arguments. When King illustrates gently, but with great strength, the unethical behavior that has led to the crisis in the South, he is non-accusatory and simply states how things ought to be. This above all else is what marks the greatness of this essay.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Plan a Risk Assessment for a Selected Administrative Work Environment Essay
I will plan a risk assessment for a selected administrative work environment. Risk assessment is used in protecting workers and organisations like Tesco, to help them comply with the law of the state. It helps business owners to focus on the risks that really matter in the workplace; with ones that could cause potential harm. It is important to manage risks to ensure the most valuable asset is protected. Format There is no specific format in which a risk assessment has to be done in a workplace because it depends on the organisation itself. Most businesses use generic risk assessment that is applicable to all risks. They might use ones for specific risks, such as fire management, or they might use one–off risk assessments. Frequency The frequency of a risk depends on the type of risk being assessed and the severity of the risk. Employers must complete a risk assessment book for all workers working in the organisation; these identifies the risks that may last for some time, but if new working practices are introduced into the workplace, a new risk assessment will be needed. Content Although there is no specific content for risk management, it is an administrative document aimed at assessing and controlling risk. Its content will need to reflect whatever it contains, it needs to identify hazards in the workplace and which staff might be harmed, and employers need to identify how the individuals might be harmed. Hazards in the working environment A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. Employers as well as employees have to co-ordinate their work, so that they ensure that no-one gets hurt during the process. Most of the hazards which are mostly found in hospitals surroundings such as kitchens, food and beverage service areas and customer service areas can pose a significant threat to safety. They need to be carefully managed; this helps to maintain safety awareness in the workplace. Before commencing any work, staff must make sure that they are aware of the potential hazards and are familiar with ways of reducing any risk of harm to themselves and consumers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Example
In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Example In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay In order to advise Wan, the principles of law Essay Omar wants to cognize whether he can halt Sarah from runing the concern from her belongings and whether he can implement entree rights across her land. He would besides wish to cognize whether he could take a firm stand on the hard-on of a boundary wall and farther, guarantee a part towards the drainage disbursals he has incurred. Omar’s possible rights root from compacts which Natasha entered into with Paul and besides an involvement which may be an easement. First covering with the compacts: A compact is a promise made by title [ 1 ] . When the compacts were originally made, Natasha bore the load of these compacts whilst Paul had the benefit. [ 2 ] As Omar was non secluded to the original promises made by Natasha to Paul, he can merely hold gained their benefit if it passed to him with the land. Common jurisprudence has developed four conditions for the benefit to go through. First, the compact must ‘touch and concern’ the land of the covenantee. The trial here, laid down inSwift Investings[ 3 ],demands that: the compact lacks public-service corporation if separated from the land, must impact its value or quality, and be ‘non-personal’ in nature. Satisfaction of this trial may be contended in visible radiation ofCrest Nicholson[ 4 ] which states that whilst â€Å"the benefit of a †¦covenant must be annexed to place land†¦it can be so annexed for a limited clip ( such as whilst it remains the belongings of the current proprietor [ 5 ] ) .†[ 6 ] However, it seems on balance that the three compacts appear to fulfill this first status. Second, the purpose ( when doing the compact ) for the benefit to run must be evidenced, although by virtuousness of s78 LPA [ 7 ] this can now be inferred. Third, when the compact was made the covenantee must hold held the legal estate in the land. In this instance, Paul was the covenantee when the compacts were made and he was the freehold proprietor of the land to which the compacts relate. Finally, in order to implement the compacts, rubric must hold been derived from under the original covenantee. Omar’s rubric was derived from Paul ( the original covenantee ) . Appare ntly, Omar has the benefit of both positive and restrictive compacts. Sarah will merely bear the load of these rights if it has passed to her with the land. At common jurisprudence the load will non run [ 8 ] , but in equityTulk V Moxhay[ 9 ] well introduced non-statutory land planning [ 10 ] .Tulk V Moxhayis merely applicable to restrictive compacts and turns on the issue of ‘notice’ . The consequence is, for so long as Sarah had notice of the limitation to utilize the land for concern intents, she would hold the load of this compact. The other compacts are both positive in their nature. The House of Lords inRhone V Stephens[ 11 ] â€Å"definitely ruled that, in freehold land, the load of a positive compact can non in equity be enforced against replacements in rubric of the original covenantor†[ 12 ] . Using the fact that â€Å"the original covenantor remains apt on his covenant†[ 13 ] , Omar could potentially seek to implement his rights under the positive compact against Natasha. Of class, it is likely to be more convenient to seek to implement breaches of compact against Sarah as she is readily accessible. In conformity with usual pattern, it is likely that Natasha, in order to avoid liability for future breaches of compact, would seek an insurance from Sarah, yet Sarah may hold disputed this as Natasha had already breached the compact to raise the wall by transcending the clip status. In respect to the payment towards the care of the drainage, the regulation inHalsall V Brizell[ 14 ] should use. This regulation dictates that if the benefit of a compact is to be accepted so the load of the compact must besides be born. The application of this regulation means that as Sarah has the benefit of the drains she will besides hold assumed the load of this compact. Turning so to rede in regard of the two entree issues. First, there is the entree by route from Miskin Court to the North. Second, there is the cutoff which Omar’s household have enjoyed through the fencing. It must be asked whether there is an involvement nowadays with the features of an easement and if so, whether the easement was decently created. An easement is a right over a piece of land for the benefit of another piece of land. It is a proprietary involvement enjoyed by an estate proprietor and is merely accessory to the land.Re Ellenborough Park[ 15 ] gives the features of an easement: There must be both dominant and servient tenements, the involvement must suit the dominant tenement, there must be diverseness in ownership or business and the involvement must be capable of organizing the capable affair of a grant. It appears that the entree rights have the needed features of an easement. The easements have non been created expressly as they were non mentioned in the title of transportation. It would hold been utile for Paul to include an express reserve in the transference of conveyance to Natasha so that he could reserve the usage of the route to the North of Miskin Court. However, upon finding of the facts, it may be possible to reason the implied grant of easement of necessity. Sarah, as the current proprietor of the servient tenement, has the right to procure her land, but should supply Omar with a key. In respect to the cutoff, for an easement to be created by prescription, there must hold been 20 old ages uninterrupted usage, non by force, in secret or with permission. As Omar’s household have been utilizing this for ‘as long as he can remember’ it is possible that an easement would hold been created by prescription and he can implement this right, if necessary, by taking the obstructor which Sarah erected. It appears that Omar can asseverate and implement all of the rights addressed against Sarah, or in the instance of the wall, perchance against Natasha depending upon the facts. Bibliography Legislation Law of Property Act 1925 Land Registration Act 2002 Cases Crest Nicholson Residential ( South ) Ltd V McAllister[ 2004 ] EWCA Civ 410 [ 2004 ] 15 EGCS 105 Halsall V Brizell[ 1957 ] Ch 169 Keppell V Bailey( 1834 ) 2 My A ; K 517 Rhone V Stephens1994 2 AC 310 Re Ellenborough Park[ 1956 ] Ch 131 Swift ( P A ; A ) Investments V Combined English Stores Group[ 1989 ] AC 632 Tulk V Moxhay( 1848 ) 2 Ph 774 Webb V Russell( 1789 ) 3 Tr 393 Articles Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 1994, Nov/Dec Property Law Bulletin 2004, 25 ( 2 ) Text MacKenzie, J.-A. A ; Phillips, M.Textbook on Land Law,( 9Thursdayerectile dysfunction. Oxford University Press 2002 ) 1
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Secular Saint in the Modern World Essays
The Secular Saint in the Modern World Essays The Secular Saint in the Modern World Essay The Secular Saint in the Modern World Essay Essay Topic: Letter From Birmingham Jail In the Life and Works of the Secular Saint The element that I found the most captivating in regards to Simons Well would be her utter devotion to non-conformity. This unique and intelligent woman did not let the thoughts or words of others deny her from voicing her strong opinions. In a world historically dominated by male authoritative figures, she was a force to be reckoned with. In large part due to her active efforts to promote trade union politics, as well as, worker education. At the same time, Simons Well was also exhibiting strong traits that we have come to associate with the way of the saint. She was fully open to the mystery of the question of meaningful human existence. In the last five years of her life, she experienced a spiritual awakening, If you will, stating that she came to know Gods love as Intimately as the smile of a friend. In the end, It was through reading the Christian Gospels, that Well discovered the utter stoically of faith and came to recognize this state of being as what she had been searching for ere entire life. Both Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa clearly exhibited elements of both the hero and the saint, making them perfect examples of the secular saint. In one of Milks most famous writings, a letter from the Birmingham Jail, he shows both the Christian spirit of agape; and the aret, drawn directly from the heroic virtue of citizenship. One did not have to look very hard to see both elements of the hero and the saint in the life of Mother Teresa, as she made the conscience decision, much as a saint would, that she would deny Jesus nothing that e asked of her. However, as was with the heroic identity, Mother Teresa struggled internally to understand her meaning In life and what Jesus wanted from her. Within the genre of cinema, I found many examples given by Professor Ambrosia, to effectively portray both the heroic Identity and the saintly element. Specifically, John Wayne, in the Western films. Clearly, he represented the qualities of our hero. And how can we not look at the characters in such great movies as Platoon, The Deer Hunt « and even, Saving Private Ryan as consummate heroic figures. Even though I am not a huge fan of the movie Its a Wonderful Life, there is no escaping the fact that the character of George was written to reflect his saint like qualities. But, by far, my absolute favorite is a classic; Sibilance. Rick Blaine denotes the epitome of the secular saint, in that he was forlorn but, also a heroic figure who receives the heroes call and answers It without hesitation. Clearly, Simons Wells views on the political and economic structures of society are rooted In Greek philosophy, specifically In the works of Plato. As we learned through previous lectures, Plastics philosophy reflected the concept of heroic excellently and, so too, did Wells. However, without question, the most powerful concept that Well offered the world was near ornamental AT ten meaning AT Justice. Seen Stetsons Justice In ten context AT the impersonal worldview of Greek philosophy. It was not hard to zero in on the similar rottenness in the idea of Justice with both Martin Luther King, Jar. And Mother Teresa. In their own ways, they fought desperately for Justice for all of mankind. Martin Luther King, Jar. Seethed the world to show Justice in the form of equality and Mother Teresa quietly compelled people to show Justice for the poor and forlorn. In the end, Martin Luther King, Jar. And Mother Teresa shared a common thread; they wanted individuals to be responsible for their decisions and to transcend violence, giving meaning to life by making peace with death. In conclusion, I have to say that I was quite stunned when I re alized that my very first post in this course was accurate. We, as human beings, have the capacity to follow in the path of the hero and follow the way of the saint.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Radioactive Tracer Definition
Radioactive Tracer Definition A radioactive tracer is a radioactive element or compound added to material to monitor the materials distribution as it progresses through a system. The use of a radioactive tracer is called radiolabeling, which is one form of isotopic labeling. Radioactive Tracer Uses Radioactive tracers form the basis of some medical imaging systems, such as PET scans. Radiolabeling is used in research to trace the path of elements in biochemical reactions and cells. Radioisotopes are also used to track the flow of fluids, particularly in the petroleum and natural gas industry. Examples of Radioactive Tracers Usually, the isotopes chosen for use as radioactive tracers have a short half life. Thus, they are produced via nuclear reactions. Examples of commonly used radioactive tracers include tritium, carbon-11, carbon-14, oxygen-15, fluorine-18, phosphorus-32, sulfur-35, technetium-99, iodine-123, and gallium-67. Sources Fowler, J. S.; Wolf, A. P. (1982). The synthesis of carbon-11, fluorine-18 and nitrogen-13 labeled radiotracers for biomedical applications. Nucl. Sci. Ser. Natl Acad. Sci. Natl Res. Council Monogr. 1982.Rennie, M. (1999). An introduction to the use of tracers in nutrition and metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc. 58 (4): 935–44. doi:10.1017/S002966519900124X
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Rail Transportation Engineering System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Rail Transportation Engineering System - Essay Example Engineering Systems like the rail transportation system analyzed in this report, are characterized by a high level of technical complexity, social intricacy, and elaborate processes that are aimed at fulfilling important functions in the society. Usually, various disciplines are required for input into developing solutions for Engineering Systems, and adopting a systems approach is quite beneficial. The aim of this analysis is to identify the key elements of the rail transportation system and the interactions involved in operating such a system. This rail transportation system was selected for this report because rail transport is an emerging field of engineering and transport that seeks to provide solutions for some important socio-technical problems in society. There have been numerous studies in the past, carried out with the aim of investigating the individual aspects of socio-technical problems in order to find solutions to these problems. Some of these studies went to great lengths to isolate the smaller pieces of the bigger problem. (Sterman, 2000) Although Engineering Systems seek to expand perspectives form smaller pieces to a bigger picture, the bigger picture should be viewed as a system, with interactions explored within the system. Rail transportation systems can be classified as engineering systems because rail transportation involves a high degree of technical complexity and elaborate processes with the goal of fulfilling the function of cost-efficient transportation of goods and personnel in the society. The key elements of the rail transportation system include environmental friendliness, speed, low energy consumption, high safety standards and limited land usage. Rail transportation also makes use of its own transportation lines and is relatively free from time wastage as a result of traffic jams and hold-ups. (Ellis, 1986).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Reed supermarket case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reed supermarket analysis - Case Study Example However, as the case highlights Reed Supermarkets is facing stiff competition from newer entrants which because of their nimbleness and ability to offer steep discounts (at a discount 1 to 5% from the prices at Reeds) combined with better management of logistics have ensured that the market share of Reed Supermarkets (currently at 14%) is steadily eroding. The point to note is that Reed Supermarkets has positioned itself to cater to quality conscious customer rather than cost a conscious customer which makes for eminent business sense given the demographics of Columbus where the number of people earning more than the national average income is high. Further, Reeds scores heavily in the quality index of consumer perceptions (consistently averaging around 8.3%) whereas it scores lower in the price index (averaging around 4.3%). This is the crucial aspect of the case i.e. Reeds is perceived as a place to get high quality goods but not at an attractive price. Though a combination of high quality and low price is something that is a bit of a paradox, the fact that other retailers have been able to wean away the cost conscious consumers with their discounts and bigger floor areas means that Reeds needs to seriously rethink its strategy as it is faced with the problem of holding on to its market share and worse, losing ground to other retail ers as well. The suggestion that is being offered is that Reeds can stock different varieties of products at all price bands and also ensure economies of scale which other retailers seem to be doing. In this way, it would be able to cater to all segments of consumers as well as derive savings in costs that accrue from leveraging upon economies of scale. As the statistics point out, price is the major determinant which is followed by range of products and location and ease of shopping. If Reeds is able to circumvent these factors, then it would be in a position to
Business Correspondence packet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Correspondence packet - Essay Example Living a sedentary lifestyle makes us more unhealthy as well, as we are more prone to eating convenience foods that are most always closely related to junk food and therefore deficient in nutritional value. We would be taking part in this effort by organizing two or three skits of short duration that would educate the kids and their caregivers about the risks and outcomes of ignoring the benefits of a balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle. In this connection, we would be printing invitation cards, brochures, program schedules and thank you cards. We are sure that you would want to do your part by agreeing to print out these items free of cost and thereby add to the success of this gala party. Apart from the theatre presentations, we have also added a number of attractions for the kids like a Merry-go-round, Bouncing Castle, Rides, Slides, See-saws, Swings and a Running Track that has been offered free of charge by the owners of a nearby park. We look forward to your taking part in t his effort. ... There is talk about the last depression and whether we are really out of it, whether the impending debt default and the impasse by the Republicans will create further financial and economic crisis for America, and whether the Obama Administration will manage to ride out these difficult times. Among the various uses of money, nothing is more appreciated than a donation to a good and worthy cause. We at the Save the Children Foundation of the USA are glad that we are saving our children from the menace of obesity and disease. In modern times, it has been found that lack of exercise and the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle coupled with bad food choices has contributed to a rise in diabetes, malnutrition and even heart disease among kids of younger ages. To educate the local community about these risks, we are planning to organize a three day Gala Party for kids and their caregivers that will give them a picture of these diseases of a modern sedentary lifestyle, as well as tell them abo ut the risks and responsibilities that they need to take if they want to avoid a bad fate. We invite you and State Farm Bank to donate towards this worthy cause that will protect the lives of our children and grandchildren. We daresay its one of the best investments you can make in terms of protecting your future customers. If you would like any clarification or more knowledge about the event, please contact me at (405)-345-6787 on any working day. Sincerely, Name of the Student Team Leader, Fund Raising Committee, Save the Children Fund, USA. 3. A Bad News/Refusal Letter Mr. Never Dowell, Splendid Heights, Signature Market Lane, IL 10034, USA. Dear Mr. Dowell, We refer to your recent application for a State Farm Silver
Thursday, October 17, 2019
There is no hope of doing perfect research(griffiths,1998,p97) do yo Essay
There is no hope of doing perfect research(griffiths,1998,p97) do yo agree Discuss with detailed reference to at least two examples of qualative research in sc - Essay Example secular realm, people in the society desire for truth and justice and to attain the same there must be belief in attaining so and in there is belief there is hope. It would be wrong to say for example that Justices of the US Supreme Court to say they believe that there must be justice but they must not hope that just justice will be perfect. Given such perspective about hope, let us rephrase the question: Is there hope of doing perfect research? into â€Å" Is there positive optimism of doing a perfect research? This second statement seems to have taken a different meaning from the original.. That happened after using the word â€Å"hope†in a context where it could possibly be used. Proceeding therefore with the second, question, we could answer in the affirmative because the there is really positive optimism for perfect research. That seems to be an observable reality. If there is no hope or if there is no positive optimism for perfect research it would hard to believe the ever changing technology as a result of the hope of having a better product, hope of a better society. People have ideals which may include ideal for democracy, freedom and justice.. In the physical real, people want quality product and quality service. But one would readily object: how could there be a perfect research? One would say, â€Å"We are not in heaven, we are here on earth where the things the we have are imperfect. We commit errors, we bungle investigations, and we miscalculated the terrorist. We can even create something to prevent another hurricane from occurring. We cannot prevent people from dying despite the advances in technology. America could not contain the mind of the terrorist who planned the September 11 attacks. If there is perfect research we could have avoided all these things.†So those arguments appear too difficult to explain. But if we have to repeat the question again: â€Å"Is the there a positive optimism of doing a perfect research. then we could actually
Security Policy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Security Policy Analysis - Essay Example The successful executives value business information and strive to improve and maintain it using latest technologies at the expense of the organizations to promote the cyber security (Van der Zwaan et al 2010) Since lack of implementation of cyber, securities to any organization pose threats to the breach of the confidential company information and database attack. There is legislation permitting the criminal charges against the responsible personnel’s under the federal information Security Management Act of 2002 also called E-Government Act. The incessant failure to protect the firms against cyber attack would lead to the involvement of the Government. Information is an important entity of any well-run organization and failure to protect it is a crime. Cyber security being an important segment of the organization to maintain and keep data safe, the IT security applications alone is not sufficient to protect the cyber attacks and threats. The frequency of cyber crime is increasing its size and sophistication with specialized professionals involved that technology alone cannot stop cyber crime. The attacks increase because of the creation of malware by criminals to steal information, and the breaching of Firewalls to reach the organizational important data. The cyber security is no longer a technical issue because
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
There is no hope of doing perfect research(griffiths,1998,p97) do yo Essay
There is no hope of doing perfect research(griffiths,1998,p97) do yo agree Discuss with detailed reference to at least two examples of qualative research in sc - Essay Example secular realm, people in the society desire for truth and justice and to attain the same there must be belief in attaining so and in there is belief there is hope. It would be wrong to say for example that Justices of the US Supreme Court to say they believe that there must be justice but they must not hope that just justice will be perfect. Given such perspective about hope, let us rephrase the question: Is there hope of doing perfect research? into â€Å" Is there positive optimism of doing a perfect research? This second statement seems to have taken a different meaning from the original.. That happened after using the word â€Å"hope†in a context where it could possibly be used. Proceeding therefore with the second, question, we could answer in the affirmative because the there is really positive optimism for perfect research. That seems to be an observable reality. If there is no hope or if there is no positive optimism for perfect research it would hard to believe the ever changing technology as a result of the hope of having a better product, hope of a better society. People have ideals which may include ideal for democracy, freedom and justice.. In the physical real, people want quality product and quality service. But one would readily object: how could there be a perfect research? One would say, â€Å"We are not in heaven, we are here on earth where the things the we have are imperfect. We commit errors, we bungle investigations, and we miscalculated the terrorist. We can even create something to prevent another hurricane from occurring. We cannot prevent people from dying despite the advances in technology. America could not contain the mind of the terrorist who planned the September 11 attacks. If there is perfect research we could have avoided all these things.†So those arguments appear too difficult to explain. But if we have to repeat the question again: â€Å"Is the there a positive optimism of doing a perfect research. then we could actually
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
UKs Land Use Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
UKs Land Use Planning - Essay Example This responsibility is vested with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in England, in Wales and Scotland the Welsh Assembly Government and the Scottish Executive respectively. In addition these departments have to develop national planning policy guidance within which local authorities have to function (British Geological Survey, n.d.). The endeavour of the Planning Practice Standard is to develop the environmental impact assessment, EIA, as a planning tool in order to promote the objectives of town and country planning. "This PPS updates the RTPI Practice Advice Note 13, published in 1995, to reflect the requirements of the amended EIA Regulations, which came into effect in 1999". In order to implement the European Directive 85/337/EEC, as amended by the Directive 97/11/EC, legislation on environmental impact assessment has been introduced in the UK. Section 71A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, contains the requirement to carry out EIA of certain planning proposals. (The Royal Town Planning Institute, 2001). The use of land determines irrevocably the fate of natural and semi-natural ecosystems and consequently, sustainable development is ably assisted by Nature conservation policies and their relations with land use exemplify the importance being accorded to planning. This process makes it essential to establish fundamental links between developments in particular localities and environmental changes on a world - wide basis. This methodology requires the adoption of a strategic approach to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity (Cowell and Owens 2002). The basic human responsibility to protect and improve the environment for the benefit of present and future generations was expressed on the global level as early as 1972, in principle 1 of the Stockholm Declaration, but the Aarhus Convention is the first international legal instrument to extend this concept to a set of legal obligations (Stec and Casey - Lefkowitz 2000). Land-use planning is concerned not only with site protection but of late; it is proving of immense relevance in the adoption of a proactively strategic approach to the conservation of nature. This approach must not only concentrate on preservation of what has survived but more importantly, it has to address itself to the problem of habitat restoration and enhancement. In the UK this change is visible in legislation and in the guidance being provided to the local planning authorities from government, statutory agencies and non-governmental organisations, for ensuring the protection of the biodiversity. Planning and nature conservation policy have been influenced to a great extent by the latest interpretations of sustainable development, especially those which involve the concepts of environmental capital and capacity. The role of land use planning has been highlighted by European legislation and in particular the Habitats Directive, which aims to conserve European species and habitats . This Directive, enjoins upon national governments the requirement to nominate Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), which are to be provided with stringent protection. That there are limitations to this approach is borne out by the fact that, despite their protected status, many sites have been lost or damaged as a result of land-use change. The major culprit in this aspect has been development as defined in town and country planning legislation, which has
Food, Sex, Love in Like Water for Chocolate Essay Example for Free
Food, Sex, Love in Like Water for Chocolate Essay Have you ever experienced that euphoric sensation after eating an absolutely delicious food? You are not alone. Many have experienced this feeling and refer to it as a â€Å"foodgasm†. These types of connections between food and sex have long been established, but from where do they come? Do we make these connections through our cultural experiences or are they biologically programmed within us? In Like Water for Chocolate, the author, Laura Esquivel, portrays sex and food as being connected in a cultural sense. The basis for this conclusion rests largely in her use of tradition and her depiction of a Latino family strongly based in their culture. This cultural foundation, paired with the interactions between characters, food, and sex, gives the reader plenty of evidence to support this perspective. Esquivel uses the preparation, eating, and serving of food as a connection to love and sex, and as humans we have learned, through culture, to make this connection. Structured in twelve chapters, each representing a month of the year, Esquivel has created an entrancing love story that is sprinkled with culinary enchantments around every corner. Each chapter is prefaced with a recipe that is relevant to the progression of the novel, not to mention the many cooking tid-bits thrown in throughout each chapter. The preparation of food is clearly very important to the culture being represented. Tita, the main character and protagonist, was born in the kitchen and possesses all the superior traits of a culinary expert. She is also blessed (or cursed) with the ability to inject her emotions in to the food she cooks, in turn, infecting all those who consume the food with that emotion. In one section of the novel, Tita makes Quail, in Rose Petal Sauce, to express her passion for her sister, Rasaura’s, husband, Pedro, who she is deeply in love with. With that meal it seemed they had discovered a new system of communication, in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receiver†¦ Pedro didn’t offer any resistance. He let Tita penetrate to the farthest corners of his being, and all the while they couldn’t take their eyes off each other. (Esquivel 52) It is customary, in many cultures, for a woman to prepare a meal for her significant other in order to show how much she cares for him. The fact that Tita has taken the time to cook such a complex and beautiful dish, to translate her love to Pedro, shows how much impact this cultural custom has on her. Through this particular interaction, Esquivel has displayed the influence that culture has over the preparation of food and it’s relation to love. The expectation for a woman to acquire the ability to prepare food for her significant other brings me to another question: Does a woman’s capacity for cooking significantly affect a man’s attraction to her? Esquivel brings this question to the forefront of the reader’s mind when she offers this comparison between Rasaura and Tita’s cooking. The rice was obviously scorched, the meat dried out, the dessert burnt. But no one at the table dared display the tiniest hint of displeasure, not after Mama Elena had pointedly remarked: ‘As the first meal that Rosaura has cooked it isn’t bad. Don’t you agree, Pedro? ’ Making a real effort not to insult his wife, Pedro replied: ‘No, for her first time it’s not too bad. ’ (50-51) She goes on to show Pedro’s reaction to Tita’s cooking saying, â€Å"It wasnt enough hed made his wife jealous earlier, for when Pedro tasted his first mouthful, he couldnt help closing his eyes in voluptuous delight and exclaiming: ‘It is a dish for the gods! ’†(51). This comparison allows us to reasonably assume that Tita’s aptitude for culinary artistry did contribute to the growth of Pedro’s love. So, how might this reaction be culturally habituated? In almost all cultures, men are expected to provide and women are expected to cook. Even if a man is not consciously aware, they subconsciously factor this in to their choosing of a mate. It is culturally conditioned for a man to prioritize supporting his family over many other things. If a woman does not possess the ability to cook then a man may assume that she will not be able to support or provide for their family. This, of course, is not a strict rule of thought but, from my experience, it can be applied to many cases. Through comparison, Esquivel gives the reader evidence that Pedro loves Tita partially for her ability in the kitchen, and with prior knowledge we, as the reader, can attribute this connection to his cultural influences. We’ve determined that falling in love can be related to a woman’s ability to make food, but what about the relationship between food and making love? Earlier I made a reference to the word â€Å"foodgasm†, this portion of a quote, which I previously used, provides a great example of what a foodgasm might look like. â€Å"†¦ for when Pedro tasted his first mouthful, he couldnt help closing his eyes in voluptuous delight and exclaiming: ‘It is a dish for the gods! ’†(Esquivel 51) It is instances like this one that finds Esquivel nudging the reader to make a connection between food and sex. Esquivel’s use of diction such as ‘voluptuous’ makes it practically impossible not to connect this experience to the effects of an orgasm. Thinking further on this connection, I think that giving food is a form of showing love just as making love is. As raunchy as it may seem, Pedro is receiving Tita through food. It is their unique form of making love. Esquivel makes another food/love connection on page 67 when she says, â€Å"Tita knew through her own flesh how fire transforms a tortilla, how a soul that hasnt been warmed by the fire of love is lifeless, like a useless ball of corn flour. (67) It’s almost as if Esquivel allows characters, in this case Tita, to take on the form of food. With this being said, receiving food is like receiving the person who made it. In Tita and Pedro’s case, it was their way of making love before they could actually perform the act. I think that the importance of food to their relationship can be contributed to their culture’s emphasis on food. If food were not so important to their culture it would not be the medium for such an important interaction. In order to make and express love in Like Water for Chocolate, Tita makes food for Pedro further emphasizing the cultural connection between food and love. Some may argue that this relationship between food and sex is purely natural and scientific. In some sense this is true. Sex and Food are both biologically programmed drives that all humans possess. We have a strong need to procreate in order to further our species as well as a great need to eat in order to survive. These are facts of nature, but you can’t ignore the emotional connection that we have to food and sex. Tita and Pedro do not have these reactions to food in relation to sex simply because they need to eat or they have a great need to reproduce. Culture conditions us to eat because we love food not to simply eat to live. The same goes for sex. We are taught that in order to have sex one must have a connection to their partner; it is â€Å"morally sound†to think this way. This is especially true for the culture being represented in Like Water for Chocolate. Just in the way that Esquivel structures the novel you can get a sense of the importance food. The food must be treated with respect and love just as a person should be. Esquivel shows the significance of treating food well here: Something strange was going on. Tita remembered that Nacha had always said that when people argue while preparing tamales, the tamales wont get cooked. They can be heated day after day and still stay raw, because the tamales are angry. In a case like that, you have to sing to them, which makes them happy; then theyll cook. (218-219) Esquivel’s personification of food demonstrates the meaning that food holds in this culture. It has feelings and you have to love it and nurture it. You don’t just eat food to eat it; you eat food because food is a beautiful part of life that you respect. In this way, Esquivel creates a strong connection between food and love through the cultural importance that the novel puts on the meaning of food rather than the natural tendency of humans to make this connection. After analyzing Esquivel’s novel, Like Water for Chocolate, I can say that the connection between food, sex, and love, in this context, is predominately based on cultural influences rather than natural ones. In making food, one is showing how much they care, just as Tita did for Pedro with her Quale in Rose pedal sauce dish. The ability to create such meals, in a man’s mind, is a reflection on a woman’s ability to provide for their family. By personifying food, Esquivel allows this process of cooking food and giving food to become much deeper than the simple act itself. The act of giving food then takes the form of giving ones self to the individual receiving the food. Whether it is between food and love, cooking and falling in love, or eating food and making love, culture is the force that defines these connections.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Relationship Between Mental Illness and Crime
The Relationship Between Mental Illness and Crime The relationship between mental illness and violence has long been a subject of debate and a general course of concern within the mental health profession, the public, correctional systems, and the criminal justice systems. As a result this has led to an increase in research being focused on the reasons why mentally ill people commit crimes. Debate about the need for, the nature of and care of people with mental illness is based on the idea that most of the individuals with mental illnesses are more likely to commit criminal and violent behaviors to themselves, their close family members, close friends and the public than those without mental illnesses, largely due to their state of mind. The relationship between mental disorder and violent acts cannot be exaggerated. Some researchers state that violence is linked to psychosis and that people who have mental illness also fall into the category and should reflect that connection (Lidz, Banks, Simon, Schubert and Mulvey, 2007). Some other researchers state that substance abuse accelerates violent acts among people with mental disorder (Lurigio and Harris, 2009). After a survey of researches the main question lies thus; what is the relationship between mental disorder and violence? How can you connect the dots between mental disorder and violent acts? In this paper, I shall review certain researches that buttress their points about the relationship between mental disorder and violence and after this, I shall also state researches that disagree with the idea that individuals with mental disorders engage in violent acts. I shall then put into consideration the Canadian Law in response to this issue. Then I shall draw a conclusion stating the relationship, if any, between individuals with mental disorder and violence or in the absence of any relationship state the need for further research. SUBSTANCE ABUSE, MENTAL DISORDER AND VIOLENCE. During the past decade, several researches have examined people with mental disorder and their participation in violence in order to see if there is any relationship. Out of all these, substance and alcohol abuse in relationship to mentally ill patients and their participation in crime have appeared to be pre-eminent. For example Lurigio and Harris (2009) proposed that substance abuse was a precondition for assaultive and violent acts among people with mental disorder; unemployment, perceived threats and past violent factors accelerated acts among people who were mentally ill. Although Felthous et al (2009) agrees with this relationship, they argue that in measuring the relationship between mental disorder and violence the nature of aggression should be put into consideration. In a study by Livingston et al (2003), carried out on individuals charged with the NCRMD in British Columbia, it was stated that 21.0% of their cohorts had previously committed an offence while under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs. Furthermore, studies have shown that the association between mental illness and violence is often reduced or eliminated when substance and alcohol abuse is actually taken into account (Silver et al, 2008). If substance and alcohol abuse were the pre-determinants of violent beha vior among mentally ill patients, does it mean that the eviction of these two factors would reduce crime? Reports state that lifetime prevalence of severe domestic violence among mentally disordered patients ranged from 30%- 60% with higher rates reported for women than men in most studies (Howard et al, 2010). Felthous et al (2009) tells us to consider patients who act violently in response to commanding hallucinations and congruent delusions; this tells us that substance abuse may not always be a pre-determinant factor. PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS, MENTAL DISORDER AND VIOLENCE The importance of psychological symptoms in explaining the criminal and violent behavior among individuals with mental disorder and their participation is an issue of major experimental complexity. Research has been conducted on the general population, incarcerated offenders, psychiatric patients and a cohort of new born babies. Yet these researches are still subject to questioning. A body of research has taken a stance that psychological symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, medication compliance and treatment adherence are predictors of violence among people with mental disorder (Teasdale, 2009). Teasdale (2009) took into consideration the psychological factors, recent findings consider the gender nature of coping with delusional beliefs and that women and men may respond differently to the experience of psychopathological symptomatology and this may affect their participation in violent acts (Teasdale, Silver and Monahan, 2006). However in a retrospective longitudinal study conducted on prisoners convicted on the count of mental illness, Silver et al (2008) disagreed with the above analysis stating that alcohol and drug use are particularly important control variables because of their strong association with violence and mental illness. In analyzing the role of psychological symptoms in determining violence among individuals with mental disorder, John M.W Bradford (2008) identifies comorbidity as a common factor in the association between mental disorders and violence and proposed that there is a significant possibility of reducing the levels of violence by improved risk assessment and treatment intervention. Also in a research of 282 male patients with schizophrenia and 261 male patients with affective disorders, Modestin and Wuermle (2005) found that 34% out of 282 patients with schizophrenia and 42% out of 261 patients with affective disorder had a criminal record and more than half of a total of 543 patients (52%) had co-occurring substance abuse. They concluded that individuals with schizophrenia without comorbid substance abuse were at an increased risk of violent criminality than their affective disorder counterparts who had a greater probability of committing property offenses; this suggests that there is a menial link between psychopathology, mental illness and violence. Research on the effects of specific psychotic symptoms has also yielded opaque findings, for example in examining the role command hallucinations have to play in the violent acts of mentally disordered people, studies have shown that it does not generally predict violence, but that auditory hallucinations involving command of violent acts increased the likelihood of violence (Frank Sirotich, 2008). However the need for further research is needed in this field to unwrap the role psychological symptoms have to play in crime ( Bradford, 2008). HISTORICAL, SOCIOECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS, MENTAL DISORDER AND CRIME In considering the effect of historical factors such as parental violence, parental crime, delinquency in prior to adulthood has to play on crime, Frank Sirotich (2008) stated that a history of delinquency prior adulthood has been found to be a significant factor in relation to violence and criminality. After reviewing the samples of mentally disordered individuals, he said that among mentally disordered people, juvenile delinquency, early arrests and young age at index offense have been found to be robust predictors of criminality and violence among mentally disordered people. ÃÆ'-ncà ¼ et al (2007) conducted a study in the psychiatric unit of a general hospital in Turkey to array the effects socioeconomic and demographic factors have to play in the violence of psychotic patients. The study included 70 male psychotic patients (excluding delusional and shared psychotic disorder) that were hospitalized in a forensic psychiatry unit for compulsory treatment and was compared to 70 mal e patients (also treated at the acute clinics of the same hospital) with a psychotic disorder but without a criminal history. They found out that independent of having a job, having social security that provides treatment opportunity, using their parents security or getting pay by the government, protects the patient from committing a crime; social security that provides treatment is an independent protective factor against committing a crime among people with mental illness. In analysing the reason for recidivism rates among incarcerated mentally disordered offenders Sirotich Frank (2008) found that parental crime was found to be related to violent recidivism among mentally disordered offenders and to self-reported violence among psychiatric patients discharged from hospitals. Also a study sample carried out on 145 male and female psychiatric patients showed that out of all the 145 patients, after a follow-up was done, 31 were stable, 67 were hospitalized and only 47 were arrested, out of the arrested, 37 had a history of violence (Yates et al, 2009). In a study done by Livingston et al (2003) on individuals with mental disorder and their history violence, it was shown 63% of their cohorts were involved with the justice system prior to their NCRMD adjudication, 33.8% had 1 to 4 convictions, 13.8% had 5 to 9 convictions, and 15.4% were convicted of 10 or more offences. This shows that having a history of violence also accelerates crime among people with m ental disorder. However the need to show the relationship between historical, socioeconomic and demographic factors in relationship to mental disorder and crime is still open for further research, as research carried on it proposes an ambiguous result. CANADIAN LAW AND NOT CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE ON ACCOUNT OF MENTAL DISORDER (NCRMD) As reinstated in this paper, people who have mental disorder are not criminally responsible for their crimes as they are suffering from mental illness. But how does the Canadian Law address this? The Criminal Code (NCRMD) pertaining to the crimes of the mentally disordered was an amendment to the law NGRI (Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity) reasons were because the NGRI was in violation of Sections 7 and 9 of the Canadian Charter Rights of Freedoms. Now under Section 16(1) of the Criminal Code, offenders are now considered to be not criminally responsible than not guilty (Livingston et al, 2003). In the Canadian criminal laws and practice, the issue of mental disorder can be raised prior to trial if there are doubts about the defendants fitness to stand trial or criminal responsibility. There is a 5-day limit placed by the Criminal Code on assessment orders unless the litigant and the defendant agree to a period of no more than 30 days. According to Section 16(1) of the Criminal Code 3 of Canada, (Roesch et al, 1997) Every person is presumed not to suffer from a mental disorder . . . until the contrary is proved on the balance of probabilities(Roesch et al, 1997 p.510) For the NCRMD charge to be accepted as a defence the accused has to have committed the act and at the time of commission, be suffering from a mental disorder which makes it incapable for the offender to discern right from wrong i.e. the mens rea has to be absent. (Criminal Code, Part XX.1). But there are some suggestions that this law should be amended. For example, the criminal code does not authorize treatments for people with NCRMD, such treatment may or may not be provided under provincial law (Gray and OReilly, 2009) and there may be misconceptions or wrong application of sentence if the offender does not accept treatment. In a research done by Gray and Reilly (2009) on the Canadas Beautiful mind case, Scott Jeffery Schutzman, a.k.a. Scott Starson, diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, had a past criminal record before he was charged again with two counts of uttering death threats in 1998 and was charged with NCRMD, he refused anti-psychotic medications according to the Crimi nal Code, the judge may directà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a medical practitioner, that a specific treatment should be administered to the accused for the purpose of making the accused fit to stand trial (Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, s. 672.58) After long years of court proceedings, Scott was not treated with drugs against his will. However he was still kept in detention because of the findings that suggested that he was not criminally responsible for making the death threats. This caused a lot of concern as to the amending of the Criminal Code concerning that field. Consider Scott who is now 52yrs old and has been detained in various institutions on the basis that he still poses a threat to normal safety. The Ontario Court of Appeal found that Scott still poses a real risk and psychological harm to members of the public by his threatening behavior which in the past included threats leading to death. It is also important to note that if he had been found guilty under the Canadian Criminal Code, his sentence would have been no more than 5yrs in prison yet because of the finding of the fact that he was charged with not criminally responsible, he has been detained in mental health institutions for more than 10yrs (McSherry, 20 08). This raises the debate, does the NCRMD support the mentally disordered offender, or is it better to be charged guilty for the actual crime? Cases like this have made researchers depict the importance of an amendment to be made concerning this law. In a follow up study carried out on persons found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder in British Columbia, Livingston et al (2003) stated that during a 1yr period following the Criminal Code amendments, only 25% of persons who were found NCRMD were given immediate conditional discharge by the courts. Most researchers (Roesch et al, 1997; Livingston et al, 2003; Gary and OReilly, 2009; McSherry, 2008) are of the opinion that the Criminal Code concerning NCRMD should be amended and slight changes should be made to the law as it does not recognize the fact that most mentally ill people who commit crimes are not in the right state of mind when they participate in crime. In the analysis of the relationship between mental disorder and violence, it can be observed that the relationship is opaque. For the mentally ill offender who has just been labeled a psychotic, the abuse of alcohol and other harmful substances or hard drugs might explain why he commits crime, for another mentally ill offender who is constantly suffering from command hallucinations suggesting violent acts and stress, he might be seen as an abnormal person if he does not respond to these commands, exceptions are very rare because his reasons for his participation in crime may be binding on forces beyond his control. Countless more cases would probably spring up. Though the Canadian law addresses all these issues adequately, further research could aid proper handling of cases as they arise.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Islamic Economy in Saudi Arabian Companies Essay -- Economics
1. Saudi Companies Fund A. The institution of SAMA could not be a profit-making institution, it had to conform to Islamic law. SAMA has from time to time financed one-half of government debt. From 1962 to 1983, the governments earning grew in surplus, and all the debt was repaid. Whenever the government needed SAMA bolstered government reserves. B. In 1966 a major banking control law clarified and strengthened SAMA's role in regulating the banking system. Foreign banks submitted application for license. SAMA sent its recommendation to the ministry of finance. The ministry set conditions for granting licenses to foreign banks. C. Saudi companies introduced a great deal of regulation abiding with Sharia law. This law also defined requirements against deposits. There were several restriction to abide by SAMA's implementation of monetary policy. 2. The Saudi financial system A. The Saudi financial system had three autonomous government institutions. They were the pension fund, the general organization of Saudi insurance, and Saudi fund for development. These government instit...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Anytime Fitness and the Jetts Essay
As the living quality has been continuously improved in recent years,together with the widely spread sense of keeping fit,fitness clubs are becoming more and more popular in Australia.Among all those fitness companies,the Anytime Fitness and the Jetts are the most rapidly growing ones ,which both offer the 24/7 access to all clubs they own. I’ll compare the model of these two company using SWOT analysis. Company overview According to the Anytime Fitness AU(2014),Anytime Fitness is a fitness club which started in Minneapolis,USA in 2000.The 2115 clubs around the world make it the biggest fitness chain in the world.In year 2008,Justin McDonell and Jacinta McDonell-Jimenez open the first Anytime Fitness club in Australia.The next 6 years witnesses the rapid expansion of the Anytime Fitness with 344 clubs. On the contrary,as can be seen from the website Jetts Fitness Australia(2014),the Jetts is a local fitness company which started in 2007 in the Gold Coast by the couple Brendon and Cristy Levenson.Soon,the expansion to the whole country and the New Zealand makes the Jetts a fitness company with over 200 clubs. SWOT analysis Anytime Fitness Strengths Weaknesses 1. Leadership in the global market gives the company the advantage of its brand name and supply chain(Anytime Fitness AU 2014) . 2. Having the most clubs in Australia allows most Australians to come to the club within 10 minutes(Anytime Fitness AU 2014) . 3. Investment from the US capital market is available.For example,the capital injection from the Roark Capital Group would help expediting the growth(Roark Capital Group 2014).Also, the company had partnerships with THL Credit Opportunities,L.P. and the Partnership Capital Growth so as to achieve a recapitalization in 2010 (PCGA.Transaction Announcement 2010). 4. An online medical center called Anytime Health is offered ,which can bring health information to the customers. 5. The business model which is convenient for franchiser as flexibility and profit can be got at the same time helps the rapid expansion of the company (Anytime Fitness AU 2014) .The 2014 Top Franchise from Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 List(2014) claims that the company gets NO.1 in this list. 6. The company has comparatively low price with acceptable environment and 24/7 access . 7. Private restroom and bath room can give people more privacy. 1. Low culture consistence do the clubs have, due to the distance from the US.For example,the price of each club in Australia is different(Anytime Fitness AU 2014) . 2. Lock-in contract makes customs uncomfortable. 3. Bad fame of one club such as low quality of customer service and cleanliness may influence other clubs although the franchisers are different. 4. No staff during nights may cause security concern (Anytime Fitness AU 2014) . 5. Facilities are lacked during peak times. Opportunities Threats 1. The 12 million overweight people in Australia according to the Overweigh and Obesity(AIHW)(2013)are the potential customs. 2. More sessions and classes can be offered. 3. Introduce new facilities to the clubs may provide differentiation from the Jetts. 4.The company should promote more about the facilities and services. 1. Competitions from Jetts and other fitness clubs are growing. Jetts Strengths weaknesses 1. The Jetts has enough clubs to serve most Australians.Meanwhile, with the projected 250 clubs,80% of Australian can go to Jetts within 8 minutes(Sunshine Coast Daily 2010). 2. It’s a domestic fitness company,which means that it can provide a suitable environment for local people. Also,the staff can get more education and feedbacks from the headquarter so the company culture will be consistent. 3. No contract rule which gives the customers freedom of choice makes them comfortable(Sunshine Coast Daily 2010). 4.The price is quite low as people only need to pay $11.95 per week and are free to stop at any stage.But people can still get 24/7 access and ‘clean, convenient workout facilities providing the equipment that members use on a regular basis’(Tilbury, Alex 2011). 5.The Jetts has an experienced team to help new clubs get started (Davies,Adam 2012).It helps the growing of the Jetts together with the efficient franchiser system. 6.The Jessts has a good fame of high customer satisfactory.It got No.1 in the Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customer Award in Australia in 2012 and 2013 (Jetts Fitness Australia 2014). 1.The clubs lack advanced equipments due to the low price strategy. 2. No staff during nights may cause security concern(Jetts Fitness Australia 2014). 3.Facilities are lacked during peak times. Opportunities Threats 1. The percentage of overweight people in Australia is high. 2. The oversea market is still waiting to be exploited. 3.The Jetts should promote more about its low price and simplicity. 1.Competitions from Anytime Fitness and other fitness clubs are growing. Conclusion In summary,although the Anytime Fitness has advantages in many aspects,I still consider the model of the Jetts is better as it makes customers feel satisfied,which is much more important than other elements in this customer-oriented age. Reference List Anytime Australia Pty Ltd 2014,Anytime Fitness AU,viewed 19 March 2014, Jetts 2014,Jetts Fitness Australia,Brisbane,viewed 18 March 2014, Roark Capital Group 2014,Anytime Fitness Receives Investment from Roark Capital Group,media release,3 March ,viewed 22 March 2014, PCGA.Transaction Announcement 2010,Partnership Capital Growth,viewed 22 March 2014, 2014 Top Franchise from Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 List 2014,Entrepreneur Media, Inc.,viewed 22 March 2014, Overweigh and Obesity(AIHW) 2013,Australia Institution of Health and Welfare,viewed 22 March 2014, Sunshine Coast Daily 2010,‘Jetts Fitness blasting off: movers & shakersBrendon Levenson’,Sunshine Coast Daily ,5 October 2010,viewed 22 March 2014 Davies,Adam 2012,‘Jetts on a winner with new club’,The Chronicle,27 May,viewed 22 March 2014 Tilbury, Alex 2011,‘Jetts wins fight with the giants’ï ¼Å'The Courier – Mailï ¼Å'4 Juneï ¼Å'viewed 22 March 2014,
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Thesis: Writing and Question
For me writing a thesis statement was one of the hardest parts of the writing process. I was unsure of how to come up with the idea for a thesis statement, much less how to create it or where it should be included in the essay. By following this guide for writing a Thesis Statement, my writing experiences have become more rewarding. First, the thesis statement is the main topic or idea of the essay. It should directly answer the question the writer asks himself or herself, and is a roadmap for the essay. The thesis statement provides the reader with a specific guide to the writer’s argument. A strong thesis statement should show conclusions about the topic, indicate a point about the discussion, help the reader to see the main point of the topic, and is specific to show exactly what the essay is about. Second, to gain the idea for what the thesis should say if a topic for the assignment is given, change the topic of the essay into a question. Then answer the question with one or two sentences. The answer to the question will be the thesis statement. If no topic is given for the essay, or if the information for the essay does not ask a specific question, then a question must be generated, based on the information given for the assignment and the issue chosen form the assignment information to be explored. One way to accomplish this, the writer must brainstorm the topic. Then narrow or revise the topic down to take a position about the topic by deciding what you really want to say. Review this statement and ask a question about the statement. Another way is to collect and organize evidence and look for possible relationships, similarities, or contrasts to come up with a specific word by clarifying relationships of the topic. Explain what is meant about the topic, and then revise this information to make an assertation. Next look at the statement and ask yourself a question about the statement. The answer to the question in either example will be the thesis statement for the essay. The writer should ask themselves the following; Does the thesis statement answer a question? Would the reader want to challenge or oppose the thesis statement? In addition, Does the essay support the thesis? The thesis statement should be placed as the last sentence in the introduction paragraph of the essay, the last sentence conclusion paragraph, and the last sentence of the abstract in APA style format. In conclusion, once I implemented this guide into my writing process, I found writing a thesis statement to be much easier. It seemed to become a guide for the body of the essay. By following the guide to Writing a Thesis Statement, my writing experiences have become more rewarding.
Generation X by Douglas Coupland Essay
Generation X was Coupland’S controversial title which was derived from the work of Paul Fusell, category X in 1983. In his interview in 1995 Coupland explained that Fusell’s classification of X category were people who circulated in rounds of money, status and social climbing that describe the modern existence. But looking at the Coupland’s novel, it is very different from Fusell’s work. The people he is referring to as generation X are the people born after 1960. The whole novel rotates around the contemporary society issues: love intrigues, adventure, friendship among other themes (Reed). These themes are not new since they existed even in during the times of great philosophers. It is for this reason that I think Marx, Durkheim, and Weber apply to the Coupland’s novel, generation X. Although the novel reveals a lot of friendship and love between some characters there is an aspect of social deviance developing between the modern generation and the past. Emile Durkheim is perhaps the most popular in the field of deviance and his ideas are therefore applicable in this novel. In his argument in the division of society (Huang 63), Durkheim says that differences in a collective society and deviant society contribute to the basis of theoretical framework which outlines reasons as to why people violate norms. On the other hand, his appreciation that deviance in most cases enhances social cohesion provides foundation for theories that examines why deviant labeling occur (62). During the 1995 interview (Reed 3rd par), Coupland on his side revealed that his novel wondered why his generation is being labeled as members of baby boomer when they are capable of thinking by themselves. The idea of social differentiation also seems to crop up in the novel (Coupland 67) hence bringing the three philosophers closer to the novel. In the novel, there are several generation; the first one is the older generation of Mr. and Mrs. Mcarthur, second is the generation X where Andy, Claire and Dag belongs and finally the generation Y for Tyler who is Andy’s younger brother . According to Durkheim, social differentiation contributes not only to deviant conduct but also deviant labeling in more differentiated societies (Schmaus 56). In the novel, which represents the contemporary society, this deviance conduct and labeling is witnessed throughout the novel. The members of older generational view those of generational X and generation Y as some how spoiled and refer to them as global teens (Coupland 48). In his theory about the relationship between the society and individuals, Karl Marx noted that the society is highly stratified because the people who worked the hardest were also the people who received the least as the fruits of their labor (Shlomo 152). Like in the novel, Karl Marx looked forward to a society that accounted for social change. Although Coupland and Karl Max talks of classes of people, the two fail to agree in their classification. Karl Max concentrated on the Proteliant or the majority in the society and the Bourgeois who are the minority. He argues that the former live in substandard living condition while the later have all that life have to offer (Shlomo 160). Coupland classes of people in the society are the older generation and the younger generation. However, like what is contained in Karl Marx ideas, the young generation belongs to the marginalized group with lousy jobs while the old generation view themselves as the think tanks and the wisest. The young characters in the novel try to pull themselves from the characters that belong to the past. Dag’s love interest for example always find herself looked up in the past without realizing what is happening in the modern world. Like the rest, Weber in his work analyses the modern society (Burris 122). He discusses the concept of bureaucracies which according to him is the foundation of social stabilization, cultural symbols and channel of good and services to the modern society (132). He points out that it is the charismatic ideas and not old ideas that change the society (133). But, Marx Weber also brings in a very interesting contribution to the novel, the issue of love and friendship. Weber controversial love life seems close to what was happening in the Coupland (56, 74,132). In his bachelorhood he developed a romantic interest with his cousin Emmy Baumagarten who lived in Strasbourg (Hoenisch 1st par). Weber’s love for Emmerling as he used to call her darling continued for more than eight years despite opposition from both families. During this time their love emotions were bulging with a series of letters and spent several days of their sweet closeness in poetry of string (3rd par). It was in 1887 in his second military as a reserve officer in Strasbourg that Weber had an amorous but not sexual encounter with Emmy (7th par). According to the novel, there exist a very big difference in perception of ideas between the old generation and the modern generation. The difference which is a source of conflict between the generations is what links the three philosophers to the novel. The questions raised in the novel are both relevant and applicable to the contemporary social life but at the same time they refer to classical sociological theories of the â€Å"primitive†generation. It is clear from the novel that each generation is faced by its unique problems which can be solved only by that particular generation alone. It is important to point out that in the increasing globalization and industrialization world of the 21st century the economical, political and sociological landscape is likely to suffer from deepening and widening class struggle. Whether primitive, revolutionary or reformist, the old generation feels obliged to address this issue. Ultimately, Weber, Marx and Durkheim each provided conflicting accounts regarding the ways in which the urban societies of their time was deficient, and what was required to fix it (Schmaus 74). The younger cannot bear the consequences of ignoring the wise ideas the old and it is therefore necessary to embrace unity in diversity while handling societal problems aiming at acquiring necessary social change and stability. References Burris, V. The Neo-Marxist blend of Marx and Weber on Class in: Norbert Wiley (Ed. ), The Marx-Weber dispute. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, 1997. Coupland, D. Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Canada: St. Martin’s Press, March 15, 1991 Hoenisch, S. Max Weber’s personal life 1886-1893. 1995. November 27, 2008. Huang, W. S. â€Å"Durkheim’s rules of sociological method. †Journal for offender therapy & comparative crime, (2004): 63-75,. Reed, J. 2001. Generation X: tales for an accelerated culture by Douglas Coupland. Shlomo, A. The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge: University Press, 2001. Schmaus, W. â€Å"Explanation and real meaning in Rules of sociological method and ‘division Of labor in society. †Journal Of Sociological Perspectives Spring, (1995): 57-76,. .
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Business Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Business Plan - Term Paper Example Other products include the production of irrigation equipments, Co2 detectors as well as bottles. Eco plastic and mould company concentrates in the manufacture of plastic products. It has been in operation in Taiwan for the lasts 12 years. In developing this business plan, the company wishes to introduce a new production unit. Recent technological advancement has ensured that manufactures of plastic use materials economically. Therefore, Eco- plastic and Mould Company provides new plastic containers that replace traditional metal containers. For the last 50 years, metallic containers have been important feature in industries. However, metallic containers are prone rust, require painting, and are difficult to recycle. With this in mind, the company provides drums with same structural strength but of plastic material (Luo, 2014). On the other hand, plastics have an ability to take various shapes through molding. Since plastic products are rust, proof, able to stand diverse climatic conditions, their use in Taiwan captures a wide market. In Taiwan, plastic products have gained acceptance with diverse consumers. The company uses advanced engineering on polymer to produce high impact materials, long lasting materials. Such engineering advances have made it necessary for the production of industrial drum products. The company enjoys a market opportunity for recycling plastic products. Taiwan’s growing population provides great market opportunity for Econ plastic and Mould Company. On the other hand, the greater Asian market provides a wide market opportunity for the company (Miltenburg, 2005). In terms of competition, Formosa Plastic corp. probably is the most competitive organization in the region. Eco plastic and Mould Company operate in Taiwan and within the Asian region. The company began its operations over 10 years ago. It specializes in producing quality plastic products as well as plastic
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The successful integration of iPads and smartphones into the Research Proposal
The successful integration of iPads and smartphones into the workplace. When the iPad is the only computer your employees need - Research Proposal Example There may be two possible reasons for the inclusion of iPads and smartphones in the workplace, i.e. the demand of the business growth in the digital era, or the demand of employees working in the highly competitive business world at present (Gruman, 2011). Literature Review Technology gadgets such as iPads, Smartphones, Tablets and others have gained a remarkable significance in the daily life of human society in this 21st century. Undoubtedly, the features rendered by these gadgets are the major reasons to enhance its public usage and demand in the current scenario. One of the major advantages provided by the gadgets is their ability to connect people all around the world with a single touch and thus boost the aspect of international communication. Other features served by these gadgets include video calling, online gaming and chatting, and various internet services (Abdnour, 2011). It is in this context that these technology gadgets are emerging to be the most favorites of younger generation. Pierson (2010) stated that â€Å"The upstart college and career multitasker, age 18–27, is redefining connectivity at work and home†. Subsequently, Apple (one of the major iPad producers in the international market) sold almost 3 million pieces of iPads all around the world within a few months from its introduction to the market. Another major producer of tablets, Forrester also had to revise its prediction of future sales increasing the total sales to 13 million units. Experts have further contributed that almost 59 million iPads are expected to be sold in the US only, by the end of 2015 (Schadler & Et. Al., 2010). The inclusion of smartphones in the workplace was contemplated long before the inclusion of iPads and tablets. In comparison to the introduction strategies of smartphones, tablets and other technology gadgets are being introduced to the market in a different manner. For instance, the tablets are witnessed to be favored more than the laptops by e mployees, as tablets have almost every feature of laptops and other features in addition. For example, a tablet is also considered to replace clipboards in terms of its wide ranging features and effective applicability (Schadler & Et. Al., 2010). In this regard, Schadler & Et. Al. (2010) state that â€Å"Tablets and other smart mobile devices are brought in by eager employees and are opening doors to many new business scenarios, often in places where no computer works today†. Therefore, it can be stated that the demand for these technological gadgets in the workplace is highly influenced by the eagerness of Gen Y employees in the current scenario. However, there are various other reasons that have been identified by the experts to have a significant influence on the involvement of iPads, Smartphones and tablets in the workplace. As stated by Grove & Et. Al. (2010), iPads are considered to be highly useful for the companies to improve the aspects of ‘visibility and usabi lity’ of the company data in order to serve their customers with higher efficiency. On the similar
Monday, October 7, 2019
How it's hard to leave your country saudi arabia to study in USA Essay
How it's hard to leave your country saudi arabia to study in USA - Essay Example Another difficulty is experienced in line with the curriculum. The curricula of the two countries are very different. One needs to have the basic knowledge of course he wants to study in the USA. Bridging the gap between the two curricula especially where transition is made to advance education presents problems to the learners who are required to gather the basics first before catching up with the other students. Socialization is another problem; shifting to the USA requires one to leave their family, friends and relatives. Being all alone in a country where you are not acquitted to anyone poses a socialization problem especially as guidance is needed to settle. Knowing places in school, churches, and hospitals requires that one be acquitted with others. Making friends becomes a priority from such a person. Cultures are also different. Interacting with people can be difficult when there is a cultural barrier. Some of the things considered to be culturally inappropriate in Saudi Arabia may seem to be a routine in the USA. Saudi Arabia is a very conservative country culturally while the USA is much modernized and has a mixture of many cultures. Coping with the western culture is a big challenge for a Saudi Arabia
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Using an Ofsted report for an establishment not known to you, identify Essay
Using an Ofsted report for an establishment not known to you, identify possible future actions to be taken by the school to improve performance - Essay Example Where these were good they contributed to a high level of ICT capability, which pupils developed as they progressed through the school and which they could apply progressively in a range of subject contexts. 13 The layout of computer rooms at Elfed was found to be unsatisfactory, usually because there was no room for pupils to undertake work away from machines. Where there was a flexible and spacious arrangement, this enabled a greater variety of teaching and learning styles in lessons and facilitated better lesson planning in line with the ICT strand of the Key Stage 3 Strategy. 16 Elfed had some provision for technical support. In some cases a permanent member of the support staff had been specifically trained and could assist with both technical and curriculum requirements. Teachers who lacked confidence found this level of support invaluable and were reluctant to use ICT without it. Such support also enabled the ICT coordinator to remain focussed on curriculum and staff training as opposed to non-curricular matters 16 ICT generally impinged on standards in other subjects in indirect ways, for example through improved opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively, creatively and to solve problems. Pupils were interested, enthusiastic and curious about ICT and this contributed to their engagement and motivation, including some who were otherwise reluctant learners. This drove them to explore the potential of ICT, sustained their concentration and promoted their independent learning. However, this was dependent on being part of a well-planned broader context such as appropriate teacher input and support to enable them to use ICT independently and successfully. 17 As the business world continues to reel from the effects brought about by technological change, the UK educational community is now experiencing the challenges associated with the transition to a more learner-personalized, ICT-enabled education. Some
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Masculinity and Femininity in Human Culture Essay
Masculinity and Femininity in Human Culture - Essay Example In essence femininity pleases man because it creates a stark contrast and paints them as the ultimate power and competence. On the other hand to paint masculinity is to paint man as "success objects". He is perceived to be the 100 percent red-blooded certifiably male and a lot of expectation are being showered upon him. Unfortunately the men never realize that like women, they come in a variety of types-and that there is never an ultimate need to outdo one another for every person's ability depends on his capacity to recognized his role to himself, to the family and to the society in general. In Miller (1988)1 Willy told Linda that "In the greatest country in the world, a young man with such-personal attractiveness gets lost". His belief dwells on the idea that success means "being well-liked". He has been led to believe by the society he lives in that men are success objects. Failure is not treated as acceptable among males. Anxiety therefore created his negative behavior and responses further admitted when Willy recalls admitting to his older brother Ben that he feels "kind of temporary about"2 himself. To analyze, man can probably never vocally complain about being a "success object" and be valued for the money that he earns. Family responsibilities have depended on him to fulfill a certain role of strength that he simply forgets that his masculinity has sunk to its lowest when the realization of his dreams became mere figments of his imagination. According to Ladd in Roscoe(30)3 "Men are responsible for the universe. Women are responsible for the family and the tribe ." Such belief evolved from the sterner and conservative society who has not recognize the understanding that man has a complex nature as Ladd further added, "These roles were distinct but complementary; both were essential to the welfare of society as a whole". Structural straining is encouraged in a fast-paced society to mobilize the genders to achieve and attain certain degree of success in his social strata. Such viewpoint heavily suggests that failure have only them to blame. Recent development in the social structure of the masculinity has been greatly affected by the influence and re-emergence of the "third sex" or the gay community. Genetics appropriately claimed that association between directly inherited traits of behavioral patterns provides the analogy for the possible meaning of homosexuality whereby the association between the two ends. It may be difficult to explain how the environment and society contributes to homosexuality or androgyny in males however Chauncey added that "The determining criterion in labeling a man as "straight" (their term) or "queer" was not the extent of his homosexual activity, but rather the gender role he assumed."4 Across the developmental stage of man, we encounter the emergence of the Elektra and oedipal complex right after the child passes the toddler stage. Parental attachment and other inter-familial relationships sought to
Friday, October 4, 2019
Beijing Sammies Essay Example for Free
Beijing Sammies Essay The AGROVOC Concept Server (AGROVOC/CS) Workbench is a web-based working environment consisting of numerous functionalities for the distributed management and enhancement of the AGROVOC/CS built from the AGROVOC thesaurus. Following the Semantic Web’s vision, that emphasizes collaboration in the development of data and metadata to be shared and reused across the web, the management of AGROVOC will progressively be transferred from a few individuals in FAO to a wider community of international AGROVOC experts. These interested and competent users will share the collaborative maintenance and extension of AGROVOC, one of the most frequently used terminological resources for agricultural information management in the world. Maintenance of the future extended AGROVOC will thus be completely decentralized with people worldwide contributing to its development. This report provides a brief note on the technical aspects of the AGROVOC/CS Workbench. Technical details †¢ Multilingual web interface and content (UTF8). †¢ The software is developed in pure JAVA (version 1. 5. x), with no calls to any third party modules requiring precompiled DLLs or other operating system specific features. †¢ The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used with an Eclipse plug-in for development of the system. It is used to build the system as a fully Java based AJAX client browser application that is compatible with all common web browsers. †¢ Where possible the JSP 2. 0 Expression Language (EL) is used for any JSP development within the project (it’s a way of writing script-less JSP pages). Protege OWL api framework is used to connect OWL. †¢ MySQL is used as RDBMS. †¢ The system is DBMS-independent. Additional database abstraction layer for interacting with the OWL backbone and the relational database will be used (e. g. the hibernat e persistence and query service, etc. ). The system follows FAO guidelines for HTML publishing: †¢ Guidelines for Web site development; †¢ File naming convention and file organization guidelines; †¢ Check list for the clearance of Web sites. In summary, the system is based on the following components: Development components †¢ Eclipse 3. 2 †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x †¢ Apache Tomcat (that supports JSP and JAVA Servlets) Google Web Toolkit (for AJAX framework), version 1. 4. 60 †¢ Google Web Toolkit Incubator, version 1. 4 †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ MySQL version 5 Server side †¢ Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Linux †¢ Apache Tomcat 5. 5. 9 or higher †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x or higher †¢ MySQL version 5 or higher †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ WAR file with compiled JAVA files and necessary libraries Current Server Configuration †¢ OS : Debian GNU/Linux 2. 6. 22-2 †¢ CPU: AMD 64 bit †¢ Memory: 8GB †¢ MYSQL version: 5. 0. 45 TOMCAT Version: 6. 0. 14 †¢ Java-JDK: 1. 6. 0_04 Required Application 1. MySQL version 5 or above Available link to download: http://dev. mysql. com/downloads/ 2. Apache Ant version 1. 7. 1 or above Available link to download: http://ant. apache. org/ 3. JAVA JDK version jdk. 1. 5. x or above Available link to download: http://java. sun. com/javase/downloads/index. jsp 4. Apache Tomcat version 6 or above Available link to download: http://tomcat. apache. org/download-55. cgi 5. Protege Version 3. 4 beta Build 130 Available link to download: http://protege. cim3. net/download/old-releases/3. 4%20betas/build-130/full/ 6. GWT Version 1. 4 Build 1. 4. 62 Available link to download: http://code. google. com/webtoolkit/versions. html The Step of Configuration 1. Download AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench code from the CVS Server. 2. Download the sql script from CVS Server at folder named sql. Create the database. †¢ Run the sql script file located at your_directorySQLadministrator_agrovocwb _v_0_2_beta. sql This will install administrator_agrovocwb database. †¢ Run sql script file to install the owl model database located at your_directorySQLlank model _v_0_2_beta. sql Here we have provided blank owl model. †¢ You can convert owl file directly to database by using stand alone java program located at: our_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverprotegeconvertToDatabaseProject. java †¢ You need the change the variables in the file. |18 private final static String url = jdbc:mysql://; | |19 private final static String table = ; | |20 private final static String user = ; | |21 private final static String password = ; | |22 private final static String uri = file:/c:/; | 3. To add model in the ontology list, go to database and table and insert new row with these values. Ontology id: (Auto increment) †¢ Ontology Name: Blank Model †¢ Ontology Description: AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench Blank AOS Module †¢ Database URL: jdbc:mysql://:3306/? requireSSL=falseuseUnicode=truecharacterEncoding=UTF-8 †¢ Database Driver: com. mysql. jdbc. Driver †¢ Table Name: †¢ Database Username: †¢ Database Password: †¢ Display Ontology on the list: 0 for hide and 1 for Show 4. Use java editor to †¢ Change the configuration of the hibernate file that located in your_directorysrchibernate. cfg. xml Change the property of your connection password instead of â€Å"your_password†and change the property of your connection url instead of â€Å"your_url†. 13 your_password | |14 jdbc:mysql://your_url | †¢ Change the configuration of the database properties that located in your_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverowlDatabaseC onnection. properties Change the property of your username of database instead of â€Å"your_username†and change the property of your password of database instead of â€Å"your_password†. |4 userAdminDB = your_username | |5 passwordAdminDB = your_password | †¢ Change the configuration of the mail file that located in your_directory srcorgfaoaoscsutilityMail. properties Change the property of your host name instead of â€Å"your_mailserver_host†, change the property of your port instead of â€Å"your_port†, change the property of your user instead of â€Å"your_user†, change the property of your password instead of â€Å"your_password†and change the property of your from information instead of â€Å"sender_email†. |1 host=your_mailserver_host | |2 port=your_port | |3 user=your_user | |4 password=your_password | |5 from= sender_email | †¢ Run build file to create war file using Apache ANT. 5. Copy the war file to folder of tomcat installation directory. 6. You can use the program by opening your browser and type †¢ http://localhost:8080/your_project_name
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