Monday, September 30, 2019
Alan Paton Style Analysis Essay
Authors often make an impact on the reader through imaginative story telling and bringing to life intriguing and compelling characters in their stories. Alan Paton not only succeeds in doing this, but further raises the bar by fully immersing his readers by making them not only learn about the characters, but actually instills a sense of caring about their well being. Throughout the novel Paton makes it clear just how much adversity and suffering his character, Stephen Kumalo, must have endured. He utilizes resounding words such as â€Å"doubt†and â€Å"suffering†in the passage chosen. The tone throughout the passage appears to have somber and melancholy quality to it. Kumalo is shown enduring constant tragedy all around him yet he continues to persevere. Paton’s unconventional techniques of dialogue is shown often in this passage. Paton’s dialogue never identifies who is speaking to encourage the reader to pay attention, also he does not use quotation marks like most authors and just bypasses it completely. Paton uses limited omniscient point of view to tell the story. It not only takes us into the stories but stirs emotion within the reader. He allows us to be put in Stephen’s shoes while still left wondering what is really going on. Character development is very apparent throughout the passage. Kumalo started out in the story as a pastor whose faith was strong in God, but at times had doubts, sometimes he would doubt his son for committing atrocities, yet in the end he found forgiveness for his family. Stephan is the epitome of overcoming adversity no matter what perils he came across.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Obesity: Logic and Marion Nestle
â€Å"Obesity: Who is Responsible for Our Weight? †In the essay, â€Å"Obesity: Who Is Responsible for Our Weight? †Radley Balko explains his argument on obesity; we are responsible for what we eat. Overall, the strengths were clear and persuading in this essay. One strength in his essay was his main point, we are responsible for our own weight. He explains that we are in control of what we consume, and the government should not be responsible for that. This engages the reader to think, should we really blame the government, or is ourselves to blame. This main point validates all his reasoning.Another strength is his ability to explain why government intervention is irrelevant to obesity. For example, he mentions that Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown is conducting to have a Fat Tax on high calorie food, where food restaurants must list their fat, calories, etc. on each meal. And instead they should be promoting personal-sense awareness. Overall this essay had more weaknesses than strengths. Though his side of the argument is completely true, his reasoning weren’t clearly detailed. For example, Radley Balko only targeted the government’s intervention on obesity.But what should have followed that is the food industry businesses that allow this, not just the government. Not only did he lack detail, but also he didn’t consider the point of genetics. Some Americans do not become obese by choice, but by genetics. Those who are affected by genetics may be very conscience of what they eat, but it still does no justice because of their genes. This weakened his essay. Another weakness is that he focuses too much on the government’s intervention on obesity; instead he should have listed more reasons to why obesity is a personal problem.Taken as a whole, the essay was very short, and took a while to get to the point. â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? †I found this to be a very strong, interesting argumentative essay by Kelly Brownell and Marion Nestle. One strength relates to the fulfillment on attention grabbing in their opening sentence. Brownell and Nestle reminds us that the food industry is like any other business: they must grow. This makes a valid point, and grabs the readers attentions which leads to wanting to read more.Mentioning the counter-argument that obesity is a personal responsibility is also a strength. This tells the reader that she is understanding to the opposing argument, while making hers very clear. Another strength is the fact that gives several examples why personal responsibility isn’t to blame which includes; obesity is growing year after year, it’s human biology for humans to be attracted to good food with high calories, the default approach of promotion of eating better and exercising more has failed for multiple years, and how personal responsibility is a trap.Not only did they have multiple examples, they had clear reasoning for each example, which proves they thought out their argument on obesity. Although this was a very strong, convincing essay, there were a couple of weaknesses. The first weakness is the unawareness of government’s real role in business. In America, our policy towards business relies strictly on the concept of Laissez Faire. Laissez Faire means allowing industry to be free from state intervention, especially restrictions in the form of tariffs and government monopolies.This is a very known concept to many Americans, and this weakens her argument. Another weakness is Brownell and Nestle mentioning they’re attentive to personal responsibility, but didn’t clearly give any reasoning to that. Overall, they essay was very well structured and barely had any weaknesses. The essay â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? †gives a more persuading argument. First of all this essay was clearly structured, which made it easier to read. The first essay was not as easy to read, and not as structured.Brownell and Nestle listed their reasoning, which made their points clear reassuring no confusion. Where as to Balko, there were barely any explained points in his essay, which made it hard to follow. Also, Brownell and Nestle are much more persuasive. They provided clear explained examples of why we are not the only ones responsible for obesity while Balko had little to none examples of why we are responsible. Altogether, Marion Nestle and Kelly Brownell provided a more effective argument on obesity and whose responsible for it than Radley Balko.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Current patterns of ill health Essay
Describe the current patterns of ill health and how they are monitored In the UK patterns of ill health are identified and monitored through the use of statistics which may be viewed on the National Statistics website. Responsible for producing statistics to be put together by our UK National Statistics organisation to illustrate patterns of ill health in the UK are government statistical departments. Government statistical departments that are major contributors to identifying and monitoring patterns of ill health in the UK include: the Department of Health, the Health and Safety Executive and the NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care. Although statistics do provide a clear picture, they are not totally accurate for what they represent because there will always be information on illness that is not reported so statistics can only give us an idea of what ill health in England is really like. Here are some of the descriptions of the current patterns of ill health in the UK Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs but is usually in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung tissue, they divide rapidly and form tumours. It is health concern as â€Å"Doctors in Britain are ‘missing opportunities’ to spot lung cancer at an early stage,†BBC News reports. A study found around a third of people with the condition die within 90 days of their initial diagnosis. and because there are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer it is hard to diagnose so more people are dying from this cancer. Lung cancer is on the increase especially in women because of the sharp decrease in the incidence of male lung cancer over the past two decades reflects the decline in smoking prevalence among men. ‘Female smokers are also twice as likely to develop lung cancer as male smokers’ it is on the increase becuase Women aged between 25 and 34 are more stressed than anyone else in Britain, a new study has found. At that age, women are typicall y climbing the career ladder at work, caring for demanding young children at home and paying a mortgage meaning they are smoking more because of the stress. Diabetes type 2: A person with type 2 diabetes has insulin resistance, meaning their pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body doesn’t react properly to insulin. Insulin is used by the body to manage glucose, or sugar, levels in the blood and to convert glucose into energy. ‘Type 2 diabetes occurs mainly in people aged over 40. 5 million people have diabetes but is more common in older people The rapid rise in the number of adults developing type 2 diabetes is due to, increasing levels of obesity, a lack of exercise, increase in unhealthy diets and an ageing population. The first-line treatment is diet, weight control and physical activity.’ it becomes a concern as that person is causing it themselves because of their diet , or lack of exercise ect and can only help themselves Cystic fibrosis- Cystic fibrosis affects over 7500 people in the UK and over 2 million people in the UK carry the gene that causes it. It affects the internal organs, especially the lungs and the digestive system, by clogging them with thick sticky mucus. This makes it hard to breathe and digest food. It is a progressive disorder and currently there is no cure, an average life expectancy is 31 years, although improvements in treatment mean a baby born today could expect to live for longer. Cystic fibrosis is increasingly being diagnosed through screening but some babies and older children (and even adults) are diagnosed following unexplained illness. Treatments available include eating a healthy diet, exercising, physiotherapy treatment and medicine treatment. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder. This means that in order to develop cystic fibrosis you need to inherit two cystic fibrosis genes, one from your mother and one from your father, and this is why it is on the increase as people who have the gene are having children. Coronary heart disease – (CHD) is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. It’s responsible for around 74,000 deaths in the UK each year. About 1 in 5 men and 1 in 8 women die from CHD. CHD generally affects more men than women, but from the age of 50 the chances of developing CHD are similar for men and women. â€Å"That number of people get CHD looks likely to rise if we allow complacency and inactivity to ruin our lives.†Professor Sir Charles George blamed people’s increasingly unhealthy lifestyles to cause this. Std- sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. these diseases can cause serious harm such as getting HIV is a virus most commonly caught by having sex without a condom.The virus attacks the immune system, and weakens your ability to fight infections and disease.At the end of 2012, there were an estimated 98,400 people in the UK living with HIV. The majority were infected through sex (41,000 gay and bisexual men and 53,000 heterosexuals).Although there is no cure for HIV, treatments are now very effective, enabling people with HIV to live long and healthy lives.You will be encouraged to take regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking. the reason why it is on the increase is because of sexual activity at a young age, having lots of sexual paretners are more at risk and having unprotected sex, many young adults are not using condoms meaning that diseases like chylamida are increasing and more sexua l diseases are being spread around as there are also not really any symptoms to suggest you have a std. liver disease. There are over 100 types of liver disease, which together affect at least 2 million people in the UK. the most common are alcohol-related liver disease, where the liver is damaged after years of alcohol misuse, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, usually seen in people who are overweight or obese and hepatitis, which is inflammation (swelling) of the liver caused by a viral infection or exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol. the deaths becuase of liver disease has increased by 40% in the last 12 years due to alcohol. Regional study shows significant variations in mortality across country, and men twice as likely to be diagnosed as women, studies have shown that this is becuase young men are more likely to drink more on a night out also when they are stressed and angry they turn to alcohol. â€Å"men and women have different types of stress-related psychological disorders. Women have greater rates of depression and some types of anxiety disorders than men, while men have greater rates of alcohol-use disorders than women†breast cancer- Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. In 2011, just under 50,000 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Most women who get it (8 out of 10) are over 50, but younger women, and in rare cases, men, can also get breast cancer. there are many factors as to why breast cancer is increasing some are, alcohol can cause breast cancer, and even drinking small amounts can increase the risk of this disease. After the menopause, women who are overweight or obese have a higher breast cancer risk than those who have a healthy weight. The Million Women Study also looked at body weight, and calculated that obesity accounts for 7 per cent of the UK’s breast cancer cases. women who work night shifts are also at a higher risk.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Structure - Essay Example The structure depends on the business objectives and its strategy. Business structure has many facets including operational, organizational, marketing, financial and legal structures. The choice of structure depends hugely on organizational, marketing, operational and financial strategy and structure. In this case, the paper discusses the appropriate business structure of the three close university friends who have recently qualified as dentists and want to start a dental clinic (Denoncourt, 2012). The three university graduates will have to decide the best business structure for their clinic depending on several factors like risks and liabilities, cost of formalities and administration, control and management, legal limitations, financing, taxation, termination or closure of the business, and business expansion. General partnership is an association of two or more people who have decided to start up a business for the mutual benefit of the owners. The partners contribute property, m oney or services equally towards the business for their common benefit. The partners share profits equally got from the business. All the partners are allowed to participate in management, but give no liability protection to any of the partners. Therefore, coming up with a business structure is one of the significant steps a business makes in order to be in a position to run effectively. It is required of the partners to evaluate the options available and choose the best form of structure that best meets their needs. Although this process is time consuming and also costly, it is the best investment any partnership can make (Glover & Wasserman, 2003). The three partners will have to form their business without having to fill any legal document and this makes their business structure easy to form. It is, therefore, similar to a sole proprietorship in the sense that it is easy to form and any business partners can form it without any intention to do so. The business can either start as a sole proprietorship or later change into a partnership by adding other partners. The liability at which a partner in a general partnership is exposed to is also similar to the personal liability that a sole proprietor suffers, but there is an included element of risk. All the partners are responsible for all their actions and debts of the partnership and this means that each of the partners may lose interest in the partnership as well as everything they posses. This is referred to as personal liability (Glover & Wasserman, 2003). The three partners will be personally responsible for all actions as well as debts of partnership meaning that each of the three partners may loose not only their interest in partnership, but also everything they own. This means that if the partnership fails, or the business is sued, the creditors can go after the assets of the general partnership as well as the private assets of the three partners. Here, the partners will be responsible for their own ac tions and their partner’s action since the action of a particular partner can be imputable to the other partner through a joint liability. In general, the actions and mistakes of a particular partner becomes a responsibility of the other two partners. For example, Rose, John and Jane want to start a dental clinic where they have to share the profits equally. One day, John is involved in an accident while on duty and the accident injures Luis his patient. Luis
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Study abroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Study abroad - Essay Example in a new country with new people means that you would have to leave your culture, food, language, attire, and way of living to adopt the host country’s way of living (DuFon & Churchill, pp. 74-85, 2006). People who have strong associations which their culture, family, friends and surroundings may find it the most difficult part of their live to adjust in a new environment. Moreover, studying abroad requires huge amount of investment and is quite expensive. Many students live alone in the new country thus increasing their cost of living to a further limit. However, this paper aims at proving that the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the costs associated with it. The rest of this paper would attempt the same by presenting a few supporting points. The biggest advantage associated with studying abroad is that it provides an excellent opportunity to the students to learn English in an entirely different way. Important here to note is that the majority of the students who decide to study abroad take the tickets for countries like United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Sweden or other western countries (Byram & Feng, pp. 14-19, 2006). Clearly, the dominant language in all these countries is English and this gives the foreign students to learn this language from the native speakers of English language. Research has shown that even the poorest speakers of English language, when live for quite some time in a western environment, showed considerable improvement at their skills of speaking and understanding the language. Experts say that there is no better way to learn anything but through constant practice and repetition. Living with new people and surrounded by them makes you learn that new language on the same mentioned principle. Important here to note is that education is not just for the sake of it. The most important goal of education remains to prepare and equip students with tools, approaches and knowledge, skills and abilities that can help them
Industrial Relations in Australia College Essay
Industrial Relations in Australia College - Essay Example Strong economic performance and high standards of living in the life of Australia have owed their tribute to the significant legislative reforms of the work place legislation in the work place relation system. The reforms within the workplace relation has helped to achieve high productivity and a positive growth in wage. Lower rates of industrial disputation has also been an effect of work place relations act. More reforms to increase flexibility and choice for employers and employees in the workplace is a subject of current target. This is due to the fact that other work place relations reform are being preserved by the government as being vital to come up with a legislative frame work relevant to Australia modern work place and the changing nature of work. (Reams, 1994, 101-104). Essentially, this is aimed at increasing Australia economic growth and international competitiveness relative to other regions in the world. The governing role of workplace in Australia is an effort of both the federal and the state legislation. The government of Australia has been fully empowered to make laws about workplace relations governing a range of circumstances including in-relations to Saccos such as; preventing and settling interstate industrial disputes, foreign corporations and trading, alternatively described as financial corporations within Australia, commonwealth employees, interstate and commerce employees in Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. (Irwin, 2001, 106-109). Federal legislations is liable to prevail without inconsistence incase of a situation where the inconsistence is sited between federal and the state legislation in the past disputes between the employers and employees in Australia was a common occurrence requiring the intervention of the federal and state government. This situation at the current has been surmounted by the formation of the Australia Industrial Relation Commission. The positive contribution of this legislation and commission is immensely out spoken. It is at current automatic that Australia work force relation is no longer relying on external intervention in their deliberations but rather to the other side of encouraging employers and employees to reach agreements at the workplace level or at the business enterprise level, which is the principle target of the government. (Lengwwa, Flinterman, 1988, 22-25). The workplace relations' act (1996) played substantial role towards this target: there has been less reliance on wide ranging (Awards) by industrial tribunals for determining pay and conditions of employment. It has also encouraged agreements making at the work place level or business enterprise level and therefore it has become the main way to follow in deliberation towards the determination of the and conditions for the employees within the federal workplace relation systems. (Bischoff, 1985, 93-95). The effectiveness of workplace relations' act of 1996 as rendered Awards merely a sieve of minimum wages and employees' conditions rather than its initial role of determination and prescription
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What impact does emotional intelligence have upon communication in Essay
What impact does emotional intelligence have upon communication in social work organisations - Essay Example Emotional intelligence enables an individual to be emotionally competent, which is essential for efficient social interaction and communication. Emotions are essential in communication, conveying information of what people are thinking, their intentions, and in facilitating social encounters (Kelter and Haidt, 2001). Caregivers must develop the art, listening openly and sending convincing responses. This entails recognizing emotional signals and clues and understanding their meaning and context. Social workers must listen with the aim of developing a mutual understanding with the client and should be ready to welcome the sharing of information fully with the client. A person with positive emotional health is highly social (Argyle and Lu, 1990) whereas a person with negative emotional health is antisocial and keeps other people at bay (Furr and Funder, 1998). Positive emotions in service provision have a desirable effect independent of interpersonal relationships that result in greater work output, persistence, and enhanced cognitive abilities. A caregiver with positive emotions is able to influence social care users in a more positive way, which can enable them make positive changes in their lives. Positive emotionality enables social-work care givers respond to aggressive behaviours directed to wards them in a calm, non aggressive and even polite manner. This requires a very high degree of emotional restraint and care givers who are not emotionally mature or who have no experience will respond aggressively breaking and blocking the communication channels with their clients. Negative emotions are counterproductive and lead to poor interpersonal relationships, lack of job focus, and society to have very negative perception of caregivers and welfare programs. Optimistic social workers are able to make cognitive evaluation of a situation, make adaptive coping strategies to deal with stressful situations and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
MKT Unit 3 Individual Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MKT Unit 3 Individual Project - Research Paper Example Part 2 deals with Application to Product/Service, this part mainly focus on Strategic Marketing Plan of Pentax PocketJet 3. Introduction: This Project will be mainly about the Strategic Marketing Plan of Pentax PocketJet 3 using the integrated marketing communications method. According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications identifies the value of a comprehensive plan that assesses the planned roles of a variety of public relations, communication disciplines advertising, sales promotion and personal selling, and joins them to give consistency, clarity, and highest communication impact. PART 1: General Research: Communication channel: A communication channel refers to a physical transmission medium for example a wire or to a logical connection more than a multiplexed medium for instance a radio channel. A channel is used to suggest an infor mation sign, such as a digital bit stream, from one or several senders to one or several receivers. â€Å"Communication channels have evolved with more emphasis on multiplexing of multiple channels at higher data rates over the same link or channel†(Hura & Singhal 215). The Advertising Pros and Cons: There are a lot of contrasting estimations about advertising. Those in favor state that advertising educates customers regarding new products and services that can assist them develop their lives. It also enhances sales so that organizations can produce things at lesser costs and create things cheaper. And it helps the financial system and provides jobs to several people. With no advertising some free TV and radio channels would not be able to exist. Gaming and other procedures are promoted by ads. Ticket costs will be high without advertisements. In contrast, critics say that customers pay for advertising during higher product costs. They say that small organizat ions sometimes must close as they cannot fight with larger ones. Through advertising, persons sometimes buy goods that they cannot require and often may not afford. This guides to a high personal debt. It also guides to a casual society products are thrown away and more waste and pollution is produced. Children are so often the main aim of advertisers. They sometimes do not recognize which products are good and buy wrong things. Fast food and snack firms show ads, which guide to diabetes and obesity. Direct Marketing Pros & Cons Direct marketing contains direct trade. So it is cost helpful for customers, because there is no cost hike due to retailers or wholesalers. Marketing managers may state certainly of the correct answer to their goods. The profit or loss may be extra correctly judged. In contrast, it can be seen as attack of privacy, as consumer questions where we increased their private details. And negative figure of direct mail and not needed phone calls. â€Å"Relatively expressed due to high costs of making direct contact rather than the broad approach of advertising†(Somers, Cain, and Jeffery 335). Sales Promotions Pros & Cons: By running a sales promotion, a business owner can increase the sales and also improve the bottom line. Sales promotions have the prospective to develop relationships with customers and also the suppliers. One of the advantages of using sales promotions is that it influences customer behavior. The thought of the sale may well influence the consumer to do a purchase when they were not planning to do so. The notion of missing out on the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Stategy And Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Stategy And Change - Essay Example Accepting the fact that change is inevitable individuals and businesses have directed effort to equip for change management than resisting to retain current status. Change management, simply stating implies efforts and mechanism employed for the meeting the demanding pressures of adaptability from change. Jung (2001) defined change management as transition from one stage of existence to the other. In accordance with Jung (2001) the stage from which the individual and business are attempting to move from can be defined as the state of problem whereas the state to which the efforts are intended to direct the subject is the state of problem solution. Change management is broad domain of study. Change management can be required in the product portfolio, business processes, organisational culture, people, technology, structure and so on so forth (Daft and Marcic, 2006). Each aforementioned sub- domain, though not limited to, has its own expansions. For instance the change management in th e technological domain has been among factors that have taken lead in today’s organisational context. ... team based structure from traditional formats of increasing hierarchy levels. Apart from the change management in various components of business another classification of change has been emergent change and the planned change. Former refers to the situation where business on whole or the processes are forced to change with the changing business environment. The latter mode of change is one in which organisation deliberately plan to change. For example, organisations in the contemporary business world are forced to infiltrate efficiencies in their business model that are mere necessary for survival. Marks and Spencer being among the most preferred brands of UK faced steep decline in sales in 1990 due to increased low cost offerings in UK market from competitors having manufacturing set ups in cheap labour emerging markets. In contrast to M&S strategy of providing â€Å"Made in UK†incurred increased cost. Therefore, M&S had to adapt to change with business model shifting manufa cturing from local country to low cost emerging countries. While planned change example can be seen as today’s businesses are moving towards sustainable business models such as improving entire business processes to energy efficient process or using renewable energy etc. Planned change has significant distinction from the other changes mainly. As name implies the planned change is intentionally initiated by the people for particular purpose. Further also noticeable fact is that planned change has preparations done and planned it accordingly. However, even within planned change the response to change varies such as some change implementation requires autocratic imposition whereas participative methodology is also adopted based on the wide range of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Managing Financial Resources Essay Example for Free
Managing Financial Resources Essay SUMMARY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed refrigerator manufacturing and sales project for Tesca Works, Inc. is a financially complicated project which on the surface, given the increase in energy costs and customer demand may seem like a winning proposition. However, when we delve further into the details of the financial projections along with projections of the future of the refrigerator market we are able to make a confident recommendation to Mr. Burton and the executive staff at Tesca Works, Inc. Using the information provided by the Tesca team we were able to create a comprehensive capital budget and cash flow analysis for the proposed refrigerator project. Through our analysis we found that the cost of capital of the project to be 13.487% and a Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) to be at a value of 9.70%. Factoring in the WACC into our projections we found that if the demand maintains at an average rate the project will be at a positive Net Present Value of $5,997,505.31 with an IRR of 13.21%, a profitability index of 8.84, and an approximate payback period of 6.84 years. Please see Exhibits below for a snapshot of the capital budget and NPV values. This information seemed to be very promising for the project in general. However, our continued analysis showed the project to be very sensitive to the sales price per unit of the refrigerator. We used the average demand scenario to produce a sensitivity analysis and found that with just a 5% decrease in the sales price of the refrigerator the NPV quickly dipped into a negative value thus showing the project to be extremely sensitive to the sales price of the refrigerator. Our scenario analysis also exposed a strong probability of the project giving a negative Net Present Value and giving a probable low Internal Rate of Return of only 4.01%. This is mainly due to the projects sensitivity to the sales price of the refrigerator and the potentially lower sales in the event of weak demand for the product. Because of the high probability for a very low IRR and negative NPV we are recommending that the project be rejected. The information we have uncovered through detailed financial analysis showed that the project is far too sensitive to lower demand and lower sales prices per unit. This is especially true for a lower sales price for the refrigerator. We found that even a small decrease in the sales price of just over 1% would cause the project’s NPV to become negative, even with an average unit sales demand. There may be potential for an average or strong demand in the marketplace, however there is too much risk to recommend project acceptance. A decision to move forward with the project would be mainly based on a ‘gut-feeling’ rather than on sound financial reasoning. Thus it is our official recommendation that Tesca Works, Inc. reject the project. 1) IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY COST SITUATION The question of energy cost being a factor of the decision to move forward with this project is of critical importance. This is because whether or not consumers are inspired to purchase a new appliance may be spurred by increases in energy costs as well as possible tax benefits or rebates from power generating companies. Some consumers may be aware of the benefits of energy efficient appliances which may cause an increase in the normal demand for refrigerators. Tesca is in a unique position to be able to offer high efficiency refrigerators to the United States public at a time when the public is looking to reduce their use of electricity and other utility costs. When we look at the graph above it can be seen that the cost of electricity has steadily increased over the last 10 years. The price per kilowatt hour has increased almost 50% in 10 years (EIA, 2014). Thus to the consumer the price of energy is a big concern and the costs will most likely continue into the future. There is potential for an increased demand to replace aging inefficient appliances that are causing increased electrical bills for consumers. The energy cost and potential benefits to the consumer are of importance when determining the future of this project. The project is forecast to be of a positive value if the demand for refrigerators is at an average or strong demand from consumers. However, the realization of a high or average demand is mainly based on ‘gut-feeling’ rather than on sound financial information. There are too many variables in the marketplace that could cause demand to be weaker than projected. Such variables as a weak economy or recession could cause sales to drop which in turn would cause the project to lose its value quickly. 2) What is the project’s cost of equity? What is the appropriate discount factor to use for evaluating the refrigerator project? As seen in Exhibit I below, the project’s cost of equity (COE) is calculated to be 13.487%. We found this value by using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula by adding the treasury note yield with the beta value, then taking the market return rate and subtracting the treasury note yield. We then multiply those values together to attain the cost of equity value of 13.487%. This means there is a rate of return on investment of 13.487%. The Beta for Tesca Works, Inc. is fairly consistent with their competition. Tesca’s beta value is at 1.3 which means that Tesca’s value has been more volatile than the market. While this means there is more risk when investing in Tesca there is also a greater possibility for higher rates of return. Exhibit I also shows the table used to calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) or discount factor which we used to evaluate this particular project. We used the following formula to calculate the WACC for this project. We know that the higher the weighted average cost of capital the less likely it is that Tesca will be creating value for its investors. The WACC helps us to determine if a company is creating value and presents the minimum return to satisfy investors and creditors. 3) Which of the two compressors should be used in the refrigerator if you decide to go ahead with the project and why? As seen in Exhibit II we determined that the CM-004 compressor should be used for this particular project. We came to this conclusion by finding the present value of the five year compressor warranty and adding that to the cost of the compressor. We used the weighted average cost of capital as the rate in our present value calculations. While the TS-L12 has a less expensive purchase price it has a more expensive warranty cost for the five year warranty period thus making it a more expensive overall compressor. When we use the present value calculations on both compressors, factoring in the warranty, we found that the present value of the CM-004 is $18.21 less expensive than the TS-L12 compressor. This makes the CM-004 compressor 4% less expensive to purchase for the warranty life of the compressor. It was important to take calculate the present values of both compressors to get an accurate comparison of the costs of the two compressors for the five year warranty costs of each compressor. While on the surface the TS-L12 may have seemed less expensive the overall cost in present dollars was higher when we factored in the value of the five year warranty on both compressors. 4) Forecast the project’s cash flows for the next twenty years. What assumptions did you use? Once we selected the appropriate compressor to use we were able to plug in certain input values into our equations to create a cash flow projection for the entire project lifetime. We used the weighted average cost of capital value found in our earlier calculations as one of our input values. We also found the present value of the refrigerator, see Exhibit IV, by using the input values given in the financial information from Tesca such as the labor, parts, and compressor costs. We found the cost of the refrigerator to be $1,269.36, see Exhibit III. ASSUMPTIONS MADE: Certain assumptions were made when calculating the projected cash flows for the refrigerator project. We assumed inflation would remain at 2.5% and used that value to increase the sales price, variable cost, and administrative fixed costs each year. Please see Exhibit IV for a breakdown of the inputs used for the cash flow projections. This allowed us to gain a more a more realistic forecast of the project’s potential cash flows for the entire project. We also used the average demand as our base projections for the project. This is because the average demand scenario has the highest probability of 45%. We used straight-line depreciation with regard to depreciating the investment in the project over time. We detailed the first three years of the project, years zero through two with the appropriate investment amounts during each of those years. Since production and sales did not begin until year three we were able to make an assumption of potential tax returns on the invested dollars for years one and two. We used the tax rate of 25% to calculate the tax returns along with the taxable amounts for all years. See the attached spreadsheet for the detailed cash flow projections. We also assumed that since the refrigerators could be produced for a total of 20 years the entire life of the project would span from year zero through year 22. This is because the production of the refrigerators could not begin until year three, thus making the projects timeline from year zero through year 22. With this information and assumptions we found that when the units are in production and being sold the project will yield a positive annual cash flow. The working capital was found by taking the 11% and carrying it over for each year. We used the initial Net Operating Working Capital (NOWC) found in year two then calculated the difference using 11% of the difference of the sales each year and calculated that for the entire life of the production. 5) Use the appropriate capital budgeting techniques to evaluate the project. As seen in Exhibit V we used the appropriate capital budgeting and performance measures to evaluate the life of the project. Exhibit VI displays the results of the capital budgeting analysis. We found the NPV for the average demand scenario to be $5,997,505.31 which is a positive value for the project given the average demand inputs. The Internal Rate of Return was calculated as 13.21% which, again, is a positive value and could provide for a nice rate of return on the project since it is higher than the weighted average cost of capital and the market return rate. The profitability index was found to be at a value of 8.84. Because the profitability index is higher than 1.0 that shows that the project present value is greater than the initial investments in the project. We then calculated the number of years for a payback on the initial investments in the project. We found that the simple payback of the initial investments would take 6.48 years for the average demand scenario. In simple terms, and if we only used the average demand assumptions, this project would seem to provide positive net results for Tesca. Using the average demand inputs the NPV, IRR, Profitability Index, and Payback Years are at an acceptable level. However, as we will cover in later sections, when we include probability analysis of the other demand scenarios we find that the project is less than desirable. 6) Use the average demand scenario to evaluate the sensitivity of the project’s NPV with respect to sale price of the refrigerator and the cost of the compressor. We used the average demand scenario to produce a comprehensive sensitivity analysis of the project. We utilized three variables when conducting our sensitivity analysis, the sale price of the refrigerator, the cost of the compressor, and the project’s weighted average cost of capital. We included the weighted average cost of capital as an extra variable to get further details on the sensitivity of the project. We used a scale of 5% increments from -25% to 25% which allowed us to produce a sensitivity analysis with adequate details. Please see Exhibits VIII and IX for the numerical details and sensitivity graph for the project. The sensitivity analysis uncovered the following critical information with respect to how sensitive the NPV of the project was to the given variables. Sales Price Sensitivity We found that even a small decrease in the sales price of the refrigerator of just over 1% caused the project’s NPV to become negative. The graph in Exhibit IX shows the steep sensitivity line with respect to the change in the sales price per unit. Even with an average sales demand, if the price dropped to 15% which is approximately the same sale price of our weak demand scenario the NPV was substantially below zero at a negative value of $-57,667,920. With each 5% increment the NPV values sometimes increased or decreased at a rate that doubled or more because of the projects extreme sensitivity to the sales price of the refrigerator. The profit margin on the refrigerator of 19.41% and markup of only 24% does not leave much room for a price reduction in the sales price of the refrigerator. The data also points to a wide range in NPV with respect to the sales price of the units. There was a total range of over $212 million for the sensitivity of the sales price per unit. This d ata leads to the discovery that the project is extremely sensitive to the sales price of the refrigerator. Compressor Cost Sensitivity The project was not as sensitive to the cost of the compressor, however, it did not take a large percentage increase in the cost of the compressor to throw the NPV of the project into a negative value, just over 5%. Exhibit IX’s graph shows the sensitivity lines for the project. The compressor sensitivity is not nearly as steep as the price sensitivity per unit. Because the cost of the compressor affects the profit margin on each refrigerator the lower the cost of the compressor the better the NPV because of the increased profit margin per unit. 7) Based on the scenario and sensitivity analysis you performed above, comment on the overall riskiness of the project. Based on the scenario and sensitivity analysis we were able to determine that the project is of a high risk nature. There are several factors that make this project such a high risk which include the narrow profit margin per unit, the uncertainty of the future market, the high cost per unit, and the high administrative costs. Through a scenario analysis we analyzed the three potential demand scenarios for this project. We used the weak, strong, and average demand scenario variables to formulate the probabilities for the project. We found that the probability of the NPV is a significant negative value of $-6,300,213, see Exhibit VII for details of the scenario analysis. We also found that the probable IRR of the project was very low at 4.01%. Given the low IRR probability of 4.01% that means it is significantly lower than the SP 500 market return of 11% and barely a point higher than the 10-year treasury note yield of 2.71%. The low probable internal rate of return is another red flag for the riskiness and viability of the refrigerator project for Tesca Works, Inc. The weak demand scenario produced significant negative values for the NPV and the internal rate of return (IRR). The weak scenario also produced a non-existent payback period within the 20 year production lifecycle of the project. With each scenario the selling price and unit sales were changed, however, the high cost of each unit and administrative costs remained the same, thus adding to the risk of the project since it is highly reliant on an average or strong demand and higher sales prices per unit. While the project has the potential of a very high NPV, IRR, and payback period with a strong demand, the projects sensitivity to price and market demand make this a very risky project to undertake at this time. If there were ways to increase the profit margin or decrease the fixed costs of the project that may help decrease the risky nature of this particular project. 8) Would you recommend that Tesca Works accept or reject the project? What is the basis for your recommendation? We would not recommend this project for Tesca Works, Inc. Our recommendation is for Tesca management to reject the project. Our analysis has shown this project to be too sensitive to market shift and too risky to undertake at this time. While there is excitement across the country for more energy efficient appliances, we feel that the project poses some significant risks for Tesca. The successful outcome of the project truly relies on the demand from consumers. Their demand will determine the selling price and sales volume of the refrigerator units. If this demand is barely below the average demand we will see a negative NPV for the project and thus a negative result for Tesca Works, Inc. Recent economic history in the United States has shown the economy to be unstable and may not provide an average or strong demand for the product. While we feel the energy costs across the country could be of significant importance for a project of this nature we do not feel that there is enough lee way in the profit margin of the project to be economically feasible should demand be lower than anticipated. Our analysis showed the project to be very sensitive to the sales price per unit value of the refrigerator. We used the average demand scenario to produce a sensitivity analysis and found that with just a 5% decrease in the sales price of the refrigerator the NPV quickly dipped into a negative value thus showing the project to be extremely sensitive to the sales price of the refrigerator. Our scenario analysis also exposed a strong probability of the project giving a negative Net Present Value and giving a probable low Internal Rate of Return of only 4.01%. This is mainly due to the projects sensitivity to the sales price of the refrigerator and the potentially lower sales in the event of weak demand for the product. The project’s profit margin is too close to allow for market demand fluctuations which would cause the project to have a negative net present value. If Tesca were to offer the refrigerator at a higher sales price this would yield a stronger profit margin and may alter the recommended rejection of this project. As we discussed the project is far too sensitive to changes in the sales price of the refrigerators. Even with an average demand of sales volume, if we reduce the sales price we begin to see a negative NPV for the project. Thus, the project is too sensitive to minor changes in the profit margin of the refrigerators. Which is why we are recommending a rejection of this project for Tesca Works, Inc.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Stages of Alzheimers Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques
Stages of Alzheimers Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the general type of dementia that affects the elderly population globally. An accurate and early diagnosis of Alzheimer is crucial for the treatment of patients suffering from AD. In this paper, two different classifiers, SVM (Support Vector Machine) and an ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System) have been employed to classify patients between AD control, mild control and normal control. The system employed MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data obtained from the ADNI dataset of 150 subjects consisting of 75 normal controls, 50 mild controls and 25 AD controls. Initially, image processing techniques like segmentation and feature extraction are applied on these MRI images to enhance the classification accuracy. The segmentation is performed using k-means clustering and a GLCM (Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix) are used to extract the 2D features of the left ventricle of the brain. The extracted features are then utilized to train the classifiers and the results obtained from both classifiers are then compared. It is shown that the classification accuracy of ANFIS is more when compared to that of SVM classifier. Keywords: Alzheimer, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System), SVM (Support Vector Machine). 1. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative syndrome [1] of the brain tissues that results in progressive and permanent loss of mental function. The disease generally starts with mild indications and ends with severe damage in brain. The pathophysiology of the disease is associated with the damage and death of the neurons, originating in the hippocampus region of the brain that is involved with learning and memory, then atrophy impacts the whole brain. According to epidemiological information Alzheimer affects approximately 26 million people all over the world. In order to give proper care to AD patients, it is vital to measure the amount of atrophy present in the cerebral cortex during the initial stages of AD. The early detection of these diseases can greatly enhance diagnosis. But, diagnosis of this disease depends on the history, neuropsychological tests and clinical assessment. However, the clinical assessment is biased and the neuropsychological test does not provide high accuracy for early stage detection of the disease. In addition to neuropsychological analysis, structural imaging is greatly utilized in order to provide support to AD diagnosis. The whole brain approach utilized for describing the brain atrophy might be capable of differentiating between AD and MCI (mild cognitive impairment) patients. Recent researches [1, 2] show that the analysis of brain scan images is more consistent and subtle in identifying the presence of Alzheimer’s disease than the conventional cognitive assessment. In this circumstance, several machine learning approaches have been presented in order to perform neuroimaging analysis for classification of AD. In addition, all these approaches require training sets that is well categorized structure in order to classify each new subject that belongs to the test set. Recently MRI data have become center of several machine learning techniques for classifying subjects as CN vs. AD or CN vs. MCI. The focus of this paper is to classify between the different stages of AD utilizing machine learning techniques. Here, all the MRI brain scan images are segmented using k means clustering and the 2D shape features of the ventricles are obtained using GLCM based feature extraction. Then the extracted features are utilized for classification. First, an SVM based classifier is employed to classify the test data into three categories: normal, mild and AD. Second, an ANFIS based classifier is utilized for classification. Finally, the results of the two classifiers are compared and have been shown that ANFIS classifier outperforms SVM classifier. 2. Related Works Alzheimer’s disease (AD) classification is vital for early detection and diagnosis of the disease. Several studies explored machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence for detecting the cerebral changes and differentiate between normal aging and AD patients [1-3]. In [4] a support vector machine (SVM) based machine learning approach has been utilized for automatic classification entire brain anatomical MRI data to differentiate between elderly control and AD control patients. In this study, 16 patients with AD control and 22 patients with elderly control were used. Depending upon the gray matter characteristics extracted from region of interest (ROI), the SVM algorithm is used for classifying the subjects and the arithmetic procedures are based on bootstrap resampling in order to ensure the strength of the results. In [5] a local patch based subspace ensemble approach has been proposed that constructs several different classifiers depending on the various subsets of local patches and they are combined for robust and more accurate classification. Here, every brain image is segmented into number of local patches and the subset of patches is selected from the patch pool and a sparse representation based classifier technique has been used in order to construct a weak classifier. The multiple weak classifiers are then combined for making final decision. [6] A framework for classifying Alzheimer’s disease utilizing ADNI dataset is presented. The framework fuses overlap based and registration based similarity measures that are enhanced employing a self-smoothing operator. These enhanced metrics are then employed for the classification of Alzheimer disease. In [7] an automatic classification system for recognizing AD in MRI (structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging) has been developed. The system utilizes visual content description of anatomical brain structure (hippocampal region) and fuses two biomarkers CSF and hippocampus in order to enhance the classification accuracy. It is shown that the classification accuracy is more in case of fusion than when utilizing CSF volume or visual features separately. In [8] support vector machines (SVM) were assessed to determine whether data combined from various scanners would provide effective classification. Here, a linear SVM has been employed to classify GM (grey matter) portion of T1 weighted MR image. The results show that about 96% of clinically verified AD patients were accurately classified exploiting the entire brain image. [9] Classified between healthy, MCI and AD patients with the help of support vector machine (SVM). The author also analyzed the accuracy of classification when several a natomical brain regions and various image modalities are combined. Therefore, global and regional grey matter, regional asymmetry coefficients, Ti- quantitative MRI data and regional with matter volumes are combined. It shows that an accuracy of 88.3% in case of CTL vs. AD and 81.8 % in case of CTL vs. MCI was attained. In [10] a binary SVM has been proposed to classify patients between mild cognitive impairment and elderly control subjects from MRI images. This approach utilized a Java Agent DEvelopement Framework (JADE) in order to reduce the computation time. 3. Materials and Methods In this section, the data set and methods utilized in this study as well as the description of the proposed framework depicted in fig 1 are presented. 3.1 Subjects The data employed in this study were obtained from ADNI (Alzheimers disease Neuroimaging Initiative) database [11]. ADNI utilizes biomarker measures and neuroimaging in order to track the changes taking places in the brain of the subjects under study for diagnosing AD at an early stage. Fig 1 Block Diagram of the step involved in the classification of stages of AD 3.2 Image Preprocessing The collected T1 weighted MRI images were free from noise, missing data and outliers. In preprocessing step all the MRI brain images are segmented into VM, GM, CSF and Ventricle tissues that represent vital information about brain degeneration disease. A clustering based segmentation approach has been employed for this purpose. The k means clustering is exploited in order to extract the VM, GM and CSF features the entire MRI brain image. It partitions the data points into k clusters [12] based on the inherent distance between the data points. The intent is to minimize inter cluster variance. For a healthy MRI brain image, k is usually three (corresponding to grey matter, white matter and CSF). After segmenting the MRI brain images into GM, WM and CSF, morphological operations are applied to obtain the binary ventricle tissue. Here, morphological operators such as erosion and dilution are applied. 3.3 Feature Extraction In order to accurately classify AD patients ventricle shape features are extracted. In this work, the 2D shape features are extracted from the ventricles based on Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) feature extraction. This method computes the co-occurrence matrix of each image present in the database by calculating how frequently pixel x with certain intensity value take place in relation with other pixel y at a specific orientation ÃŽ ¸ and distance d. The eleven features calculated from every co-occurrence matrix, generates set of feature vectors. These feature vectors include contrast, homogeneity, energy, correlation, mean, variance, rectangularity, elongation, circularity, area and perimeter and listed in table 1. Table 1: Extracted Features
Friday, September 20, 2019
How does Macbeth Change throughout the Play?
How does Macbeth Change throughout the Play? Throughout the course of the play, Macbeths character changes from good to evil. As the audience we are given ample opportunities to look at the way in which he changes and the influences that help bring about the shift in character. Shakespeare also uses dramatic devices to highlight Macbeths change. In this essay the influences that Macbeth was exposed to and the effect that Shakespeares use of dramatic devices has on the audiences understanding will be explored. A soliloquy is a classical literary technique it is the act of speaking while alone, especially when used as a theatrical device that allows a characters thoughts and ideas to be conveyed to the audience. In a play, soliloquies are important because these are the thoughts of the character and he/she will always be telling the truth. The soliloquies let the audience keep up with how the main characters are thinking so that the writer can create the image that there are many sides to every character. Shakespeare uses soliloquies to give us an insight as to what Macbeth is thinking, they are un-edited thoughts and opinion that he is not saying to anyone else. As Shakespeare does not use a narrator who can explain what Macbeth really thinks, it is important for Macbeth that he uses soliloquies; as he is a complex character, his entire personality changes throughout the course of the play. Soliloquies are a window directly into his thoughts and emotions. Without them, we would only know, as much as the other characters and by knowing more there is sometimes some dramatic irony which therefore gives the audience power. Macbeth has a few fatal flaws which allow him to receive the title of a traditional tragic hero. The first is his à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦vaulting ambition, and arrogance. This is a result of his hubris, tragic greed and pride. It is these excessive qualities which usually lead to the downfall and ultimately the death of a tragic hero in classical tragedy. After temptation from his wife and witches to perform murder Macbeth, makes this fall from a brave and noble general. This hubris is seen in many of Shakespeares other tragic plays where there is always a tragic hero who realises the error of their ways when it too late. This is seen in plays such as Anthony and Cleopatra, Othello and Hamlet. In William Shakespeares tragic play Macbeth, the state of mind of Macbeth deteriorates throughout the play as we see the transformation of Macbeth, from hero to villain. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth and Banquo are told to have been fighting in the battle. Macbeth is then hailed as brave Macbeth, as a hero because he has killed the rebel McDonald and is continuing to face the Norwegian troops successfully. Then we are told that Macbeth has triumphed again capturing the traitor Cawdor, obtaining ransom and a favourable peace treaty from the King of Norway. For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name - is used by a Sergeant to describe his actions in battle. O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman are used by the King. This shows that Macbeth really was a hero; as such, a compliment from the King was considered a great honour. The King, Duncan sentences Cawdor to death and rewards Macbeth with his title. He becomes a tyrant due to his ruthless ambition to be King, spurred on by some interfering witches putting ideas into his head by predicting that he will be King and Lady Macbeth, his bossy wife. Macbeth feels less and less guilty about the murders he has committed but Lady Macbeths mind deteriorates throughout the play, and slowly the locked up guilt drives her mad. In Act 1 Scene 3 the three witches greet Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor, Glamis and finally King. The belief in the existence and power of witches was widely believed in Shakespeares day, as confirmed by the witch hunt craze. The practice of witchcraft was seen to undermine and threaten the established order of religion and society, and so was not tolerated. The belief of the majority during the seventeenth century suggests that the witches are powerful figures who can exercise great power over Macbeth. Also King James the First took a great interest in witches, having many killed, however most importantly he believed in witchcraft and its power. The three witch characters in Macbeth are seen as evil. It could be concluded that they were responsible for creating Macbeths evil desire for the throne, therefore the audience may be influenced by Shakespeares portrayal of the witches and believe his representation of them. Macbeths character begins to develop in the way he reacts to the witches prophecies. The witches planted seeds of ambition in his mind and he lets them fester until he begins to believe them. Later in the scene Macbeth is actually announced Thane of Cawdor. In a soliloquy Macbeth ponders upon what the witches have predicted This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill cannot be good. If ill why hath it given me earnest of success commencing in a truth? At this point Macbeth is trying to convince himself that there is nothing wrong with what has happened and that if it were evil then something good would not have come from it. The fact that repetition is used emphasises the main theme of the play, the balance between good and evil. When evil prevails everything takes a turn for the worst reminding us to choose good over evil. He then goes on to say: My Thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical. This quotation shows that Macbeths idea to murder Duncan is still only a fantasy and is not reality, indicating he is unsure and may need persuasion either way. At this point in the play he is in doubt or sitting on the fence. Banquo then interrupts Macbeth during his speech saying Look how our partners rapt. This could symbolise how there is a direct contrast as now Banquo is the symbol of good and Macbeths integrity is in question. Macbeth then says: If chance will have me king then chance will crown me without my stir. From this quote w e can see that Macbeth is willing to let fate take its course, and accepts that what will be, will be. The witches prophecies make him believe he will be crowned without having the act noble. However this is not what happens, Macbeth feels the need to direct his destiny to ensure his place on the throne. The next soliloquy is short and it deals with Macbeths views on who was the currant heir to the throne the Prince of Cumberland. -The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step on which I must fall down, or else oerleap, for in my Way it lies. At this point Macbeth is filled with anger and jealousy. Macbeth is stating that the Prince of Cumberland is in the way of him and the throne. Macbeth knows he must deal with the prince somehow, or else he will be beaten by him. At the end of the speech his tone is more calm and controlled as he maintains his decency and morality by masking what lies beneath. Let not light see my black and deep desires. It is apparent that he is surer than in the previous speech as no questions are asked, showing his state of mind is less doubtful. Although he is angry, especially at the beginning of the speech, Macbeth seems clearer in his mind about his plans concerning gaining the throne. However he is still aware that it is wrong to think such black thoughts. The main change in Macbeths character from the previous speech is that he is more certain in his mind and in his actions. He is more decisive and in addition he is becoming increasingly deceptive. In the next soliloquy, in Act I Scene 7, Macbeth finds himself struggling with his conscience, over the possibility of regicide. He is troubled that the consequences he would face were enormous, and that there are many reasons why he should not murder Duncan. At the beginning of the soliloquy he has made no decision as to whether the deed will be carried out and at the end of the soliloquy he is still undecided. Macbeth is speaking as his servants are preparing for Duncans arrival at Macbeths castle. This is also a time when Macbeth realises that what the witches predicted is coming true. The soliloquy opens with a euphemism of the word murder If it were done. Macbeth uses this, and other, euphemisms because murderous thoughts are alien to him. Macbeth is depicted by the language to be a very moral and conscientious man. The euphemisms show that the horrid deed disgusts him, because he knows that regicide is a serious sin punishable by eternal damnation. There is also an example of alliteration in this speech: If th Assassination Could trammel up the Consequence, and catch, With his Surcease, Success The sibilance used in this quotation draws attention to surcease and success. The use of these words is ironic because, it is very rare that death and success are related to each over. Macbeth is willing to sacrifice the afterlife for greatness, now, in this life. At this point Macbeth is clearly giving the idea considerable serious thought. He goes on to list all the decisions why he shouldnt kill Duncan. This shows he is still logical in his decisions and he is aware of how traitorous it is for a host and kinsman to kill the king. He should be the one person who should risk his own life to stop such a thing happening to the king whilst he is in his house Not bear the knife myself .In this soliloquy Macbeth reveals to the audience his lose morals, because the theme of this speech is that he regards murder as worthwhile and thinks there is nothing wrong with it if you benefit. However Macbeth recognises that it is his ambition to become King that will lead to his downfall. But in these cases We still have Judgement here, that we but teach Bloody Instructions, which, being taught, return To plague th Inventor. Macbeth is now aware that his bad deeds will come back and plague him; this is a factor which occurs in most of Shakespeares tragedies where the main character contributes to his own downfall. At this point in the play the audience may start to really dislike his character. He is showing no signs of doubt. It shows he can not differentiate between good and evil because he is so ambitious he is focused only on becoming King and it does not matter to him how he achieves his goal. During the next soliloquy the murder is immanent; Macbeth is waiting for the bell which is the signal for him to go a kill Duncan. This is a very edgy and tense time for Macbeth his mind is tormented and so he begins to hallucinate, and he sees a dagger. Is this a Dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my Hand? Having this speech just before the murder creates an air of apprehension. There is a sense that there is no going back. The bell which Lady Macbeth rings is a sign for the act of murder to begin; this adds to the intensity of the speech and creates suspense. Macbeth is now more recognisable as evil. The bell signals the beginning of the end for Macbeth, his character can never return after this night, and his deeds become more and more gruesome and evil as the play progresses. It now seems that he is eager to murder Duncan; Come let me clutch thee. This shows that Macbeth is anticipating how the murder will be carried out. Instead of contemplating whether he will murder Duncan, he is now deciding how to murder Duncan. Macbeth is no longer using the reasoning, which separated him from animals, and has reduced himself to the level of an animal. The animal, which is mentioned, is the wolf, which in Macbeths age, was a symbol of witchcraft and evil, again showing that Macbeth is now predominantly evil. His lack of reason is shown by the less frequent use of euphemisms. Even though Macbeth still uses some euphemisms, his conscience is scorched, and during this soliloquy he uses the word murder for the first time. Macbeth himself seems to have an exceptionally low view of himself at this point; he compares himself to a rapist, a ghost and a wolf. The Wolf, Whose Howls his Watch, thus with his stealthy Pace, With Tarquins ravishing Sides, towards his design moves like a ghost. Macbeth despises himself for what he is about to do, it shows weakness in his character because he is willing to sacrifice any sort of morals which he had before to satisfy his greed. At the end of the speech a rhyming couplet is used to emphasise the murderous deed as Macbeth hopes the bell does not wake Duncan for with it comes his death. - Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a Knell, That summons thee to Heaven or to Hell The next soliloquy in Act 3 Scene 1 is a reflective one as Macbeth is now king, you would have thought that at this point he would be content having achieved his goal. This soliloquy contains thoughts of Banquo as Macbeth feels threatened by him, as the witches told him that Banquo will get kings not be one meaning his sons will become kings, this scares Macbeth. In this speech a lot of Banquos qualities are listed like how wise, brave and noble he is. There are definitely some similarities between Banquo and Macbeth at the beginning of the play. Macbeth still has a very high view of himself, even though he is now a murdering tyrant. My Genius is rebukd, as it is said Mark Antonys was by Ceasar. This shows how Macbeth sees himself as a genius and also compares himself to previous great emperors such as Mark Antony. Nevertheless, deep into the story Macbeth still refers back to what the witches said, it is obvious they were a big influence on the play and on Macbeths actions. They haild him Father to a Line of Kings. Upon my Head they placd a fruitless Crown, And put a barren Sceptre in my Gripe Here it is said by Macbeth that the witches had told him that Banquo would have sons who would become Kings, and he would not have children who would become heir to the throne. Macbeth feels bitter and jealous because he has fought and given up so much to become king and now he feels it was all pointless, perhaps he is beginning to regret all his evil deeds. For them the gracious Duncan have I murderd. The fact that Macbeth has referred to King Duncan as gracious shows that he still has respect for him and may be starting to regret his deeds. This speech is essentially saying Macbeth knows that he has sacrificed a great deal but is still not a lot better off, and still it is Banquo who is prophesied to be the happy one with his children being part of a long line of Kings. Macbeth is beginning to see his own demise and feels; regret and fear and traces of guilt for the murder of Duncan. However outwardly he is still confident, happy and able to carry out murders if he feels it can sa ve him. In the soliloquies found in Act 5, Scene 3 the speech provokes sympathy for a now wrecked and broken man. As the first words are I am sick at heart this is quite a ground breaking statement as it is Macbeth declaring he is depressed and he is emotionally troubled. Perhaps his heart is ill due to it being polluted with regret and with all the evil he has committed, and for what? There is no material gain for Macbeth and definitely no emotional gain. There a slight hint of suicide about this speech as Macbeth says I have livd long enough. He uses colours again to symbolise how he is feeling at the time and also autumnal metaphors, mentioning the Yellow Leaf which implies that he has passed his time and is a wilting leaf whom is dying and will drop to the ground and be forgotten. This is on the whole a sad soliloquy as it is shows the audience Macbeths absolute regret and his acceptance that what he has done did have consequences, in that he has lost all his honour, he is not loved, he is incapable to be obedient and is lonely without a friend in the world. As Honour, Love, Obedience, Troops of Friends, I must look not to have There is a significant alteration in Macbeths character now as he now no longer possesses the desire to do anything with his life, he has lost all ambition and any drive towards anything, his attitude is extremely pessimistic. The final soliloquy just reiterates what was said in the previous soliloquy. It talks about the death of Lady Macbeth, life and the fragility of it. An excellent example of just how demoralised Macbeth is at this stage of the play is his reaction to the news that his wife has died. His reaction is not mournful and there are not even any signs of sadness, he merely says that now is not a good time for her to die and there would have been an appropriate time for he to pass away. She should have did hereafter; There would have been a Time for such a Word The final lines of the soliloquy probably reflect his view on life: it is a Tale Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury Signifying nothing. Throughout the play we see a complete and extreme change of Macbeths character, with a few aspects remaining constant. In the beginning, he is a faithful and loyal servant of the King but this soon changes. Both the witches and Lady Macbeth help his ambition develop and fester in his mind. In the beginning Macbeth is determined to prove to his wife that he loves her and his worth as a man. However, from this point onwards Macbeths ambition motivates him and overcomes his conscience, making him increasingly determined that nobody is going to stand in his way. He no longer needs Lady Macbeths persuasion and involves her less and less in his business. Nothing else appears to matter to him except his kingship and he is prepared to do anything to keep it, despite the fact he knows it is wrong. He reached the height of his wickedness when he mercilessly slaughtered Macduffs family, women and children. By the end of the play he has turned into a evil, slightly mad, tyrant and his determinat ion to keep hold of his crown eventually costs him his life.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Safe Learning Environment :: Education, Preventing Bullying
In this reflective account I will discuss and explain the key policies and legislations which are put together to promote a quality provision for young children. I will also examine the different strategies and practices used to promote young children’s learning. Policies I have collected three different policies from my setting, behaviour, safeguarding and equal opportunities. The main aim of this behaviour policy is: teachers and children respecting each others, preventing bullying, children learning discipline, taking action on bad behaviour, teachers creating a safe and learning environment for children. Children who have done well during the week will have their names announced at a special assembly. â€Å"emotional and social competence and well-being has a wide range of educational and work success, improved behaviour, increased inclusion, improved learning , greater social cohesion, increased social capital and improvements to mental health†(SEAL Weare and GRAY 2003), no page number). There are no legislations used in this policy but when this policy will be updated, the setting can look at other national policies and pedagogies to help them provide quality provision. Such as Every Child Matters agenda, SEAL, EPPE, As change for children paper (2003) has implemented five outcomes for children to achieve, these are â€Å"be healthy, sta y safe, enjoy and achieve, make positive contribution, and achieve economic well being†(ECM: CC, pg 9). This policy is promoting good 'quality' in giving children opportunities in making relationships, good level of achievements, good learning environment and learning boundaries. EPPE (2003) has defined quality as having good qualified staff, giving equal opportunities, partnership with parents. Safeguarding policy uses different guidance (see appendix). There are no legislations used in this policy, but by reading this policy it links within ECM agenda. ECM has designed â€Å"five key themes†, providing services to parents and children, early intervention, affordable services, quality provision and â€Å"strong foundations in the early years†( Pugh 2010, pg9). This policy can be referred to children act 2004. the main aim of this Act is To develop all the services for children, support â€Å"early intervention†, have good level of leadership in every services and multi – agency work. (CYPP, no year, page 1). Section 13 – 16 of children act 2004 outlines the importance of having local safeguarding child board for every setting, LSCB 's role is to promote every child's well being, and to protect children from harm and abuse.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource :: Renewable Energy Environment Essays Papers
Determining if Bagasse Contributes to Belize Electricity Resource Graphics Missing Boyle states that â€Å"Bioenergy is the general term for energy derived from materials such as wood, straw, or animal waste, which were once living material†(p 106). The energy stored in a living organism even when it’s dead is known as biofuel. This fuel is capable of producing energy. A biomass used for creating bioenergy in Belize is bagasse. The bagasse that is produced in Belize is created by the Belize Sugar Industries. Agriculture is the backbone of the Belizean economy, and one of the most important crops is sugar cane. â€Å"In 1994 there were 2,165 cane farmers cultivating sugar cane in Belize, most in small farms in the Orange Walk and Corozal districts. This paper provides the reader with a brief insight on the sources of Belize’s electricity. Boyle states that â€Å"Increased recovery of wastes, combined with improved efficiency of conversion to electricity, could result in up to fifty GW of generating capacity from the sugar industry world wide†(p 119). Bagasse is the biomass remaining after sugar cane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. It is made up of fifty percent of fiber, forty-eight percent moisture, and two percent of sugar. The web encyclopedia states that â€Å"a sugar factory produces nearly thirty percent of bagasse out of its total crushing†( Bagasse is often used as a primary fuel source for sugar mills, when burned in quantity; it produces sufficient heat energy to supply all the needs of a typical sugar mill, with energy to spare. Boyle states â€Å"The total energy content of the annual residues of the world’s two main crops, sugar and rice, is estimated as about 18Ej- similar to the total for temperate crops†(p 119). In Belize sugar cane and rice are two of the crops that produce capital for the country. However, Belize is still having a problem supplying its residents with a steady flow of electricity. The electrical power receive goes on an off from time to time. â€Å"During the dry season Mexico supplies more than fifty percent of Belize’s electricity†(Belize Electricity Limited). The rest of the electricity is produces through diesel generators and the dams. The dam’s supplies should produce about thirty percent of the electricity needed. When Mexico is in need of electricity they cut the electricity that they sell Belize and use it.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
How the women in two stories are treated by the men in their lives Essay
Examine how the women in two stories are treated by the men in their lives Two short fiction stories which show how women are treated by the men in their lives are The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion and Weekend. The first story is a pre-1914 story called ‘The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion’ and it is written by Thomas Hardy. The story is set in 1801 and it was published in 1891.The other story is a more modern story as it is set in the late twentieth century and was published in 1981. It is called ‘Weekend’ and it is written by a feminist writer called Fay Weldon. The main theme of The Melancholy of the German Legion is how a woman is treated with little independence and how the main female character, Phyllis Grove, tries to find her own freedom by forming a strong friendship with a German soldier that escalates into a relationship. Phyllis is a shy, young character who lives in a secluded manor house with her father, Dr Grove, who was a professional and well-respected gentleman. There now appears to be a lack of money in the Grove household. She is very wary of people due to her sheltered life of solitude, which is mainly the result of her father’s own seclusion,’ her social condition was twilight.’ She doesn’t appear to have a job as she is the unmarried daughter and she has to look after her father. This was very common for women in the nineteenth century as they didn’t have the freedom to go to work and make a career for themselves. Women who were of a low social class would have done very menial jobs, su ch as maid or dairy maid. Martha is the female in focus in the story Weekend. The story appears to be set in the late 1980’s to the early 19990’s. The social class of the family in focus is working class as they do not appear to be poor or extremely rich. Martha is a middle-aged market researcher who is married to Martin, a freelance designer and together they have three children called Jolyon, Jenny and Jasper. She has a rather hectic lifestyle looking after three children, running a home, holding down a full-time job and being at her demanding husband’s beck and call ‘ there was the car to unpack and the beds to make up and the electricity to connect, and the supper to make and the cobwebs to remove.’ The main theme of this story is how hard Martha has to work and how little recognition she receives in return. She has to play the role of the happy little housewife to please her domineering husband and informs us of how hard her life was made by her husband, the man who is meant to love her. Despite the way she is treated by her husband, she is educated to university standard and she is most probably going to overtake her husband in earnings. The main male characters in The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion each treat Phyllis in a different manor. Her father, Dr Grove, seems very over-protective of her and likes his life of seclusion. This may be because he lost his wife and feels that it is his duty to make sure that no harm comes of Phyllis and that he thinks he knows what is best for his daughter. When Humphrey Gould asked Mr Grove for his daughter’s hand in marriage, Mr Grove accepted without even consulting Phyllis. Mr Grove considered this to be a good move for his daughter as Humphrey’s family had a respectable social position in the community and he could provide for her. Even though Mr Grove treats his daughter with the respect she deserves, he still refrains her from having her freedom and the right to chose who she wants to marry. Humphrey Gould himself was a thirty-year-old bachelor from an old local family, who was ‘neither good-looking nor positively plain.’ He seemed extremely happy to have Phyllis as his wife-to-be and gave the impression that he would take good care of her and had great respect for her. He treated her as a lady with great respect, but despite the good image we get of Gould in the beginning of the story, we soon see a different side of him. He goes away to Bath and doesn’t keep Phyllis informed of his whereabouts and she is left questioning whether the engagement is still on or not. When he eventually returns he tells her that he has married another young woman, who he describes as being ‘a dear young belle.’ This action wasn’t very thoughtful on his behalf and even though Phyliss didn’t really want to marry him and didn’t love him, she still fells slightly betrayed. The only male in The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion who doesn’t treat women as though they are objects and treats Phyllis with the amount of respect and freedom she truly deserves is Matthaus Tina. He was a German soldier in the York Hussars regiment and was staying close to where Phyllis lived. He had travelled to England with his brother Christoph, due to The War of the Second Coalition, and had left his mother in his native town of Saarbuck. After Phyllis had first met Matthaus she couldn’t stop thinking about him and described him as ‘so striking, so handsome, and his eyes were so blue.’ He was twenty-two and had quite a high position in the German Army as a corporal. He treated Phyllis as though she were equal to him and there was no hint of a divide between them due to her being female. He respected her fully and never let her down, unlike Humphrey Gould who broke off the engagement. He may have treated her with more respect and freedom than the other main men in her life as he was German and in his country they may have been more hospitable towards women. Martin is the male in focus in Weekend and his is a very obnoxious character. He is married to Martha and he is a freelance designer and there are clues in the story which suggest that he is in his forties, for example ‘he watches the BBC2 news,’ which is typical of a middle-aged person. Martin treats Martha as more of a servant than a wife and he puts all of the responsibilities onto her. He seems to think that he is too good to be doing housework and odd-jobs and Martha is left to do long lists of chores, ‘prepare tea and sandwiches for the family: then she would strip four beds,’ the chores seem endless. Martin is also very particular about how he like things to be done, which means extra work for Martha. Martin thinks ‘ mash is stodgy and ordinary and instant mash is unthinkable,’ which means Martha has to take a long time to sautà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ the potatoes and he thinks pork is a dull meat if it’s not cooked properly, so she has to spe nd ages cooking it just how he likes it. Martha doesn’t say much in the story as she can’t get a word in edgeways because in his eyes he is the man of the house, even though Martha runs the household. She doesn’t have much of a chance to voice her opinions directly, but she does voice them in her thoughts as the story is mainly written in first person narrative with her as the narrator. She helps us to get inside her head and with her use of lists she helps to inform us of just how many things she has to do. She seems to scared to disagree with Martin and goes along with whatever he says ‘I expect your right,’ just to keep the peace. Martha and Phyllis are similar in many ways, even though they are in different situations and from different backgrounds. They are both overpowered by the men in their lives who are closest to them and they are both deprived of having their own lives. Neither of the women seem to have a say about what happens in their lives, for example Phyllis was told who to marry by her father and Martha was told what to with her life by her husband. Despite the number of similarities between the two women there are also some differences between them. Martha put up with her way of life and didn’t question it much, but Phyllis did decide to change things. She chose to carry on the affair with Matthaus Tina as she saw a break from her regimented lifestyle and went against her father’s wishes. Phyllis became quite rebellious when she was planning to escape to Saarbuck with Matthaus and Christoph. This is something that Martha would never have considered doing. Both of the women are victims in each of the stories, but I think that Martha’s suffering was worse than that of Phyllis as hers was constant and she never got a break from it. Phyllis is treated better than Martha in that respect as she had someone in her life who was treating her very well. That person was Tina as he was the only one who saw the true Phyllis and respected the true Phyllis. To me, Martha’s victimisation is worse than that of Phyllis’ as in 1981 Martha should have had more chances and opportunities due to the development of society, than Phyllis did in1801. I felt very sympathetic towards both of the female characters due to the fact that they are seen as victims and I also felt sympathetic towards Matthaus Tina. I felt sympathetic towards him as he did so much for Phyllis and did his best to keep her happy. It was very sad when he was killed at the end of the story and I again felt very sympathetic towards Phyllis as she lost the one person she truly trusted. The rest of her life is touched by the scandal, even though she was blameless for what happened. The type of language used in each of the stories is suited to the time that it was written and they are very different to each other. The language in The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion is formal and uses traditional English, such as ‘unsrupulous’ and ‘melancholy,’ as that type of language would have been used in the nineteenth century. It contains more complex sentences than that used in Weekend and they are sometimes harder to comprehend. The narrative in The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion starts in first person, which is Hardy’s narration to introduce the characters and scene to the reader. It then progresses into third person narrative to involve the reader in the story, before returning to first person narrative to tie of all loose ends in the story, for example Matthaus’ date of death. The use of third person narrative enables the reader to see more deeply into the story and become more involved in what is happening. The narrative style and language used in Weekend is less formal than that used in Hardy’s stories. There are many non-sentences, such as ‘Katy versus Janet,’ which do not contain a verb and are more of a thought .There are many compound sentences that use words such as then, but, and, so, which helps Martha to express how many jobs she has to do. This use of language is well suited to the date in which the story was set. The role and rights of women changed quite a lot in the period of time between when the two books were written. In 1801, nobody had the chance to vote and your right to a say depended on your position in society. Men with homes got the vote in 1867, all men got the vote in 1916 and women didn’t get the vote until 1926. This meant that for along time women were seen as being lower than men and were provided for by their husbands. Other turning points for women in this time span were that they were able to get jobs and were protected by The Sex Discrimination Act,1975. This explains why Martha had a job and Phyllis didn’t, but there is still no explanation to support why Martha was treated so badly in modern day Britain. My conclusion is that Fay Weldon was trying to get across that some traditions never change.
Monday, September 16, 2019
What Is Risk Stratification Health And Social Care Essay
Accurate stratification of the hazard involved with the patient is a cardinal constituent in wellness attention appraisal of the procedural results.An increasing no of wellness attention organisations are acquiring dependant on the wellness attention appraisal through such plans as a agency for aid in doing patient risk-stratification determinations. The lone trouble persist that the procedure of outcome theoretical account development is both clip consuming and hard due to the preliminary phase. Many techniques can be used for medical appraisal of hazard like patterning techniques ( logistic arrested development, unreal nervous web ( ANN ) , and Bayesian ) to quickly develop theoretical accounts for hazard stratifying patients. The lone difference is their method of analysis. The job pertains that none of the technique give accurate consequences or are or hundred per centum dependable. Thresholds are mark based research technique based on grounds that provides numerical marks for healthy development. Targets are derived by careful rating of the given literature on history of the instance surveies agree on a peculiar phenomenon. Assorted different bomber populations like Hazard stratification theoretical accounts can help clinicians in doing determinations on the topic of the demand for extra testing one time a preliminary clinical estimation has been performed. The American Society of Anaesthesiologists ( ASA ) classification of Physical Status was the first clinical manifestation developed to calculate hazard. Introduced in 1941, it was remodelled to its current signifier in 1962 [ 4 ] . Patients are categorized into one of 5 major categories based upon the presence and manifestations of attached medical upsets and whether exigency surgery is required. The public-service corporation of this index is limited by intra spectator incompatibility in evaluation and fluctuations in the prognostic power for postoperative enlistments. Disease Stage, Prevention, and The Care Management Process are correlated in a manner where at an initial phase the patient visits a GP based on early symptoms or hurt at this phase the practician accesses the patients intervention needs or suggest certain trials t the patient. At the following phase where after rating of the disease the future postulation is made on the demand of hospitalization and therefore the population is sorted into the religious orders required. On meeting a major disease where reoccurrence of disease or mortality is a status a set of rules for disease direction in performed by the practicians if hospitalization is required an operative demand arises instance direction under infirmary disposal is the concluding phase which may take to either complete intervention of the high hazard patient or mortality, complication or reoccurrence. Models are specified utilizing the PRISM modeling linguistic communication for the Reactive Modules formalism based on province alteration. Systems are described faculties arranged parallely for treating. Each faculty ‘s province is controlled by the assigned probabilistic guarded bids. The linguistic communication besides supports assorted procedure algebraic operations with agencies of planetary variables and synchronism. See the PRISM certification and illustration depository at [ 6 ] for more information. The PRISM model identifies strengths and failings in RHIS public presentation bridging the spreads hence found, taking to the sweetening of wellness system public presentation. Routine wellness information systems ( RHIS ) attempt record and present quality information about the wellness sector organisations. This information is so used as a usher to daily interventions, path modus operandi, rectifying the past consequences, and therefore increasing the answerability. But the information available in such instances falls short the ideal demands to bring forth high quality systems, informations quality may be low, intermediate procedures of informations other may non be, or directors and staff may hold limited cognition sing information public-service corporation and usage of systems, inducements to give attending to the direction of information system processes may be few. Looking narrowly at proficient issues such as informations aggregation forms we understand the troubles associated with bettering the RHIS systems through PRISM. Refined ways to place and use multiple, frequently aggressive, therapies to accomplish maximum malignant neoplastic disease control its indispensable to assist bad patient. Clinician can besides give these patients the option to inscribe in clinical tests that offer fresh therapies. Classification of patients into established and consistent hazard classs is besides of cardinal importance in doing comparings between patients in clinical databases. Sophisticated analytical instruments incorporate hazard grouping of similar preoperative clinic pathologic parametric quantities like pre-treatment serum PSA, biopsy mark and capacity parametric quantities, and medical tumor phase. Stiring research in the word picture of prostate malignant neoplastic disease may one twenty-four hours supply more accurate and individual-specific hazard appraisal. First introduced in 1966, Gleason mark was introduced to measure prostate malignant neoplastic disease. In many multivariate instances, the Gleason mark proves to be an independent forecaster of both diseased tumor phase and clip to biochemical return. Gleason class may be the most powerful preoperative predictive factor. Preoperative hazard tonss are a critical tool for hazard rating, cost-benefit analysis, and foreword of new tendencies. A series of mark systems have been developed to foretell mortality after executing an grownup bosom surgery these mark systems are based on patient derived informations, such as age, gender, and so forth, but there are considerable differences between tonss with respect to their design and cogency for bosom surgery with respect to their prognostic values and clinical pertinence for our patient population. Although most of the peculiar mark systems were first and first designed to foretell mortality, postoperative morbidity has been acknowledged as the major determiner of infirmary cost and quality of life after surgery. Therefore, we analyzed the selected hazard scores non merely with respect to their prognostic value for mortality, but for postoperative morbidity every bit good. Diabetess may be nowadays for up to 7 old ages before diagnosing early diagnosing, lifestyle alteration, and tight glycemic control are necessary to cut down complications ; nevertheless, these can non happen if diabetes remains undiagnosed. There is deficient grounds for or against everyday diabetes testing. Reason being the load and incommodiousness caused by fasting visits to run into the diagnostic Centres. Diabetess is normally diagnosed by fasting plasma glucose, values which require verification on a 2nd visit [ 7 ] . Opportunist programme for bad persons during unscheduled outpatient, pressing attention, or hospital visits may better rates of diagnosing. From the family interview informations, we analyzed information on self-reported age, sex, race/ethnicity, instruction, and income. While suppliers may take to utilize different tools for hazard stratification, the rule of deducing a low ( & A ; lt ; 0.5 % ) , moderate ( 4 % to 5 % ) and high pre-test chance ( & A ; gt ; 10 % ) could stay similar. [ 8 ] Prior studies of diabetes testing in community and clinical locales have yielded assorted consequences, frequently limited by low prevalence rates and hapless followup. Similar to any disease showing, patient attachment with collateral testing and subsequent therapy is critical to the successful execution. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of timeserving diabetes testing is ill-defined and will necessitate farther probe. The proposed algorithm of hazard stratification relied on practical logica l thinking and reading of the informations ; others may propose thresholds matching to different prognostic values, and cost effectivity analysis would farther clear up optimum thresholds for clinical pattern. Finally, this analysis provides a proposed algorithm, which, if validated, can function as a guideline for suppliers, but should non replace for sound clinical judgement for single patients. As disease direction plans have started maturating in size and capacity at that place exceeds an importance in the undertaking of warranting their disbursal by showing fiscal. It is no longer sufficient to support a plan based on an illustrated ROI. Insurers and investors seek in bend the factual relevancy, about which members are being identified, the hence taken intercessions that can perchance be applied to them with most effectivity, and which approach leads to genuine public presentation alteration and nest eggs. These demands for informations will merely magnify in the hereafter, which will take to insurance companies and plan designers deriving extra concern about economic optimisation of disease direction attempts. Intensive hazard profiling, prognostic modeling and stratification will be therefore mandatory demands on the portion of all who are involved in plan design and executing. [ 2 ] Hazard stratification and prognostic modeling applications are used in a assortment of disease province categorization systems derived utilizing claims informations. Algorithms based merely on pharmaceutics claims have the recompense of seasonableness, hygiene, and handiness, while still being robust and efficient in the anticipation of prospective health care results and the costs relative to their incorporated curative and pharmaceutics opposite numbers.
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